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Posts posted by Kanzaki

  1. In file included from ../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp:1:
    ../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.h:6:30: error: Config/ConfigEnv.h: Нет такого файла или каталога
    ../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp: In member function ‘void AuctionHouseBot::Initialize()’:
    ../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp:804: error: ‘sConfig’ was not declared in this scope
    make[3]: *** [AuctionHouseBot.o] Ошибка 1
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/mangos/objdir/src/game'
    make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Ошибка 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/mangos/objdir/src'
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Ошибка 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mangos/objdir'

    Something missing? Maybe I do anything wrong

  2. For all those who can't understand how to fix code by your hands:

    When you get 'FAILED' after applying patch like this:

    8 out of 8 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/game/SpellAuras.cpp.rej

    You have got to do:

    1. Go to place where your source placed (mangos/src/game/)

    2. You can see three SpellAuras.cpp-files: .cpp .orig and .rej

    SpellAuras.cpp - not fully patched

    SpellAuras.cpp.orig - it a backup file(unmodifyed)

    SpellAuras.cpp.rej - rejected changes

    3. You can fix it manually: open SpellAuras.cpp and SpellAuras.cpp.rej in any editor. Just compare the files and solve the problem.

    You should find lines with "-"(in rej) and change them in cpp-file to "+" (from rej). Lines in rej and cpp may be different, be careful. You should delete plusses in cpp-file at the end.

    4. Repeat these action with others rej-files

    Thanks to tester, he taught me to do this.

  3. ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_9988_01_mangos_spell_chain required_9990_01_mangos_spell_chain bit;

    DELETE FROM `spell_chain` WHERE `spell_id` IN (61024,61316);

    INSERT INTO `spell_chain` (`spell_id`, `prev_spell`, `first_spell`, `rank`, `req_spell`) VALUES

    /*Dalaran Intellect*/


    /*Dalaran Brilliance*/


    the copy from sql

    and next:

    ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_9990_01_mangos_spell_chain required_10008_01_mangos_db_verison bit;

  4. Hi all)

    I've a problem.

    After world initializing server is restarting with such mistake in log:

    SQL: SELECT guid, data, name, position_x, position_y, position_z, map, totaltime, leveltime, at_login, zone, level FROM characters WHERE guid = '3875'

    query ERROR: Unknown column 'data' in 'field list'

    guid='3875' is ID of my ahbot.

    R9669 (insider42) + ahbot (Naicisum)

    I was tryed to change GUID's for ahbot, but i've got the same mistake =\\

    Does anyone know what to do? '¬¬

  5. to create patch file, use:

    git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git
    cd mangos
    git checkout -b (chose what u want, i took rev. nr)9088 09428ebad23b2d408cbb20d2608aa988cd473b0e 
    git checkout -b vehicle
    git pull git://github.com/Tasssadar/Valhalla-Project.git vehicle 
    git diff -p 9088 vehicle > vehicle.patch

    If git://github.com/Tasssadar/Valhalla-Project.git switch to an another revision, you need to modify this in part 3 too, to avoid merge bugs.

    If I use Karatel's patches should I replace git-address from 'mangos' to 'insider42' or not?

    And I use YTDB (from:http://ytdb.ru/showthread.php?t=2), so what rev I should to take?

  6. You know.. May be this is not WPE.. just a bug of mangos.

    And may be my incident was called by another reasons.

    But look I've got:

    One player said me, that he has discovered: "You can put any thing in the Guild bank, and then do 'Logout'. After you logined again - item is lying both in GB and in the bag. You can do this again and again"

    Please, help me solve this problem or give me a beam(link) where I can find decision of my problem. What should I do?

    I wanna try to delete bank's tables but I don't know will it help or not



    P.S. And may be I'm wrong.. Only fake-items were created, anyway I can sold them, that's not good

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