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Posts posted by Impurity

  1. FragFrog, I did not meant the message to be sent that way, truthfully it was more of a test to see if the community is full of assholes like ArcEmu.

    Patman128, the uh, git thing really confuses me, I'm used to a SVN kinda thing, which it probly is. I tried reading the wiki and my brain exploded xD

    I will definatly check out your C++ scripts, and thanks for the reply!

  2. Hello everyone,

    So, I expect a flame fest out of this, but its something I must address.

    I have always been a ArcEmu fanboy, its what I learned on, its what I understand. Lately I have found that ArcEmu is...slacking, they dont treat their members with any sort of respect and expect you to have extensive background knowledge. So, as I'm setting up my server and working on it, I realize that its....bugged. I have -15 bonus healing.

    Hopefully when I try to set up MaNGOS tomorrow I wont find any problems and I wont find stupid bugs like this. As I have said, I learned on ArcEmu, so I wanted to ask the community to help me out in finding a good guide for compiling your own C++ Scripts into MaNGOS, if there is anything different I need to change in my boss fight (originally for ArcEmu), what the recommended guide is for compiling, and where the change log is.

    Now before you go to reply and flame me, please note its 4 am, and I'm tired as all f**k. I know how to use the search button, but its way to late and I figured this would be a great way to introduce myself into the community!

    Thank you for your time in reading this post


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