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Posts posted by b0r0b1

  1. Where are the settings that control the "server is online" portion? Everything works, Shows players on map, Can register accounts but the image says the server is offline. I'm not sure if it does a check to see if the realm is online with port 8085. I have the port opened in the firewall, but a check at canyouseeme.org shows it as closed, Most likely because no program is "using" the port. How do I get it to show the server online? I've even turned the firewall off and still shows as offline. What port exactly is the script checking to see if there is a live connection?

    Also, on click of Statistics and Counts link, it returns this error:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class DBLayer in /home/account/public_html/Registration/dblayer.php on line 12

    EDIT: removing require('dblayer.php');// database manipulating class (methods) from statistics.php seems to have fixed the problem, What exactly is dblayer.phps function?

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