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Posts posted by ike3

  1. Thanks for very detailed story :)

    ERROR:Item::AddToUpdateQueueOf is caused by the new AhBot which is absolutely optional, you can skip it or use the default one from MaNGOS. I experience this problem sometimes too but it does not affect anything (I hope).

    @Byterrr Have you changed any code in order to make it compile? I'll be very happy to include your patch in the repository to make sure it compiles fine.

  2. There is nothing really special except the core is integrated with MMaps, Armory and custom AhBot. Both three can be skipped.

    The guide:

    1) You need English DBC (i18n is not supported yet), but even with non-EN language you still be able to add bots in the game.

    2) Clone git repository and build it using the same approach as original MaNGOS (no custom build steps are required). Make sure you have the latest version.

    2a) Optional: Setup MMaps.

    2b) Optional: Setup Armory.

    2c) Optional: Setup AhBot.

    3) Create configuration file aiplayerbot.conf in the mangos config directory (where your mangosd.conf takes place)

    4) Type AiPlayerbot.enabled=1 in the aiplayerbot.conf file.

    5) If you want to add bots from your guild, not only your account, add AiPlayerbot.AllowGuildBots=1 to the aiplayerbot.conf. You can even allow everybody to add bots from the accounts by their IDs: AiPlayerbot.RandomBotAccounts=11,12

    6) Run the server, make sure it says AI Playerbot is enabled.

    Login with your main character and type "/s .bot add $CHARACTER_NAME" or "/s .bot add $ACCOUNT_NAME". Make sure your bot is nearby, as the AI won't allow players to summon bots any other way but using a meeting stone! If everything is ok, the new bot will whisper "Hello".

    @Locario3: Can you attach your Server.log and console output here? Or even a character DB backup so I can try to add these bots on my workstation.

  3. Make sure you have playerbot enabled. To do so just create file aiplayerbot.conf in your config directory. The most imprortant setting is:


    Double-check that in the server console you have the output in the end:

    Initializing AI Playerbot by ike3, based on the original Playerbot by blueboy

    AI Playerbot configuration loaded

    Without the configuration file the output would be:

    AI Playerbot is Disabled. Unable to open configuration file aiplayerbot.conf

    Configuration template can be found in src/game/playerbot/aiplayerbot.conf.dist.in

  4. Hi All,

    In my branch I ran into an issue. When server-controlled player (bot) is meleeing a unit and the unit moves behind the player I call


    Accoring the code it should start a spline movement making the player facing the unit. But it is never does. Although if the target is out of melee range the method works fine making player look to the right direction.

    If I change the code to


    it actually does the trick and the server thinks player has the correct orientation and allows further meleeing. But the client does not! It shows the unit behind the player, player meleeing the air and even hitting the unit :).

    Is it possible to call something to update the client?

  5. Some useful macros I use for bot testing (I tried to create an addon but have no progress yet):

    login all bots (they must be in the guild)

    /s .bot add account1,account2,...

    logoff all bots

    /s .bot remove account1,account2,...

    login all bots from my group

    /s .bot add *

    logoff all bots from my group

    /s .bot remove *

    leave the group

    /g leave

    Pull mobs by the tanks (/gr requires chatter addon, can be replaced with /p or /r if you have party or raid)

    /gr @tank co -passive

    /gr @tank nc -passive

    /gr @tank d attack my target

    Attack my target

    /gr d attack my target

    Flee with me (do not attack anything)

    /gr reset

    /gr flee

    Follow me

    /gr reset

    /gr follow

    Grind (attack anything, loot and repeat)

    /gr grind

    Follow in square shape (like a soldier batalion)

    /gr nc +stay line,-passive

    /gr do stay line

    Loot everything

    /gr do add all loot

    Toggle passive mode (do not attack anything)

    /gr nc ~passive,?

    Stay in place (but attack and assist)

    /gr stay

    Stay circle (melee bots in center, ranged on the edge)

    /gr @ranged co +stay circle,-passive,?

    /gr @ranged do stay circle

    Drop totems (toggle)

    /gr @shaman nc ~totems,?

    Attack the weakest target

    /gr co +attack weak

    Attack target based on threat

    /gr @tank co +tank assist

    /gr @dps co +dps assist

    AOE mode

    /gr @tank co +tank aoe

    Reset bots to their default strategies

    /gr reset

    /gr reset ai

  6. Thanks for pointing out! Just pushed the fix on the github.

    Also some new features are available:

    • potions strategy - use mana and healing potions when it is a touch time
    • conserve mana strategy - do not cast debuffs and other mana-consume spells if the target is almost done
    • cast time strategy - do not cast long spells if target is almost done
    • a set of triggers implemented for melee shaman, heal druid, dps warlock, etc.
    • enchant spells fixed for offhand weapon (i.e. shaman windfury weapon, etc.)
    • item use fixed (warlock now conjure and use stones again)
    • fleeing fixed, so bots do not wander but flee out of enemy
  7. Yep, the armory is some raw decision.

