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Posts posted by Kippstrahl

  1. Hi there, unfortunately the Arcane Blast spell hasn't been fixed for several mangos builds so I tried to fix it on myself. I would fix it in that way:

    1.) Add the fix in the Spell::Prepare() function

    2.) When casting an arcane spell, check the spell id (Arcane Blast -> do not remove the buff; other arcane damage spells -> remove it)

    if(m_caster->getClass() == CLASS_MAGE && (m_spellInfo->SchoolMask & SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_ARCANE))
       //All arcane damage spells instead of arcane blast will remove the aura
       if(m_spellInfo->Id != 30451 && m_spellInfo->Id != 42894 && m_spellInfo->Id != 42896 && m_spellInfo->Id != 42897)

    This is in my opinion a very bad solution in the third line. The spell ids are all Arcane Blast and its 4 ranks. (Better solution?)

    The problem here is, that any other arcane spell removes the aura. So I have to differentiate between damage arcane spells and normal buffs, but I don't know how.

    greets, Kipp

  2. Hi, i installed the mangos core successfully and all that stuff, but I can't get the database working. I downloaded the latest UDB from the 3.3.3 guide and the updates. Importing the UDB works fine, but any updates i want to install ends with "error".

    Edit: Now it works fine. I cannot upgrade one SQL file, but I think this is not very bad.

  3. Hi, this is just a theoretical (hope its written correct :P) question(!) I am new to MaNGOS and its development, so my knowledge about "what is stored where?" is not very good yet. Also I am not trying to hack the live client, because it's against community rules (?) and its not my interest destroying players athmosphere.

    I know, that WoW keeps many information in the DBC files which I am extracting from the WoW archive. So my question is: If you change the values (e.g. the damage multiplier in Spell.dbc) and put the DBC files back to the WoW archive, would it be possible to "yeah 50k frost bolt" on live servers? Or has the server its own "cheating protection", which checks the values in realtime (this would take probably very much CPU I think.)

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