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Posts posted by kamikazetg

  1. Alright, so much for the community. Erasing it.

    P.S. If you had actually read my post, you'd see the example was not even related to the spellauraholder problem. It's obvious this

    place is nothing but people waiting around to flame others and boost their egos.

    I'll just continue to do what I've been doing. Fixing my own problems since every post I've read where people try to lend insight is

    flamed for being stupid or wrong. That is why I have no posts in 1.5years. Would you bother submitting content if people flamed you

    about it everytime you did?

    I honestly don't know why people bother to contribute at all anymore and I'm seriously wondering why I bothered to do so now. I knew

    how it was going to turn out: People sifting through to find anything wrong and flaming about it. Seriously, go read some posts sometime.

    It's a giant grouping of flamers and insulters.

    As for 'content based answers', there were not any real content answers. Only people answering showing it's obvious they did not bother

    to read the entire post.

    It's also fun to read edits done by Moderators with insulting and rude comments in them. Very professional.

    Shrug, I've wasted enough of my time here. Back to fixing the hundreds of null pointer errors.

  2. Why exactly would this add a memory leak? Cleaning up invalid pointers is not going to cause a memory leak. However, crashing every 40mins due to invalid pointers through 80% of the core is worse than a memory leak. His first option, perhaps, but his second one I do not see an issue with.

    P.S. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction for my crashes tehmarto. While I didn't use your method to solve it (I rewrote the aura system to handle it's own deletion), it did get me thinking the correct way. After all, that's what community input is about. It's not about whining that it's not getting fixed or about how other people don't contribute (in a thread of a person trying to contribute no less). It's about sharing what you've noticed and how you went about it thereby giving the devs something to go on.

    Thanks again for taking the time.

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