    @Akuba. Movement to target is somewhat fixed. Please try to set AiPlayerbot.ReactDelay=100. This will make bots quicker to reflect target movements. But of course there is a lot to do in movement space, e.g. some positioning strategies other than stay circle and follow master. stay line, stay combat and others are broken unfortunately.

    I am still not able to make bots use transports like boats.

    Also something is wrong with follow movement generator in core (bots cannot follow master in places like Dalaran), so I switched to XYZ-based movement.

    Currently bot AI is able to kill only the first boss in 25-man raids or some high level heroics with 24-bots in group. For others better strategies are required. :(

  8. Hi all!

    A new version is available on the github. The url and branch (ai) are the same. An except of new features:

    • improved bot ai (at a cost of more cpu usage)
    • more than 15 new chat commands (whisper help or anything invalid to get a list)
    • more than 5 new strategies
    • configuration of visibility bot ranges
    • linux build fixed
    • improved looting and questioning (e.g. verbose objective tracking)
    • better bot movement (thanks for spline movement!)
    • untyped strategies (idea is to move them out of C++ code to some kind of scripting)

    The ai branch also contains alternative ahbot branch which can be disabled in configuration. The only difference from the original one is that it records auction activity and uses it for pricing, so items that people buy often will go high in price.

    Still no PVP support (currently out of scope). DK class is not covered by strategies. cppunit tests are not available in linux.

  9. /home/ike/playerbot/src/game/ahbot/../../shared/Util.h: In function ‘void strToUpper(std::string&)’:
    /home/ike/playerbot/src/game/ahbot/../../shared/Util.h:263: error: no matching function for call to ‘transform(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, <unresolved overloaded function type>)’
    /home/ike/playerbot/src/game/ahbot/../../shared/Util.h: In function ‘void strToLower(std::string&)’:
    /home/ike/playerbot/src/game/ahbot/../../shared/Util.h:268: error: no matching function for call to ‘transform(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<char*, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, <unresolved overloaded function type>)’

    Explicit cast fixes the problem:

    std::transform( str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), (int(*)(int))toupper );

  10. Sometimes when Hunter casts Volley AOE the server crashes with the stack trace:

    Address Frame Function SourceFile

    004AD370 00000000 Unit::ProcDamageAndSpellFor+50

    004AE721 00000000 Unit::ProcDamageAndSpell+31

    006F2CEE 00000000 Spell::cast+78E

    006F3059 00000000 Spell::prepare+1D9

    004A05DF 00000000 Unit::CastSpell+21F

    00500A1A 00000000 Aura::TriggerSpell+F8A

    005021BA 00000000 Aura::PeriodicTick+164A

    00502325 00000000 Aura::Update+25

    004F3AF8 00000000 SpellAuraHolder::Update+98

    004A9C8D 00000000 Unit::_UpdateSpells+CD

    004B4656 00000000 Unit::Update+26

    0054E352 00000000 Player::Update+82

    00411A68 00000000 WorldObject::UpdateHelper::Update+58

    004DCD84 00000000 Map::Update+124

    00625D16 00000000 MapManager::Update+66

    0047441E 00000000 World::Update+25E

    004490E0 00000000 WorldRunnable::run+60

    004570DE 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+E

    10052B64 00000000 __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCAD1C

    72A829BB 00000000 _endthreadex+3B

    72A82A47 00000000 _endthreadex+C7

    77049ED2 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63

    77049EA5 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36


    Reverting changes from this revision makes this issue disappear

    Revision: e7da1b0c9b065fb3e28d8792839b882c97799ea1

    Author: Laise

    Date: 20.07.2011 16:41:01


    [11748] Replace SpellModifier struct by direct aura access (this should fix charge drops of 36032) also revert [11740]

    Mangos Version: 11756

    Custom Patches: no

    SD2 Version: no sd2

    Database Name and Version : does not depend on

    How it SHOULD work: no crash

    How it DOES work: crash

  11. Thank you!

    Some short answers:

    * This is a fork incompatible with original playerbot, but offers new features (Please see documentation section on the site). I tried to improve original version in the beginning, but then compatibility has been lost :(

    * There is still a lot of work to do (performance, configuration, localization issues, etc.)

    * Bot controlling can be sometimes difficult, so user experience can be poor.

    Unfortunately I have very little time to spare on this but will continue until the fun is lost :)

  12. Just in case somebody is interested...


    After a year of development I decided to share it. This is complete playerbot rewrite based on strategies.

    Thanks to original playerbot creators, you are welcome to reuse anything you may find useful :)

    note: build is often broken except you use visual studio 2005, but can be easily fixed by including every file from src/game/playerbot directory.

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