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Posts posted by Ever

  1. Greetings, I have been around for along time, though during that time I have not been much involved in the MaNGOS community, I still check in from time to time.

    I have alot of win api knowledge and after spending some time doing static analysis between the former client and the current client I have found perhaps some useful information. Maybe I can be of some help? I have done some searching on the forums here but it would appear that the majority of the network protocol and client handling knowledge is kept under wraps. hell maybe i just havent looked hard enough ;p

    anyway, if a MaNGOS developer could put me in a place that I can be of assitance it would be appreciated :)

  2. Connecting your client to any other socket then what is owned by blizzard is against their ToS yes.

    That does not mean that they have any way of telling if you did or not. Just make sure to clear your client cache before changing your client back to an official socket ;p

  3. You don't want to know how many public mangos realms exist... and among the existing ones there is probably only a 1/3 actually giving credit. The remainders just claim mangos sucks, and their core is their own work. mangos could sue them all for copyright infringement :D

    Shall we ?

    Haha this ^^ :)

    I had remote access to WoWscape deds at one point and just like TheLuda said, they used MaNGOS yet denied it. Claimed it sucked, and claimed they wrote it themselves.

    Now maybe I just go overboard with how much I hate it when people don't want to give credit to this project, or maybe I just can't stand their script kiddie ways of going about things.

    Either way with proper packet analysis you can tell what is mangos and what is not :P

  4. I wont state specific details but I (at one time ;p) had direct ties with Reeves. It is correct that she made roughly 3 million in "donations". It was simple for those of you that already know what she did. For every "donation" a user from the playerbase made, she would just simply give you an epic item ingame, and the higher the donation, the better the item.

    I'm sure you can see where this goes. It went on for 4 years. Her husband, a now former Dallas county sherriff actually ran it with her. She bought him a $105,000 trans am at one point, and a backyard swimming pool. She is a mother of 3.

    What is most sad is during this time, whether people tell you it was Mangos or not, heavily modded mangos, or Ascent code, I can tell you with 100% accuracy that it was plain old mangos taken from the then SVN.

    Her developer at the time was Burlex/Espire who claimed it was is own code. Yet it was nothing but Mangos with a simple motd change and a few other snippets.

    I am glad that it turned out this way, for 4+ years I tried everything in my power to get her stop making money off of OUR communities code. Think about it, think about the work the head devlopers and yourselves have put into this, it should make you sick. The mangos project has helped me tremendously in understanding of net code and client <--> server applications, and it annoyed the hell out of me to see it used that way.

    Anyways /end rant.

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