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Posts posted by bugeyedcreepy

  1. Well, hopefully this is appropriate here as opposed to in it's own thread, I've been running various combinations of portal master or portal new-ai on increments of WotLK (currently running with build 12348).Now of course this has been Awesome for me and the kids to play around with but lately I've found my bots haven't been listening to me. Now I can't be sure if they are deliberately ignoring me because I keep getting them killed or whether there's some other unworldly thing going on but they ignore me when I try assigning roles to them. I'd say ".bot co myconscriptedvictim TANK" and where I'd normally get a reassuring whisper stating he'll take the pounding on my behalf, now he just goes.... :| My healer and dps assist orders get an identical response, they all ignore me and just dps best they know how. If I issue a "pull" instruct, they all whine about not being the Tank and do nothing.

    Have I missed some recent changes by chance?

  2. Why are you not a part of mangos team? You really are good! :D

    .....SHOOSH!! Leave Him Be! He's doing God's Work where he is. :D

    I'm still holding onto hope that Playerbot gets merged one day, Imagine the possibilities... when Vehicles and Battleground/Arenas start working, I'll be destroying my server under the load. I'll need his Awesome Bottery to rule my imaginary world....

  3. Uh... hate to tell you this, bugeyed, since you made such a detailed post.

    Ike's Playerbot AI repo is an entirely separate project. It has no affiliation at all with blueboy's Playerbot or the new-ai branch of the portal development repo for Playerbot.

    It does cause a lot of confusion. Perhaps renaming Playerbot AI to Battlebot AI, or some other variation on the theme, would help. That's up to this project's leads.

    The original goal of Playerbot AI was to make it possible to populate battlegrounds and arenas with independent bots, allowing low-pop servers to engage in large-scale PvP. Unfortunately, the code-base is not compatible with blueboy's due to Ike's using a port from another core of a similar player bot project for his starting point.

    Haha! Oh, bugger.... so it is. Sorry Ike, blaming you for something you didn't do... :P

  4. Okay, not sure if I should be raising this here or head over to playerbot.mine.nu and hit you guys up there about playing with the new-ai branch of Playerbot. I've compiled a development realm to test various things that are coming through both Mangos and Playerbot and have recompiled it a few times now, updated the databases to suit and so on and thought I'd have a go at the new-ai branch of Playerbot. When I compiled it and ran it the Mangos server whined as follows:

    SQL: SELECT required_5_playerbotai_auto_follow FROM playerbotai_db_version LIMIT 1
    query ERROR: Unknown column 'required_5_playerbotai_auto_follow' in 'field list'
    The table `playerbotai_db_version` in your [CHARACTER] database indicates that this database is out of date!
     [A] You have: --> `1_playerbotai_talentspecs.sql`
     [b] You need: --> `5_playerbotai_auto_follow.sql`
    You must apply all updates after [A] to [b] to use mangos with this database.
    These updates are included in the sql/updates folder.
    Please read the included [README] in sql/updates for instructions on updating.

    Now it seems I can't find the sql updates that are referenced either in the Magos sql/updates nor in any of the portal/playerbot repositories. I've even attempted to google the specified references without success. Where do I get these updates for the Character database?

    It's cool if I have to go back to the relative safety of playerbot/mangos but I've been drooling over all these new AI Features growing in these blueboy/portal new_ai bots and really wanted to try them out....


  5. Ahh, Realmloop. I had this when I first installed my server, turned out to be my realm database was referring the listed realms to the wrong ip address (was listed as instead of my server's actual network address of 192.168.whatever.whatever...) Have you checked this?

    Hmmm, perhaps I should explain a little further:

    To find what your realms are being advertised as, you'll need to look at the realmlist table in your realmd database. I run a linux server so I fire up mysql like so:

    [root@spartacle ~]# mysql -u <whatever your database username is> -p

    Enter password:

    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.

    mysql> use realmd

    Database changed

    mysql> SELECT * FROM realmlist ;


    | id | name | address | port | icon | realmflags | timezone | allowedSecurityLevel | population | realmbuilds | site_enabled | ra_info | dbinfo |


    | 1 | MaNGOS | | 8085 | 1 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 0.02 | 12340 | 1 | type;port;username;password | localhost;3306;mangos;mangos;characters;localhost;3306;mangos;mangos;mangos; |


    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    I ended up hard setting the realm ip addresses in both mangosd.conf and realmd.conf as well as setting the ip address manually in the realmlist table of the realmd database by issuing

    mysql> UPDATE realmlist SET address='' WHERE id='1' ;

    Query OK, 1 rows affected (0.00 sec)

    Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0


    then fired up mangosd and realmd... Voila! Godmode Abounds!

  6. Okay, New Question so hoping it's appropriate to tack on here rather than raising a new topic everytime I think of something minor... What is the most popular/appropriate website framework in use for registering, management and armory style goosenecking at my characters? I'm looking to easily create & manage my accounts and somewhere hopefully that my friends can do the same? I'm curently looking at MangosWeb Enhanced and kinda mucking around with the MWEnhanced_Armory that seems to interact well with MWE and another package that's also listed here which seems pretty popular...(WoWArmory??) Both seem to be a little dated and one is advertising itself as superceded with another project. In any case, I may also look at integrating a forum but I seriously doubt I have so many friends & family that I need to do one.


    That said, if one is attached on such a framework, who am I to not take advantage of it??

  7. ...I have some minor issues. Well, I'm hoping they're minor.

    As stated, despite my n00bie Mangos Admin status, I defied the odds and successfully compiled, installed and setup my Mangos Install on a Linux server using build 12340, Scriptdev2 (latest release was for 11792 with the 11840 update) and Acid, Udb release 403 (latest release is for Mangos 11840) and have been able to create accounts, login and create characters, do all the usua GM Skullthuggery in world, complete quests but there are issues which I've so far found no fixes for and I'm not sure this is the right forum for them. I have to start somewhere so I'll ask here. :)

    As much as I can talk to NPC's and train up, buy/sell and get quests, go out complete them and hand them in, I'm having issues with a wide variety of unusual quests that require more than just killing mobs or collecting feet or brains, etc. This also seems to be varied evenly right across the world environment, such quests as the DK's "Eye of Acherus" starting area quest or the Bloodelf racial using Arcane Torrent on a mana worm, the Dranei racial heal on the crash survivors and even the Human Priest quest to heal & buff the sentry dude at the river's edge (sorry, quest names escape me..) are never achievable and never complete despite doing what is required especially since I can do these exact things on Blizz's live servers. I've also noticed some weird traits for world elements for things that just shouldn't happen, for example, the Webbed crusaders at the start of the Argent Vanguard area in Icecrown will attack me with...well ... whatever it is they think they're doing to me and slide across the ground chasing me around while they do it. ( xD ). When I turn around and kill said webbed crusader, no actual crusader or mob spawns from it as expected. Is this a database thingie where some sort of script ought to be called however isn't? How do i troubleshoot such things??

    I've also noticed while hunting around here & on the web in the hope that someone else may have for my experienced/fixed this, that others are also seeing other unusuals such as innocuous camp or brazier fires that cause burn damage from 15 feet or so away. Is there some unusual know-how that we're all missing on that point?

    Please help this n00b server admin realise his eutopian WotLK Server World!


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