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Posts posted by jdguzman

  1. Sorry for my long post, i just tryed to explain as best i could my problems :)

    Im not that good at English so i hope you understand.

    Really looking forward for some "n00b friendly" answers, thanks allot!

    Ok i'm going to attempt to give you some guidance.

    First of all mysql runs as a service so in Task Manager you will see it in the services tab. Furthermore, if you were able to connect to it using sqlyog then you are ok and it is running.

    As for your connection question. You should not make the mysql server visible to the public. The fact that you can't connect to mysql using the DynDns address is actually a good thing. I would recommend you leave it like that unless you absolutely need outside access to mysql.

    Ok on the udb issues I would recommend you go to the UDB forums and follow the how-to there. It should explain the things you need to do to get UDB installed.

    Finally in the mangos config you should not be using the DynDns address you should just use your local ip address (ie. the one your router gives you.) On the BindIP you should just leave that as the default this is used for when you have more than one network card to let mangos know which card it is binding to.

    Hope this helps you.

  2. if you want news about this I would recommend following the commits on the projects repo. If you look on there you will see that they are far from having anything ready and have set themselves a goal of June 2010 for the first release.


  3. You know the sort of thing you get with say debian, cakephp, etc

    I have even seen some of the mangos db project to things this way too!

    Where a stable can be used by the masses and the devs can play with the all the broken stuff.

    orignboy you seem intent on this idea that mangos is intended for the masses. this is clearly where you are making a mistake. mangos is not intended for the masses. that there are people that come here and get the source and contribute nothing to the project is an obvious fact but that does not mean that is the intent of the project. it also doesn't mean that mangos has to make it easier for these people.

    mangos is a learning project it is intended to teach people how to program in c++ on this scale. people often start by getting the source and learning the compile and setup process and from there the intent is for people to learn the code and hopefully at some point feel comfortable enough to perhaps help in the development.

    so to put it bluntly you will probably never see a release for the masses coming from this forum.

  4. ok dave you win. I have read and I do have an interest in the development of software such as this.

    well then do something to help instead of arguing. dave in no way was trying to belittle you rather he was trying to inform you as to how this community works.

    But if its just to learn, think I would rather pay to play, like most people, and be part of a larger comunity.

    that is your prerogative. if your intention is to just play the game then it would probably be better to pay your 15 dollars and be done with it. if your intention is to learn HOW the game works then this is the place for you.

    oh and am such bizzard has a few things to say about how legal reverse engineering there software is in the first place and using ad.exe to extract maps from there software too.

    if you read into the history of mangos you will see that this project is perfectly legal and has had legal council confirm the legality of it. as subhuman_bob said the extraction of compressed files is not illegal although the distribution of it would be. probably the only place where a suit against reverse engineering would even stand a chance is in the US as the big software companies have lobbied to get favorable legislation in place for them; however, even there they would have a tough fight.

    So what was just a questions about, a better/different way to do things. Is now just about a mod sitting on his high horse. I hope you feel good about that. Dave

    No one is sitting on a high horse. you made a suggestion which and it was then clarified that your suggestion would go against the core rules of using mangos. i don't see how that is considered sitting on a high horse. to be honest the first one to take on a sarcastic attitude was you by saying this project is confused.

    to be clear this project is not confused about what it is. it is posted in this forum and the mods make sure that the community adheres to the projects rules. apparently you are the one that was a little confused thinking that this was just another "hacker" forum.


  5. i think what they were trying to get at is the fact that mangos is NOT supposed to be used to host public servers. having an administration page that is available to the general public would make your server public and make it illegal.

    as the person that took on the gui project there is no intention of making it web based. there are already tools out there that do account managment on a web based platform. the gui was meant for the sys admin that doesn't want to deal with the command prompt and that is how it will remain.

  6. Hello all , i want to ask somethiing about mangos server hosting ,

    how much players i can hold in linux with 1GB Ram , Intel Dual Core 2.0GHZ E1280 Processor , 512 MB Video and 100mbps Connection ? thanks


    100mb/s connection? Your either on a lan or have a lot of money.

    this question has been asked MANY times use the search feature.

  7. Yes, finally there is some more Git love on Windows!

    Check out this Git repository, you will find a shell extension that enables Git usage from shell, and a Visual Studio 2008 plugin for Git.

    I think this is what all the SVN loving people have waited for :)

    Give it a try.

    I saw that yesterday myself however looking through the source code it still seems to be heavily reliant on running git through mingw or cygwin as it is only a wrapper for the process. Being an accomplished developer i'm sure you noticed that all it does is call the git.exe process and redirect in/output.

    What would be REALLY nice is a git library/dll which could be used to build git enabled apps. in that way there would be no need to have mingw or cygwin installed at all and i'm sure that would also translate to a performance boost on windows as well.

    I have been contemplating making such a library in c# along the lines of the jgit library but alas time eludes me :(.

    At any rate this is a nice advancement on the windows side for git i might give it a go sometime.

