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Posts posted by darsig

  1. @marry521 Maybe go into characters data base and delete any corpse's it might help.

    this is problem. deliting corpses helps only for 20-30 min till next bot die.... alike problem was with "spirit of redemption" spell in core.

    and can you make somehow to disable or anabe bot ( in mangosd.conf or database table ). This is not good to full recompile core if you want to disable bot.

    + when you calls out bot , all his archievements comes out in guild chat every time. It is good to disable it. thanks.^_^

    p.s.very sorry for my english

    added. Where in code i can set up maximum allowed bots for on player. Now we have 9, how can i set up 2 for exemple? thanks...

  2. player bot break hunter's pet. 2 players - 2 clients - hunter and priest ( as example )

    1. Hunter vision:

    hunter tames beast, all ok, but when taiming is over hunter can not control his pet. pet always stand in one plase and hunter commands do not have any effect on pet.....

    2. Another player ( priest ) vision:

    Another player ( priest ) looking at hunter and see that pet running, attackind and etch. but this is not pet , this is hunter himself in pet skin for this another player ( priest ). Hunter ( pet in hunter skin for priest ) stands in one place and do nothing.

    This is big problem. Can it be fixed somehow?

    p.s. sorry for my english

    Delete this post. Another character works normal....

  3. server craches sometimes when you remove bot or logout with active one. How this can be fixed? Always last line before crash:

    2009-06-15 20:32:39 ERROR:BuildPlayerRepop: player Sol(6219) already has a corpse

    different characters, not only this.

    p.s. sorry for my english

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