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Posts posted by geminidog

  1. Hi everyone,

    Sorry for the delay. We are having our house painted so I have to stay at my grandmother's house for a few days. I will not be able to work on it until I am able to get access to my computer. :(

    Keep all of the excellent ideas coming though!!!



  2. Thank you very much...

    What I am trying to do is this:

    1) Where the KillPlayer() function in Player.cpp is, I added a KickPlayer() function.

    2)Then, I do a mysql query to add the guid into a database with a field 'deletenow' that equals 'delete'.

    3) Then I do a Player::DeleteFromDB().

    (all the above was where the state is 'just died'....where the KillPlayer() function is in Player.cpp)

    4)Then I go into the Player::SaveToDB() function because I know it is called when the player is logged out, in the KickPlayer() function. I add an If statement which uses a mysql query to check to see if that player's GUID has a 'delete' in the field i said above.

    5) If it does have the delete, then the mysql query to save the player is not executed and another mysql query deletes it from that 'deletenow' database. If it does not have delete, it is.

    My problem is, I cannot figure out which type of query to use. I can only get one of these to happen, and I'm not sure how I'm doing that..:

    1) The INSERT query executes and the character is deleted, but the second DELETE query does not execute, so the GUID for that player stays in the 'delete' database


    2) The GUID never shows up in the database, because, I believe, the SELECT statement the checks to see if the character is to be deleted happens after the DELETE statement is executed, therefore the character is not deleted.

    Which types of queries should I use for the INSERT, SELECT, and DELETE queries? Remember, INSERT is called when character dies, SELECT in the 'SaveToDB' function, and DELETE at the end of the SaveToDB function.

    Thank you very much,


  3. well, I'm working on it (in order from my post above) starting with #1. I am currently on vacation and will be starting school tuesday so I will slow down a little bit.....I am almost done with #1 except that I am having a little trouble with MySQL statements and the order in which they are executed....I know it is possible cuz I have done it before lol but I lost the source code!!!!!


    Lol, I'll keep you updated on my progress!

    Mike (gemindog)

  4. Hi,

    I am running code which does this:

    1) inserts a row into a table on the database

    2) calls function, this function runs a SELECT statement which gathers info from row inserted in (1)

    3) deletes the row that was inserted at (1)

    My problem is that the program does not seem to be running in order. With the above order, the row never shows up in the database and (2) fails. I believe it must be going in the order of (1), (3), (2) because if I comment out (3), everything works fine.

    I also believe that the PQuery, PExecute, Execute, etc., functions have something to do with this problem because I am not sure which I should use. I am using that %u variable stuff so I believe that I need to use one of the ones that starts with a 'P', but I am really not sure......does anyone know what these functions do specifically?

    Thank you very much for your help,


  5. a better and better idea would be like, making pvp a XP modifier, instead of questing And Killing mobs, Farming Players, Kill=Gain xp, Die=Lose Xp, i Remember a blizz Blue post about implenting leveling through Killing Players in bgs, that would be nice i think.

    very cool idea

  6. Possible to do all three but offer mangos.conf options to enable and disable each as needed?

    Lol.....yes it would be possible but this is much more in-depth than i had originally planned lol...

    I'll tell you what....let me get those first 3 basic things done and then I will work on getting it integrated with conf file and such....

    Again, thanks to everyone for your input! Keep it comin!

  7. thank you all very much for your input. now i am working on these:

    1) delete after death

    2) level down after death

    3) ban after death

    for #3, this will be a little tricky, because it would require much more database modification to keep track of the dates, etc...currently I only have to make 1 database modification, which tells the server which one to delete.....

    I'll keep you posted....almost finished with #1 at the moment

  8. O_O. I would hate that. << Just my opinion, hate it as I couldn't play it that hard, not hating your patch.

    And I couldn't help but notice,

    but then you said...

    Lol, like I said, it would only be for like a one-day tournament kind of thing, just for fun....I would also hate to play like that for real.

    I meant I have not created the patch itself yet because I wanted to see if anyone was interested. I have, however, already modified the core.

  9. Hi everyone,

    I have created a modified core which I like to call a 'hardcore' server. Everything is the same, except, when a player dies, his character is deleted. Obviously not blizz-like, so I am not submitting it for review, but I thought that maybe people would like a patch? I have not created it yet but I easily could. So, if you are interested, please post and let me know!:lol:

    I think this would be really cool for like a tournament or something. You have some friends over to your house, see who goes the longest, etc. (prob a good idea to use a copy of ur database so you don't mess up your real characters, lol...or maybe just give everyone new accounts)

    I want to make a game where you start with a high-lvl on Hardcore, have hugely increased stats (health, mana, etc) and do a 40-man raid with like 5 people, lol...that would be really fun and good learning experience with the server.

    Anyway, if you are interested, post!:lol::):lol:



  10. I, too, am having the exact same problem. I did the same thing you did, and am getting the same errors. I am using UDB's database, with all core updates applied. It's latest update supports core 6872+. This is what I have, along with Mangos's core updates in the 'sql' folder.

    At what revision was WotLK implemented? I will try to look, but if anyone knows, please post.....




    Mangos supported WotLK on 12/22. The most recent update pack from the database was on 12/3. That would be the problem. But, I applied all updates from the 'sql' folder in the Mangos source code. Is that not enough because UDB doesn't support WotLK yet?


    If you look at http://www.mangos-fae.info/news.php, the top post says that the WotLK part cannot be accessed because yet because UDB does not support it. That is our problem, because all of the errors are related to WotLK. For example, when I create a Death Knight, they barely have any of the gear and stuff they should come with. That's because the information isn't in the database yet. The reason that I looked here instead of directly at UDB is because I am having trouble viewing UDB's website right now....they must be doing some updating or something. Well I guess we'll just have to wait until UDB updates :)

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