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Posts posted by mookjin

  1. if ( EVOCATION > 0 && ai->GetManaPercent() >= 10 && !m_bot->HasSpellCooldown(EVOCATION) )

    be less than 10?

    Its also done again in non combat actions(with a different mana %)

    Regarding blizzard, it seemed to work fine for me, at least when I manually tell the mage to cast it

    The only other major thing I had with the mage ai is they don't conjour the appropriate level food/water

    Thanks for testing nightterror!

    I will have a look at these problems. I don't think it shouldn't be to hard to figure it out.

    Blizzard is channeling on your server?

    Hm.. Then there must be another problem with the blizzard on my server..

  2. I know its giong back a bit but did this ever get fixed?

    I fixed this rather crudely using a stat comparison where it sets to melee if agility is greater than int (holds for shaman and druid melee specs, at least for wrath)

    Obviously there are drawbacks with this and it would be easier if it could be spec based

    Is there a way to get the number of points in a tree?

    I would like to do something like make it based on the highest so to allow for hybrid specs(as opposed to checking certain spells)

    Unfortunately I don't know a way how to check which talent tree has the most points assigned.

    But this will be the best way to check the specs.

    I've done a workaround with checking if spells in the talent tree is available or not and then choose which rotation should be used.

    This are the files I'm currently using:

    playerbotmageai.cpp http://pastebin.com/C626yuAG

    playerbotmageai.h http://pastebin.com/4nAweZRF


    For me the Mage AI I've done feels good and plausible, and does quite good damage..

    The only problem, in my opinion, is the one with the not appearing frostauras on the enemies..

    By the way. Is the Spell "Blizzard" only bugged on my server or on yours also?

  3. Hey all,

    I searched in the code, where aura's from different spells where generated, but I couldn't found anything.

    In special I am searching for the "Fingers of Frost" or other freezing auras, I got the feeling they are not

    correctly working when using the playerbot.

    Another "problem" I have is that the Mage Spell Blizzard is not working and can' be cast on an area, but

    only with one single slash on a attacking creature.

    I guess this spell is currently not correctly working, is that also true for you?

    Thanks in advice!

  4. @tyrael:

    Thanks for all the input! I will try to implement it as good as possible!

    I had more free time this weekend as I thought, so I started coding on the Frost Mage and testing the Warrior and Mage against lower Levels.

    A view small adjustments where done and they seem to be reasonable in the lower levels ;)

    But with the Frost mage... Hm.. Could it be, that there is no Fingers of Frost Aura is comming up, when the Mage is a bot ?

    When playing him normal I had a view proggs of Fingers of Frost.

    Got they same feeling about Frostbite or any other freezing Auras...

    When I put the Fingers of Frost Aura manually on the target ( .aura 74396 ) he is using its ice lance spell.

    Does anybody know where to get the IDs from Frost Aura and other Auras?

    I couldn't find anything about it.

    Here are the mage sources I tested with, if anybody would like to double check the frost mage for the strange Aura behaviour (or test any other if he would like to):

    PlayerbotMageAI.cpp http://pastebin.com/C626yuAG

    PlayerbotMageAI.h http://pastebin.com/4nAweZRF

    For testing make sure you are using a frost skilled mage, otherwise it should automatically select the Arcan or Fire Mage rotation.

    Thanks for your help in advice!

  5. @tyrael:

    Thanks for the Info about the frostmage and all other Stuff. :)

    Never played a mage in my life!

    I will implement it and post it, when finished.

    About the otherclasses: Thanks for the Info!

    When I finished the warrior and Mage I will work on them and contact you.

  6. My Last Post was on Page 20 or so about choosing the rotation while getting the chosen talentspecs via known spells..

    Here is what I have done:

    This mage is, of cause a DD, and chooses is using a simple rotation with quite good DPS at lvl 80.

    Of course there could be adjusted a lot, but currently I'm a bit out of time :/

    Public paste!

    PlayerbotMageAI.cpp: http://pastebin.com/KweiHZ2z

    PlayerbotMageAI.h: http://pastebin.com/YTWPmDXY

    I hope I have more time in the next view weeks to check the warrior against other levels.

  7. @UnkleNuke

    I like the Idea to configure the rotations via DB or configuration file.

    But this will result in a more or less complex configuration language. Due to the need of Spells, which should at best only be cast when a certain Aura is either on the target or on the bot itself.

    Also we have do differentiate if this char should use a prioritylist or a special fixed rotation.

    Currently I got a small problem, when testing a simple Shaman Elemental script.

    I found out, that the shaman is always going into Melee and not in to Ranged combat.

    Even though I reconfigured the m_combatstyle in PlayerbotAI.ccp in PlayerbotAI::PlayerbotAI and in PlayerbotAI::ReloadAI.

