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Posts posted by Damnit

  1. OK.. I think it may be with the hosts.. which IP did you use to register your DNS?

    Use only that in the host file.. so you would have

    # Copyright © 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.


    # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.


    # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

    # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

    # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

    # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

    # space.


    # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

    # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.


    # For example:


    # rhino.acme.com # source server

    # x.acme.com # x client host

    # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.

    # localhost

    # ::1 localhost localhost

    YOUR IP woraidcraft.dynds-ip.com

    That should be the way you should have it :D

    Unless.. if you have a Dynamic IP then you should have localhost

    woraidcraft.dynds-ip.com woraidcraft.dynds-ip.com

  2. I thought you use the dynds thing for the realmlist to log on?

    And when i put it in the navicat table under realmlist thing i cannot log on, i get stuck at connected

    can someone test it for me? Set your realmlsit to woraidcraft.dynds-ip.com and user the username: User and password: pass

    Did you edit the hosts file (C:\\Windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts) ?

  3. I've had the opportunity to try out Cata on a friends account and have pretty much the same thoughts as before:

    1) They RUINED WoW!

    2) They RUINEd WoW!


    4) THANK GOD I HAVE MaNGOS to rely on!!!!!!

    Thank you community for the ability to learn and play one of my favorite games! I have learned to program a little in C++, Use MySQL better.

    I totally agree..

    Now it's all about the money.. giving the players enough stuff so that they don't get bored and leave wow. They totally forgot about the Lore of Warcraft which was the best part and the thing that got me interested in WOW in the first place :). With Cataclysm it's total chaos... :|

  4. Many governments no longer exist to serve the people, rather, their multitudinous bureaucracies cater to corporate interests. This is an inevitable result of many companies and other financially interested parties being multi-million dollar contributors to political campaign funds. When our public servants only serve money, then the law is twisted to serve those who have wealth.

    You will hear governments speak of the dangers certain knowledge brings to public safety while corporations lobby to have draconian and illegal laws passed to protect every penny they feel should be theirs. People are demonized and labeled criminals for opposing this evil. Your rights end where the politicians corruption and company coffers draw those ever expanding boundaries which swallow your freedoms.

    I would love to see The Mangos Foundation grow into a juggernaut that carries millions of shouting voices in a tide that screams "NO! This will not stand!". Every single human has the right to expand their knowledge as far as humanly possible. To learn is to grow. To know is to make the world a better place for everyone.

    Someone must make a stand, to draw the line against tyranny and greed...where we finally say, "This far and no further!"

    Have you been watching Zeitgeist? xD

  5. Not impressed, was watching my wife play her new worgen.

    I just cannot make myself spend a dime more on retail, I'm far too spoiled in my old age, i have no desire to work for gear and gold anymore and too cheap to spend real money on gold sellers and gear sellers.

    Wow is dead to me, at least console gaming is still entertaining

    Well that's why there is a second option! MaNGOS! :D:D

  6. I remember we had (or still have) a similar bug on our server.

    The user told me, that if someone equipp more than 3 of these special gems, their wow crashes.

    How many gems did you equip?


    Only one.. But I also noticed.. that some work on different items.. but only a few

  7. I have a strange error.. When I try to socket using inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye03.jpg (inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye04.jpg inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye05.jpg these two items are also displayed wrong in-game ), and perhaps other jewels that I haven't tested and are crafted using this item inv_jewelcrafting_dragonseye01.jpg and after I equip the items Wow.exe encounters an error.. and it crashes.

    I get this error message

    This application has encountered a critical error:

    ERROR #134 (0x85100086) Fatal Condition


    I use mangos rev 10721

    UDB 0.12.1 (394) for MaNGOS 10720 with SD2 SQL for rev. 1863

    ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 10610+)

    ACID 3.0.7

    and Ahbot

  8. Cataclysm should be good for the storylines :D As I like the Lore of Warcraft and this will be a good addition to that. But as a game.. I don't know.. I mean come on.. a werewolf that transforms into a bear, crow and the others from the Druid class I think is just stupid :| Worgen can be something else.. but definitely not a druid :)

  9. DAMNIT! ....thanks :P

    Well i prefer the notion of a patch file ...so i like to keep it that way even though pull is a bit quicker....

    I'll try to come up with something for the installation soon... but what i'm doiing right now is like writting a guide on how to use a computer without having a computer.... simply because i don't feel like opening my server and testing all of these but i'd like to keep the guide up to date for anyone who needs it :)

    Hehe.. well that could be tricky.. You have to test it yourself to see if it works.. if you don't, how can you guarantee to the ppl that are reading your guide.. that it will work :P?

  10. temporary! Your making it complicated.. it's actually really easy..

    1. Use

    git pull git://github.com/cyberium/mangos.git new_ahbot

    on your mangos repo in Bash mode

    2. Compile Mangos

    3. Get the ahbot.config from "/src/game/AuctionHouseBot/" place it in your mangos server folder

    4. Edit the config file

    5. Run game and enjoy

    Simple as that. :)

    P.S. And yeah.. part 3 and 4 from your guide need to be removed :P

  11. Hello! Can someone please explain to me some things? :D

    First.. which is the correct branch for extraction? And does mmaps require some configurations.. or I just add it and that's it?

    Second.. will this interfere with vmaps.. or can they both work simultaneously? :D


  12. hello guys! it is great to see that ahbot patch is still continued even after all this time. now i am running into the same problems like someone posted above with that error message: Patch does not apply... the only thing is that i get that with all the files in mangos core and finally the patch that i get is about 11mb.

    i am kind of lost with git so my question would be: can any1 post a patch that contains only the ahbot changes so i can apply it to mangos? or some step by step commands on how i can get it myself. thanks and i appreciate all the work that you people put in this project.


    After you have your mangos repository downloaded.. you just right click on the rep folder and select Git Bash Here. A command window will appear.. then just paste this

    git pull git://github.com/cyberium/mangos.git new_ahbot

    and then press enter and it should merge ahbot with your repository, compile mangos.. and your done :P

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