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Posts posted by ilija

  1. I wonder, when a spell get casted ingame.

    What is telling the spell what Spelleffects it should use? The .dbc(client) part or also the server part?

    So for example

    When i cast fireball

    What says that it should use EffectSchoolDMG effect?? The client or the server self? If server , where does the function get called?

  2. Like i said lynx3d, sorry maybe my english not good

    But that means in line like

    For example SpellFamilyFlags[0] = 00100(bin)
    if (SpellFamilyFlags[0] & 0x4)
    // this will be get executed since SpellFamilyFlags[0] & 0x4 ==  00100
    And if you get this
    if (SpellFamilyFlags[0] & 0x2)
    //this wont get executed since SpellFamilyFlags[0] & 0x2 ==  00000

    Ok , am i right?

    But you said:

    everyone can easily see it has only two bits set,

    What do you mean exactly by it?

    I think i dont understand the content of a flag completly

    And where are those SpellFamilyFlags[x] are written in dbc exactly? (Spell.dbc i cant find it :( )

  3. No idea what you're trying to do...

    If you mean operations on SpellEntry::SpellFamilyFlags, then yes, those values are from Spell.dbc of course, because SpellEntry only contains data parsed from Spell.dbc.

    Most player related spells just have some unique combination of SpellFamilyName and bits set in SpellFamilyFlags/SpellFamilyFlags2.

    Checking for those bits simply allows to identify abilities (say "Fireball") independent of its rank.

    And we use hexadecimal notation just because it's easier to read, with "0x20001" everyone can easily see it has only two bits set, if you use the decimal version "131073" in code, no one know how many flags you're checking...you can convert decimal<->hexadecimal with every halfway decent calculator...

    Sorry , i mean SpellfamilyFlags ofcourse, i wonder when you know what array and what hex(dec) you need to use, what excactly .dbc file and table it stand?

    But other way why you need here bitwise????

    And what do you mean with: everyone can easily see it has only two bits set


    //slice and dice
    if (spellproto->SpellFamilyFlags[0] & 0x40000)

    But if (>0) is always true, i just dont understand how you can use 2 variables with bitwise operator as statement?

    Since it is calculation

  4. Ye but i still dont understand , i udnerstand how bitwise are working but i dont understand why you need to do that in spellfamily for example?


    Spellfamily[0] = 00100
    Then you got this code
    if (Spellfamily[0] | 0x2)
    Spellfamily[0] | 0x2 == 00110;
    Other example with same variables
    if (Spellfamily[0] & 0x2)
      Spellfamily[0] & 0x2 == 00000;

    Is this correct?? And how to find those hexdec and Spellfamily? Please dont say only in .dbc files, since i already looked in

  5. I dont understand how the bitwise operators in mangos are used in spells

    I read alot of bitwise operators but still dont understand .

    Operators like : << >> & |

    Example: Spellfamily[x] & 0x50 , i understand 0x50 is hex but what does it do exactly?(calculation?)

    Other question is how to find spellfamily and the hexdecimal? I know i can find it in dbc, but i never could find and i check DBCstructureer.h but still dont understand :S

    Could someone make this clear, since i really think this is nessesary to know how this work to for example to fix spells

    PS: i know that spellfamily and hex is related to a spell with all ranks

  6. Hello, i got a small problem:

    Since i dont have that much ram , i need to clean my char database(cause it is innodb and i set innodb_buffer_pool_size and i want to keep it below) , Now , when im cleaning the char db(yes char data is really deleted!) The innodb data size dont change, according mysqltuner and the files in /var/lib/mysql.

    I think the problem is: innodb_file_per_table = 1, but im not sure, so i ask how can i solve that


  7. Somehow it also happens in Battlegrounds, they use something like:

        WorldPacket data(SMSG_MESSAGECHAT, 200);
       data << (uint8)CHAT_MSG_RAID_BOSS_EMOTE;
       data << (uint32)LANG_UNIVERSAL;
       data << (uint64)0;
       data << (uint32)0;                                     // 2.1.0
       data << (uint32)1;
       data << (uint8)0;
       data << (uint64)0;
       data << (uint32)(strlen(msg.c_str())+1);
       data << msg.c_str();
       data << (uint8)0;
       for (BattlegroundPlayerMap::const_iterator itr = m_Players.begin(); itr != m_Players.end(); ++itr)
           if (Player *plr = ObjectAccessor::FindPlayer(MAKE_NEW_GUID(itr->first, 0, HIGHGUID_PLAYER)))
               if (plr->GetSession())

    I have tried,

                           std::string str = "";
                           str = "You have %d kills without dying!", KillingStreak[kGUID].KillStreak;
                           WorldPacket data(SMSG_MESSAGECHAT, 200);
                           data << (uint8)CHAT_MSG_RAID_BOSS_EMOTE;
                           data << (uint32)LANG_UNIVERSAL;
                           data << (uint64)0;
                           data << (uint32)0;                                     // 2.1.0
                           data << (uint32)1;
                           data << (uint8)0;
                           data << (uint64)0;
                           data << (uint32)(str.size()+1);
                           data << str;
                           data << (uint8)0;

    But wont work :(

  8. Hello,

    I got a question ppl, is it possible to cast a global spell that every player will have in the world?

    I just got the idea like retail, before cataclysm was released they had some random earthquakes, i wonder if this is also possible. I already tried something in Player::Update function but that works like crap :( (maybe im just noob xD)

    So anyone a idea?

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