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Posts posted by kjkrum

  1. tl;dr: If anyone has any guesses as to what records in the OFFICIAL database might be crashing mangosd, I'd love to hear them.

    DB issue means ask whoever made your DB, we dont care about the content of that db here.

    As I stated, I'm using only the minimal DB that comes with MaNGOS itself. So I am asking whoever made it. What was that about listening to what people are saying?

    But as it happens, immediately after bitching you out, inspiration hit me and I fixed the problem myself. It's like when you think of the answer to a question right after posting it, only better.

    For the record: I changed the races in playercreateinfo_spell, playercreateinfo_action, and playercreateinfo_item to invalid values. Now I can create and log into at least some (maybe all) of the race/class combinations I couldn't before. I'm going to add things back in until I find out what's making it crash.

    The reason I'm not using UDB is because I intend to change everything that can be changed without modifying the client. E.g., "Acolyte's Robe" #23322 becomes "Draenei Priest Robe". IMO (IANAL), this completely sidesteps any copyright issues. I believe a minimal working database can and should be distributed with MaNGOS.

  2. Stick to the one thread, instead of however many it is you made, multiple posting of the same repeated things just annoys people.

    Then stop closing my original "one thread." You've done it twice now. Also, asking different, highly specific questions != "multiple posting of the same repeated things".

    You were told that this was a DB issue and NOT a mangos issue, perhaps you should try taking note of the information people give you.....

    Right... with NO EXPLANATION WHATSOEVER. "This is a DB issue. Try XYZ." == helpful. "This is a DB issue. We're too cool to care about DB issues." == not helpful. Especially when you then lock the thread.

    I figured it out, though. Public servers are not officially supported, but everyone knows that's what everyone is using MaNGOS for. And the world of private WoW servers is a fiercely competitive one, with everyone fighting for users. So everyone holds their cards close to their chest.

    Drop the charade. You're not here to help.

  3. You're right : nobody takes the time to understand what is really MaNGOS, so they yell on forums "NOBODY HELP ME MANGOS SUCKS". As if the whole world owed them something.

    Well, let me put it this way... I've been using open-source software for about ten years. OSS is certainly not known for its consistent operation or thorough documentation. But this project is by far the biggest clusterf--- I have ever seen. If I ever get it working, I'm going to fork it.

  4. I've partially answered my own question.

    Race/class combinations are not restricted by the client when loaded by the server. Only character creation is restricted. If you add new combinations to mangos.playercreateinfo and mangos.player_levelstats, you can then change the race/class of an existing character, and the client will accept it. I made a gnome priest. :D

    If you change a toon's class in characters.characters while the toon is logged in, something changes it back when you log out. Perhaps that can be prevented. But if nothing else, players should be able to change their class via some Web interface.

    So... gnomes have healers now. This means war. Race war!

  5. I downloaded mangos from here: http://github.com/mangos/mangos/tarball/v0.16

    Built it using MSVC10. No compile errors. No SD2 or UDB - I just want a bare bones server.

    Extracted the dbc and maps, making sure to use the new ad.exe I just created. Copied them to the correct locations.

    Copied the realmd.conf and mangosd.conf to the correct locations.

    Executed the scripts in /sql: create_mysql.sql, characters.sql into characters db, mangos.sql into mangos db, realmd.sql into realmd db.

    realmd starts ok. mangosd says this:

    Map file './maps/0004331.map' is non-compatible version (outdated?).

    I did not get that error with version 0.16-dev2. Using client version 12340 with both.

  6. Humans: no humans can be created. mangosd always crashes.

    Night Elves: DKs can be created and logged into. Wars can be created, but not logged into. Hunters, rogues, and druids cannot be created. Strangest of all, attempting to create a priest does not produce a crash or error, but it does not create the character. Furthermore, classes that normally can be created then exhibit the same behavior until mangosd is restarted.

    I'm done screwing around with this until somebody comes up with a useful suggestion.

  7. I rebuilt mangos completely stock without SD2 and set up a new db without UDB. Still having the same problem.

    This might have something to do with it... tons of errors like this in Server.log:

    2010-08-22 23:16:23 ERROR:Item (Entry: 129) not exist in `item_template` but referenced in `CharStartOutfit.dbc`

    In the default minimal database that comes with mangos, the item numbers are all wrong. For example, "Squire's Pants" should be entry 23477, not entry 44.

    (Edit: There are multiple items called "Squire's Pants", and one of them is indeed item 44. Those are given to Human paladins. There are different Squire's Pants given to, e.g., Dwarf and Draenei paladins. And most of those entries are missing from a stock mangos.)

  8. I think it's because I don't have UDB installed. The core playercreateinfo_spell refers to spells that aren't scripted... if that's the right terminology. When I did this:

    update playercreateinfo_spell set race = race + 100;

    I could create any character without problems. However, many of them crashed the server when I attempted to log into them. For example, I cannot log into any humans. But I can always log into gnomes and dwarves. I think maybe the humans are in invalid locations.

    The newest UDB I can find is version 0.12 (388) for mangos build 9539. Is there a newer version somewhere?

  9. I downloaded the core source from git and the SD2 source from svn and built it according to the instructions on the forums. (Which, incidentally, are not very clear about how to incorporate SD2 or the database updates. If I wasn't an experienced programmer, I wouldn't have made it this far.)

    Creating any character and class combination almost always causes mangosd to crash. Once I successfully made a blood elf priest and was able to log in. Once I made a draenei hunter, but mangosd crashed when I tried to log in. Those successes were not repeatable.

    Edit: compiling with MSVC 2010 on WinXP.

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