  8. i can assure you that the comments i made are true i played official for two years and stopped a few months ago due to lack of time (hopefully that changes). I can assure you that in the two years that i played i had several occasion where i had to get items restored and one occasion where i accidently deleted a character and had it restored.

    in the case of items i know that there was one occasion where it wasn't restored because i submitted the ticket 24 hours after i destroyed the item. the gm went on to tell me that in order to have items restored i have to submit a ticket within 24 hours of having destroyed the item. obviously this is hints at the fact that items remain in the database for atleast that amount of time after they are destroyed.

    on the character front i am less sure. when i did delete the character accidently i submitted the ticket immediately after having done it. what i can tell you is that about an hour later my character was back up and working. with the amount of traffic that these servers get, and i'm sure there is many character deletions on a daily basis, i would only have to surmise that they have something along the lines of this patch implemented on official servers.

    at any rate i'm rambling.

  9. Why not use currently existed functionlaity save character dump with enabled CharLogDump config option...

    i believe that this would bring things much closer to official. if something like this could be implemented for item deletions as well. on official if you accidently destroy an item a gm can restore it after investigating if you ever actually had it. granted you have to submit a ticket within 24 hours.

    obviously on official they don't actually delete data as if that were the case it would be impossible to know if you had the item. also if they do a dump on evey delete it would become very cumbersome to go through log files to see if you had in fact destroyed the item. you can also have characters restored within 1-2 hours which leads me to believe that something along the lines of this patch is used on official.

    ofcourse we can't really know if this is the exact method used but what we can be fairly sure of is that they have something of this sort in place.

  10. you know i've been using mangos for a while now but only now have gone looking for the irc channel. is there one or is it closed to approved devs only? i did a search for irc and irc channel and came up with nothing. just a curiousity.


  11. I am somewhat befuzzled as to how this works exactly, but I do have a question:

    Should/will multithreaded maps increase performance on a single core cpu?

    on a single core cpu there would be no advantage to a multiple threads as in the end all threads are executed on the same core. the multi threaded maps is, like stated above, to allow the OS to distribute the load to the additional cores on a multicore system.

    on a single core system the OS alots time slices to each thread so you would see no advantage to it.

  12. those files will always be there as will the .git directory. the pack files are in laymans terms a compressed archive of the code and the changes. if you pay attention when you do a clone and if you monitor the folder it is being cloned to you will see that it is empty for most of the process and when git goes through the checkout process you will notice that that is when you get all the source folders built. the checkout process is git taking the compressed contents out of the pack files.

  13. I was wondering if anyone was gunna copy the Git changes onto the SVN, since I got tons of custom changes on the source, they are well managed with Tortoise, but it's impossible to migrate and even less manage them with the new super Git BASH/GUI system.

    All those guides sticked are real nice, but there is nothing that helps migration or diff controls or anything that means source+custom.

    PS: I didn't need a 100 page guide to work out SVN and Tortoise, but I guess I need one to update my source with Git huh...

    PPS: This post isn't to point out that Git is crap, just to ask if anyone if going to copy the Git master into the SVN for the people that are "lazy". Or maybe a way to migrate custom files from the SVN checkout folders into the Git checkout folders.

    PPPS: Read the bold-underline-italic text. :)

    if you look around a little and you will find that there is in fact a mirror of git on svn ;). however how long it will be maintained is the question. it is only temporary to allow an easier transition to git. so if you ask me it would be better if you got accustomed to git.

  14. Just an example of what i looked for but can simply not find in the code:

    - Improved fireball (definitely works, but what makes it work)

    - Arcane Focus

    - Arcane Concentration

    - Arcane Fortitude

    ... i just can't find them.

    It would be nice if someone could explain (in understandable terms) how this whole spell system is working and where i need to be if i want to fix a passive spell, a talent or just a spell....

    Comments like "look in file blablabla.cpp" are not gonna work with a project this big. Might work in some cases but don't count on it.

    i have never worked with the spell system so this is just to show you that with a little research you can find what you are looking for.

    if you go to the opcodes.cpp in under the game dir (game/server if using VS with filters) you will find the opcode CMSG_CAST_SPELL (client message cast spell) and you will see that it is handled by WorldSession::HandleCastSpellOpcode(). Now if you will find that in the SpellHandler.cpp file and if you look in that code you will see that the packet is taken and then it is translated to a spellid by calling the LookupEntry of the SpellStore singleton and stores it in spellinfo. The code then does some other checks and finally at the bottom you can see where a Spell object is created and used.

    if you see the code you can confirm what freghar said in that the spell info is extracted from dbc info and the code in Spell.cpp refered to before handles special cases/effects.

    now a more experienced dev please correct my logic if any of what i just said is incorrect.

  15. if you are referring to backward compatibility as far as the client is involved then you would have to say that a certain commercial developer needs to learn the same. As it stands there is no way of connecting a client below 3.0.3 to any offi server because it is impossible due to significant changes in the way that client and server interact.

    The absence of backwards compatibility is sometimes very intentional. Just like backwards compatibility is useful in some cases the lack of it is also useful in others.

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