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Posts posted by rmensen

  1. The endless list all depends on how your ahbot.conf is configurated (mine does the same :P ).

    I can help you with 2 things:

    1. You could try to change the numbers behind the: "AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount." to make the DELETE & INSERT faster.

    2. Or change the number behind the: "AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle.Normal =" to a higher number than the default of 20, what (if I'm right) is calculated in minutes.

    NOTE: If you make changes to the ahbot.conf file and you have the server running, you have to use the: ".ahbot reload" command in the mangosd.exe to make it work.

  2. Sorry, but I don't know russian :(;)

    постоянно просматириваю новости по этой теме, у getmangos.eu интересная точка зрения на этот счет

    Translate from Google Translator (Russian - English):

    constantly prosmatirivayu news on this topic in getmangos.eu interesting point of view on this matter

    If "prosmatirivayu" would have been translated, I would have understand you, so please say it in English, Spanish, German or Dutch (because those I understand)

  3. Is there any way to have some sort of auction bot what puts stuff in the auction houses?

    What im trying to say: If people wanna sell/buy stuff, they normaly sell/buy it in the auction house, not in a shop. There they can put a high price (or low price :P), or buy/bid on stuff.

    But this time it isn't a player, but a bot what places stuff on there.

    This is usefull on low-popalation servers/LAN servers (like mine) as it make the game more challenging/realistic/fun (etc.)

    Thanks in advance

  4. Well, I don't know nothing about the core files or C++, but I got it working now.

    The thing is: I like learning/doing a lot of thing on my PC, including making/compiling private servers. (Ogame, RuneScape for example)

    Half a year ago, I used repacks to see if I could get something out of it but I was wrong: everything was automated.

    So now I started compiling MaNGOS and try things out. :)

  5. Im getting this error when starting the Server GaMED,jar on my LAN server

    [01:05.54] Starting up server.

    [01:05.54] Listening on port 9002

    [01:05.54] Server listener activated

    [01:05.54] Attempting to connect to gameserver.

    [01:05.54] Running SOAP interface.

    [01:05.54] Server operational.

    [01:05.54] Exception occured while obtaining last ticket ID

    What should I do?

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