    Is there anywhere else configured that he should use COMBAT_MELEE over COMBAT_RANGED?

    It couldn't find it :(

  8. Nice work!
    ... also I need to find a way to find out which talent spec the mage is currently running, and how to check whether using single target or AoE Spells)

    You can really expect a player to conform to a 'set' talent spec. Even with an 'ideal' talent spec it's often tweaked to taste, so it's generally better to check for single spells and ignore the passive talents, at least to start out with.

    That's a good idea! Would be indeed way easier.

    I will play around with it a bit.

  9. Here is my first, for me at lvl 80, functionally version for the Warrior AI.

    It holds the aggro from single targets as tank

    and it deals when assisting as "Furor Warrior" with two weapons good damage.

    Please keep in mind, that the assist is currently only working good as Furor and not as Arms-Warrior!

    What has to be done:

    - fit to lower levels

    - get aggro from other groupmembers

    What am I currently coding:

    Mage AI (Fire is finished; arcane I will begin shortly (maybe I do some ice stuff..), also I need to find a way to find out which talent spec the mage is currently running, and how to check whether using single target or AoE Spells)

    after that I will continue with the warrior!

    PlayerWarriorAI.cpp : http://pastebin.com/ShJ2jCm7

    PlayerWarriorAI.h : http://pastebin.com/KHdiQzVh

  10. In a series of IF/ELSEs (which, if it's not entirely, this should be), you (... generally) want the most restrictive clauses at the top. For example:

    if (x>10) else if (x>20) // second clause will *never* be called

    if (x>10.0f) else if (x>9.9999f) // second clause will very rarely be called (which, granted, may be the point)


    I thought to use it without "else if", check if there is enough rage for Heroic_Strike and other spells. Cast the Heroic_Strike and then Cast whatever Spell is next in the rotation or spellpriority.

    if ( ai->GetRageAmount() >= 50 &&  ai->CastSpell(HEROIC_STRIKE, *pTarget ) )
      ai->TellMaster("Casted Heroic_Strike");
    if (... )
     start rotation/spellpriority here;

    Nope, conditionals inside an IF clause, while using AND (&&) are only evaluated while the previous clause is true.


    -> true, continue

    -> false, skip the rest of this IF clause


    I didn't know that, or I forgot it in the past years. :)

    Thanks for the correction!

    hm.. Is there any "how to" for the code boxes?

  11. @kennuman:

    That's a good Idea with the heroic strike before all the IF's. I will test this in my code.

    The Idea to make the rotation/role of the bot based on the talents set really good.

    Also I think it should be possible to change it, if you just want the pala to heal instead of DD

    (of course he could not be such a good healer due to the "wrong" talents set)


    Had a small look over your code, and I think it could be that the problems lies in line number 196.

    else if (HEROIC_STRIKE > 0 && ai->GetRageAmount() > 110 && ai->GetAttackerCount() <= 2 && ai->CastSpell(HEROIC_STRIKE, *pTarget))

    As far as I know (correct me anybody if I'm wrong here) All Stuff in the round brackets "( )" will be executed in an "if"-clause to check if it's true or false.

    So here the Spell will be executed and returns a TRUE if he has enough rage and the spell will be done.

    Try to change it to this, I hope that helps and stops the spamming

    else if (HEROIC_STRIKE > 0 && ai->GetRageAmount() > 110 && ai->GetAttackerCount() <= 2 )


    ai->CastSpell(HEROIC_STRIKE, *pTarget);

    out << " > Heroic Strike > ";


  12. [

    i tried to use ur code for my warrior and sins im a noob i suck but i got this

    .\\..\\src\\game\\playerbot\\PlayerbotWarriorAI.cpp(278): error C2065: 'LastSpellTank' : undeclared identifier

    That's not that you're a noob. It's just I did not tell, that you had to edit your PlayerbotWarriorAI.h.

    At the end of that file, there is a line which should be changed from

    uint32 SpellSequence;


    uint32 SpellSequence,LastSpellTank;

    Then it should at least compile, I removed a lot from the other code.

    I uploaded the PlayerbotWarrior.AI.cpp I'm currently testing with to pastebin: http://pastebin.com/njrgbxza

  13. @Corzarium: I did it with a LastSpellCounter. and set the heroic strike at the end of the rotation:

    Here is how I made the tank rotation (includes a view debugging messages):

    if (DISARM > 0 && ai->GetRageAmount() >= 15 && !pTarget->HasAura(DISARM, EFFECT_INDEX_0) && LastSpellTank == 3)


    ai->CastSpell(DISARM, *pTarget);

    ai->TellMaster("Spell -> Disarm");

