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Posts posted by Birdman

  1. i assume this will sort out alot of the strange npc pathfinding behaviour like walking through walls (even with vmaps on) and so forth?

    what an awesome addition this would be

    We won't even need vmaps when this get's implemented except for line of sight issues with spells.

    This patch is be the biggest breakthrough since vmaps, anybody that can help should do so.

  2. I dboubt anyone can handle this patch and even if they can they either don't have the time, or mood to get into it.

    Derex is there any way the we, the unexperienced progammers can help ?, maybe even do some chores around your house to save you some time (<<kidding) but seriously, this is very important to me, i will help in any way i can, just telll me how.

  3. Ok recompiled the ad.exe and the map s work but..

    Some required *.dbc files (2 from 65) not found or not compatible:
    ./dbc/BattlemasterList.dbc (exist, but have 33 fields instead 34) Wrong client version DBC file?
    ./dbc/Map.dbc (exist, but have 123 fields instead 118) Wrong client version DBC file?

    Also i get an error when using ad.exe at the dbc files extraction

    Error opening archive './Data/lichking.MPQ': File operation Error

    And i get 6 warnings while compiling the ad.exe

    1>.\\system.cpp(174) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
    1>.\\libmpq\\parser.cpp(82) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
    1>.\\libmpq\\mpq.cpp(209) : warning C4018: '>' : signed/unsigned mismatch
    1>.\\libmpq\\mpq.cpp(374) : warning C4018: '>' : signed/unsigned mismatch
    1>.\\libmpq\\mpq.cpp(573) : warning C4018: '>' : signed/unsigned mismatch
    1>.\\libmpq\\common.cpp(616) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from '__int64' to 'unsigned int', possible loss of data
    1>Generating Code...
    1>Embedding manifest...
    1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\\Mangos\\contrib\\extractor\\release\\BuildLog.htm"
    1>ad - 0 error(s), 6 warning(s)
    ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

    PS: Codebox tag doesn't work

    Note that i used a clean 3.0.2 client not woltk alpha one

  4. Hey iv'e extracted the 3.0.2 dbc and maps with the ad.exe from the 302-willcrashforsure branch but i still get this:

    2008-11-01 21:17:18 ERROR:Map file './maps/0004331.map' is non-compatible version (outdated?). Please, create new using ad.exe program.
    2008-11-01 21:17:18 ERROR:Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmap/*vmdir files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map/*.vmap/*.vmdir files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.

    Any ideeas ? Note that vmaps are disabled by config and ive not extrated them.

    Also note that my 3.0.2 maps size is ~400 MB

  5. Hello all,

    This is an implementation proposal for a feature/bug that has been missing for the core for some time now, i'm talking about target management and loot selectability, speciffically being able to get the last hit on a target that doesn't belong to you and get the experience(mob nametag grayed out when a player has first hit on a target) also the annoying fact that even if a body has no loot i still have to loot it so the server knows there's no loot, this is perticulary annoying when skinning since if a skinnable body has no loot i still have to browse it's loot, and also the various bodys on the floor that don't belong to me can still be seen as lootable, to put it more shortly this would be a list:

    - Target management - when a player without a group attacks a target that target is only his and no other player can recevie any experience or select the body after it's dead

    - Loot management - create the loot before a player clicks on the dead body, and check if there is any loot before flagging the body as unlootable

    - group loot management - is the flagging of corpses in relation to the current loot rules set in the current group.

    I think that it could be done by flagging the body as non lootable after the initial checks.

    Now i know that this does not have higher priority that fixing crash reasons, but this is a visual and very obvious bug that has been with us for quite a long time and it will be a big piece in making the world have a more "official" feel to it.

    Thank you for your time.

  6. Making the best damn MMORPG for free might sound good for now but when it actually turns out that it will be a sucess some minds will turn to greed and money as always.

    Maybe you could give us a few insights so people will have a general ideea what it's all about ?

    Also keep in mind that it will have to start from ground 0 meaning a lot of reading and caching up to the companies that have been doing this for years.

  7. This project was never in danger because of Ascent or Trinity, i have watched this project slowly kill itself within the last few months, what i don't understand is, when there are volunteers willing to do the work, the project should mold itself around them, i know how hard leadership is Theluda and i understand that sometimes you have to make a decision for somebody because they can't make the right one on thier own, that's what being a lider is all about, but what is a lider without his crew, this is the 2nd time the mangos team has spit leaving less and less resources behind, yes i understand that there had to be a change to git for personal prefference or efficiency, but have the dev team split in two again just because of the working tools, people can adapt to them but shouldn't this project adapt to it's users and volunteers.

    About documentation yes i am aware that it is monumental work, maybe that's why it should have started long ago when people were a bit more exited about this whole thing, you yourself said that you payed a lot of money to make this project legal and help people around the world learn what a MMORPG server is all about, and if that wasn't your goal the i don't know what this project was about in the first place, i have to admit this has been a both educational and fun project for me and my goal was to see this project reach 1.0, but what's so bad about that, even after 1.0 is here the project can still continue ever stronger then before.

    I really tought this was the one, the project that could withstand all this egocentrism and immaturity, and of course it's still standing but it's not the same anymore the whole revamp has made a lot of users that were willing to stay with the slow advancement, alienate themselves and make threads such as this one, all of this change is a little to late into the project and i can see the community crumble down.

    Again i'm sorry for the doom's day approch of my post, but i really hate to see such a great project turn out the way it has.

  8. I agree that mangos is becoming more and more an uninteresting project with no hope of ever reaching the final goal most users just give up on it, seeing no progress for months then Theluda fades in and out when the project is in danger makes an announcement, or a forum/svn upgrade to keep people excited, unfotunately this is not the case.

    Isn't this project about learing ? I haven't seen a single tutorial on explaining how the mangos source code works, don't you realise that by putting a tutorial explaining the framework, game mechanics and it's features more and more coders will have an easyer time understanding, writing patches or submitting bugfixes ?

    Why does it take another branch to force people into taking actions, this it what is has all come to, fighting,bickering and drama just like in the other immature projects, what a waste of resources when we don't have any to begin with, do all the work twice, because of a simple test branch in the mangos svn, when there are(were) a lot of dev's willing and pleeding for a place where they could work and code massive ammounts of code but they weren't even listened too and the project remained stale and decayed more and more.

    I haven't seen a single ounce of drama since i first found the mangos forums, but all big giants have their endurance, look at the active users there used to be over 200 and now there are 50 on a good day, why must a project so good fade away slowly just when it's just starting to be usable and decent.

    This is becomming more and more a dev project each day with no hope for the basic user to learning anything, i have no hope for this project now, old bugs will remain old bugs and it will probably take years before we see the most essential bugs being fixed such as looting or target management.

    Sorry for continuing the negativity but this is how i feel, i don't see a future for this project now, maybe it will reach version 1.0 in 10 years but by then user count will=0....

    PS: VB Boards suck bigtime, i have never seen such a depressive and cold looking forum.

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