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Posts posted by kigiri

  1. Hello,

    i'm a total noob in php and i try to write a simple script for arena ranking for my website.

    So i start to modify the script that i've found on the post-it in this section and it's working pretty well but,

    i want to change the / ORDER BY `name` / by `rating`

    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `arena_team_stats` ORDER BY `rating` DESC LIMIT 0, 10");
    echo "<center><table border=0 width=70%>
    <td>Team Name</td>
    <td align=center>Type</td>
    <td align=center>Rating</td>
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
    $query_num = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `arena_team_member` WHERE `arenateamid`='$row[arenateamid]'");
    $gleader = "SELECT name,race FROM `characters` WHERE `guid`='$row[captainguid]'";
    $myrow = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($gleader));
    $top = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `arena_team_stats` WHERE `arenateamid`='$row[arenateamid]'");
    $toprow = mysql_fetch_array($top);
    if($myrow['race']=="1" or $myrow['race']=="3" or $myrow['race']=="4" or $myrow['race']=="7" or  $myrow['race']=="11"){
       $faction = "alliance";
       $faction = "horde";}
    echo "
    <td >
    <p style='padding-left: 5px'>[url='?guid=".$row[arenateamid]."']".$row['name']."[/url]</p>
    <td align=center><center><img src=images/".$faction.".gif title=".$faction."></center></td>
    <td  align=center><center>".$teamType[$row['type']]."</center></td>
    <td align=right><p style='padding-right: 8px'>".$toprow['rating']."</p></td></tr>";

    So i got this but since the capitainguid isn't in my table `arena_team_stats` how can i do it ?

  2. MaNGOS : 9310


    Dualspec patch

    I got this crash :

    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    004E7DA1  00000000  Player::GetNPCIfCanInteractWith+21
    007A4FF6  00000000  WorldSession::SendListInventory+66
    0869630D  00000000  ?SetMoney@Player@@QAEXI@Z+CBD
    086BD144  00000000  GossipSelect+64
    007B2339  00000000  WorldSession::HandleGossipSelectOptionOpcode+339
    005FC420  00000000  WorldSession::Update+120
    0060D313  00000000  World::UpdateSessions+C3
    0060BBA5  00000000  World::Update+365
    0043058E  00000000  WorldRunnable::run+8E
    0088B7E9  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    6F2B1474  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC43C
    71433433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    714334C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7627D0E9  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
    77A519BB  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
    77A5198E  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

    Any idea how to fix this ?

  3. hey i wanted tho change the ppm of enchant like Fiery weapon / Crusader / Lifestilling.

    They have a really lower procrate than it should be and i want to fix that but i don't know were can i access to the ppm of thos enchants ?

    The normal ppm of lifestilling and fieryweapon is 6.

    Wich mean for a weapon slow like 3.60 two-hander you should have like 25% proc rate and this apply to any special attack you deal. So a warrior with this enchant should be abble to trigger the proc on any special that use the weapon like rend or overpower.

    Anyone know what should i do ?

  4. hey i've found a way to do this :

    you have to use a dbc editor

    open Talent.dbc

    And you can change the field2 i've put 10 on all the talent i doesn't want

    Field2 is the talent requiered in the same three to access of this one.

    you have to multipli by 5 the number so if you put 10 this talent will requiert 50.

    Since my server is level limited we havent to much talent point so "10" was enough to "turn off" the talent.

    basicly all talent that have 7-8 are BC and 9-10 are Wotlk !

    GL ;)

  5. Hey guys, i'm new to linux and i'm stuck in this tutorial...

    It seem to be a stupid and simple error but i cant fix it by myself :

    First of all when i install (sorry my console is in french)

    Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution*: (Some error have been found during the execution)



    E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

    Then when i try "git apply src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-8759-ScriptDev2.patch " i got :

    admin@ks33425:~$ sudo git am src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-8759-ScriptDev2.patch

    fatal: Not a git repository

    /usr/bin/git-sh-setup: line 145: cd: .git: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type //(no file or folder of that type ?)

    Unable to determine absolute path of git directory

    and if i try to compile with directly i got this directory error :

    admin@ks33425:~/objdir$ ../configure --prefix=/home/admin/mangos --sysconfdir=/home/admin/mangos/etc --enable-cli --enable-ra --datadir=/home/admin/mangos/dat

    bash: ../configure: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type //(=No file or folder of this type)

    admin@ks33425:~/objdir$ make

    make: *** Pas de cibles spécifiées et aucun makefile n'a été trouvé. Arrêt. //(=No target specified and no makefile found. stop.)

    admin@ks33425:~/objdir$ make install-j2

    make: *** Pas de règle pour fabriquer la cible « install-j2 ». Arrêt. //(=No rule for create target « install-j2 ». stop.)

    So any idea of what noobish mistake i didn't see ?

    PS : For ce path of the compilation i've tryd few different but nothing worked here is my mangos path :


    Thx for any help :D Sorry for my english ;-)

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