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Posts posted by Electros

  1. does it is hard to get community work? show more activity on original mangos and scriptdev2 repositories, patch submittions and i think, it will take some attention of old and maybe new users. Now it is just, how to call... almost active community (1-2 commits per week or in 2 weeks).

    anyway, i'll contribute this project as i can...

  2. hm, i'm playing in offcial, i can say, lfd tool teleports back to instance start (as dungeons) if player is not in combat.

    only not tested, does teleport back works, when players in instance are in combat (playing tank role atm only).

    talking about queue - non leader member also can make queue.

    sorry for bad english

  3. I never understood than the development wasn't finished, my apologised, but (always a but :) ) why not implementening some pieces, this developement is ongoing since many years, a lot of people have worked on it, and it is still suprising that it never attains the requirement to be integrated or reviewed, it is quite strange from an outside eye

    Auction House Bot is not a World of Warcraft Server feature, is more or less like a modification for low-populated servers.

    same as

    ** from config*

    AllowTwoSide.Accounts = 1

    AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Chat = 0

    AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel = 0

    AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group = 0

    AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild = 0

    AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction = 0

    AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Mail = 0

    AllowTwoSide.WhoList = 0

    AllowTwoSide.AddFriend = 0

    TalentsInspecting = 1

    same as rates (on blizz all rates rate 1x :) )

    and same as other things...

    yes, it also is not blizzlike and for low pop servers, but anyway nice to see something in ah instead empty :D

    keep up work cyberium! and big thanks for this patch.

  4. i need help to convert item_instance (trinity 9530) to mangos 10431. this table originaly was changed in 9090, just, not know, how to match few collumns data to one...

    http://pastebin.com/akdhwRfi tc 9530+

    i renamed tc table to ..._old and inserted mangos table, this is almost working, just, not know, how to add space between guid and creatorguid in concat function

    replace into item_instance (`guid`,`owner_guid`,`text`,`data`)

    select guid,owner_guid,`text`,concat(guid,`creatorGuid`,`giftCreatorGuid`,`count`,`duration`,`charges`,`flags`,`enchantments`,`randomPropertyId`,`durability`,`playedTime`,`text`) from item_instance_old;

  5. did you think that can be a variable in mangosd.conf that exclude some instance from the dungeon finder, at random and specific mode? why? well we all know that some instance like oculus isnt working, or others like HoR, that we can maybe could get under dev status and at some moment cant be playable so we can exclude them from the system.

    srry my eng, hope you get my point.

    i think, there is avaible to disable it by instance template table, just set min and max level to 81 for temporally (before it, backup table)

  6. udb wiki at this moment have some problems and i dont know, do their forums, wiki even will live, but for misc, why not including structure informations directly to mangos wiki, like as realmd, characters, mangos_world_db and maybe scriptdev2 informations.

    just, if its possible.


    sorry for bad english

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