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Posts posted by DracePhoenix

  1. Hey guys,

    I'm sorry if it's a stupid request, but I'm still using Navicat for Servers and couldn't find scriptdev2.sql for 3.3.5a anywhere.

    I mean the complete one, I've tried to get some into my Navicat Databases but they're just doing a LOT of errors.

    So, could someone of you maybe share it somewhere so i could download it?

    Thanks for your help.

    in your mangos folder browse to src\\bindings\\ScriptDev2\\sql

    mangos_scriptname_full.sql is the full sql file for the mangos db

    scriptdev2_script_full.sql is the full sql file for the scriptdev2 db

    Well, i tried that one but it just gives me a whole bunch of errors telling me that data's are missing.

  2. Hey guys,

    I'm sorry if it's a stupid request, but I'm still using Navicat for Servers and couldn't find scriptdev2.sql for 3.3.5a anywhere.

    I mean the complete one, I've tried to get some into my Navicat Databases but they're just doing a LOT of errors.

    So, could someone of you maybe share it somewhere so i could download it?

    Thanks for your help.

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