    LastSpellTank = LastSpellTank + 1;


    else if (SUNDER_ARMOR > 0 && ai->GetRageAmount() >= 15 && LastSpellTank == 4 )


    ai->CastSpell(SUNDER_ARMOR, *pTarget);

    ai->TellMaster("Spell -> Sunder Armor");

    LastSpellTank = LastSpellTank + 1;


    else if (REVENGE > 0 && ai->GetRageAmount() >= 5 && ai->CastSpell(REVENGE, *pTarget) && LastSpellTank == 4 )


    ai->TellMaster("Spell -> Revenge");

    LastSpellTank = LastSpellTank + 1;


    else if (SHIELD_BLOCK > 0 && !m_bot->HasAura(SHIELD_BLOCK, EFFECT_INDEX_0) && LastSpellTank == 5 )


    ai->CastSpell(SHIELD_BLOCK, *m_bot);

    ai->TellMaster("Spell -> Shield Block");

    LastSpellTank = LastSpellTank + 1;


    else if (SHIELD_WALL > 0 && !m_bot->HasAura(SHIELD_WALL, EFFECT_INDEX_0) && LastSpellTank == 5 )


    ai->CastSpell(SHIELD_WALL, *m_bot);

    ai->TellMaster("Spell -> Shield Wall");

    LastSpellTank = LastSpellTank + 1;


    else if ( SHIELD_SLAM > 0 && ai->GetRageAmount() >= 20 && LastSpellTank == 6 )


    ai->CastSpell(SHIELD_SLAM, *pTarget);

    ai->TellMaster("Spell -> Shield Slam");

    LastSpellTank = LastSpellTank + 1;


    //Try to spam a heroic_strike..

    else if (HEROIC_STRIKE > 0 && ai->GetRageAmount() >= 15 )


    ai->CastSpell(HEROIC_STRIKE, *pTarget);

    ai->TellMaster("Spell -> Heroic Strike");

    LastSpellTank = LastSpellTank + 1;


    if (LastSpellTank > 6)

    LastSpellTank = 0;

    edit: I don't know why but he is messing up my code box, that's why i quoted it..

  14. I'm currently testing a bit with standard WotLK rotations and it seems to work quite good!

    I changed the healing from the priest to only healing, the Warrior to just tank and the mage as firemage (if assigned the correct Roles (TANK,ASSIST, HEAL).

    My Mage just increased the DPS from 550 to 1300, my Warrior has no problems holding the aggro and my priest is just healing, as they should.

    So an relative easy solution would be to code for all classes to all needed types (dd, healer and tank) a simple

    rotation, that they will do what they should if all stays normal. Any special cases excluded (tank is iceblock, too many enemies..)

    I will start doing this with the chars I'm testing(Priest, Warrior, Paladin, Mage and Hunter [though this could be a bit tricky due to the pet] ) . Having finished them I will post the patchfile.

    I don't how how fast I could finish it due to limited time. :/ But I will let you know any progress.

    @kennumen: I will try to keep the healerratio-aspect in mind, when coding it.

    @blueboy: Maybe you want to review the code once finished or in between, 'cause my codingstyle is not the best :) But I will comment as much as needed, so that is quite understandable.

  15. I got the same behaviour, as told from cowchmonkey, on my box.

    Also I found out a bit more:

    It seems that a priest, set as healer, is mostly casting Renew, and that from 5 til 20 times in a row, when someone is low at health and not one of the other "normal" (not HoT) healing spells.

    After a small recurse/omen session it seems that my DDs (pala and mage) made only half as much DPS as I did, using a hunter with no pet and no rotation.

    The last thing I recognized is that the tank (in my case a warrior) does not build up much thread. When he attacks it is no big problem for me, or one of the other bot, even the healer, to get aggro.

    for the dps and the thread generated from the tank, I guess i did not configure it correctly. is there something to configure the rotation, or mostly to use spells, or is it all hard coded. I had a small look on the code (but it is a long time ago i coded c++) and unfortunately i couldn't find any information here.

    The rest worked absoluty fantastic! The buffed themself, and I had no problems when testing them regards a crash or other stuff.

    Thanks that you are coding the bots, it is really fun playing with them :)

    I tested with lvl 80 chars mostly pre lvl80 green and blue items in a lvl 72 Instance.

    The configuration from my bots are:

    Warrior (Tanks and protect healer)

    pala (assists tank and protect healer)

    mage (assist tank)

    priest (heals)

    myself a hunter

    edit: forgot to say which version of playerbot I am using: https://github.com/playerbot/mangos from 12th december

    edit no2: ok I had closer look at the code and found out that he should have healed my tank. Unfortunately I don't have much time, but

    I will try to "debug" the behaviour, strange healing behaviour and small dps output, ( or my misconfiguration..) and inform you as soon as I found something.

    edit 3: silly me :( With your new Post I found the new-ai and the fix with the Renew is, of course, already implemented :)

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