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Posts posted by leomkyll

  1. I just tested this on the .14 branch now that it has been supported and it worked like a charm, No git errors and it COMPILED! finally!:eek:

    I tried to patch but had some errors in git merge

    I used the command patch-p1 <name.patch

    on my mangos source 8620

    $ patch -p1 < vehicle_mangos_8590.patch

    patching file `sql/v01_vehicle_data.sql'

    patching file `sql/v02_vehicle_seat_data.sql'

    patching file `sql/v03_creature_addon_tables.sql'

    patching file `sql/vvv_vehicle_test_data.sql'

    patching file `src/game/AggressorAI.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/BattleGroundMgr.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/BattleGroundSA.h'

    patching file `src/game/Chat.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/Chat.h'

    patching file `src/game/ConfusedMovementGenerator.cpp'

    Hunk #1 FAILED at 102.

    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to src/game/ConfusedMovementGenerator.c


    patching file `src/game/Creature.cpp'

    Hunk #3 succeeded at 1647 (offset 11 lines).

    Hunk #4 succeeded at 2127 (offset 12 lines).

    patching file `src/game/Creature.h'

    Hunk #3 succeeded at 642 (offset 2 lines).

    patching file `src/game/CreatureAI.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/CreatureEventAI.cpp'

    Hunk #1 succeeded at 847 (offset -7 lines).

    patching file `src/game/DBCStores.cpp'

    Hunk #1 succeeded at 130 (offset 1 line).

    patching file `src/game/DBCStores.h'

    patching file `src/game/DBCStructure.h'

    patching file `src/game/DBCfmt.h'

    patching file `src/game/FleeingMovementGenerator.cpp'

    Hunk #1 FAILED at 33.

    Hunk #2 FAILED at 353.

    Hunk #3 FAILED at 409.

    3 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to src/game/FleeingMovementGenerator.c


    patching file `src/game/GameObject.cpp'

    Hunk #1 succeeded at 51 (offset 1 line).

    Hunk #3 succeeded at 1343 (offset 8 lines).

    patching file `src/game/GameObject.h'

    patching file `src/game/GridNotifiers.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/Group.h'

    patching file `src/game/GroupHandler.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/HomeMovementGenerator.cpp'

    Hunk #1 FAILED at 42.

    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to src/game/HomeMovementGenerator.cpp.r


    patching file `src/game/Level3.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/MiscHandler.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/MotionMaster.cpp'

    Hunk #1 FAILED at 76.

    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to src/game/MotionMaster.cpp.rej

    patching file `src/game/MovementHandler.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/Object.cpp'

    Hunk #1 succeeded at 258 (offset -10 lines).

    Hunk #3 succeeded at 299 (offset -10 lines).

    Hunk #4 succeeded at 1641 (offset -14 lines).

    Hunk #5 FAILED at 1696.

    1 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to src/game/Object.cpp.rej

    patching file `src/game/Object.h'

    Hunk #2 succeeded at 490 (offset -2 lines).

    patching file `src/game/ObjectMgr.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/ObjectMgr.h'

    patching file `src/game/Opcodes.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/Pet.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/Pet.h'

    patching file `src/game/PetHandler.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/Player.cpp'

    Hunk #1 succeeded at 335 (offset 1 line).

    Hunk #3 succeeded at 1613 (offset 1 line).

    Hunk #4 succeeded at 7749 (offset 28 lines).

    Hunk #5 succeeded at 8043 (offset 6 lines).

    Hunk #6 succeeded at 16980 (offset 33 lines).

    Hunk #7 succeeded at 16991 (offset 6 lines).

    Hunk #8 succeeded at 17047 (offset 33 lines).

    Hunk #9 succeeded at 18131 (offset 6 lines).

    Hunk #10 succeeded at 18349 (offset 32 lines).

    Hunk #11 succeeded at 18374 (offset 6 lines).

    Hunk #12 succeeded at 18422 (offset 32 lines).

    Hunk #13 succeeded at 18648 (offset 6 lines).

    Hunk #14 succeeded at 19137 (offset 32 lines).

    Hunk #15 succeeded at 19166 (offset 6 lines).

    Hunk #16 succeeded at 19650 (offset 32 lines).

    Hunk #17 succeeded at 19710 (offset 6 lines).

    patching file `src/game/Player.h'

    Hunk #1 succeeded at 2087 (offset 2 lines).

    Hunk #3 succeeded at 2216 (offset 2 lines).

    patching file `src/game/PointMovementGenerator.cpp'

    Hunk #1 FAILED at 42.

    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to src/game/PointMovementGenerator.cpp.


    patching file `src/game/RandomMovementGenerator.cpp'

    Hunk #1 FAILED at 129.

    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to src/game/RandomMovementGenerator.cpp


    patching file `src/game/ReactorAI.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/SharedDefines.h'

    patching file `src/game/Spell.cpp'

    Hunk #3 succeeded at 1406 (offset 2 lines).

    Hunk #5 succeeded at 4905 (offset 2 lines).

    Hunk #7 succeeded at 5789 (offset 2 lines).

    patching file `src/game/Spell.h'

    patching file `src/game/SpellAuras.cpp'

    Hunk #5 succeeded at 3628 (offset -44 lines).

    Hunk #7 succeeded at 3902 (offset -44 lines).

    Hunk #9 succeeded at 5939 (offset -44 lines).

    Hunk #10 succeeded at 7241 (offset -10 lines).

    patching file `src/game/SpellEffects.cpp'

    Hunk #3 succeeded at 3253 (offset 1 line).

    Hunk #5 succeeded at 6945 (offset 1 line).

    patching file `src/game/SpellHandler.cpp'

    Hunk #3 succeeded at 560 (offset 2 lines).

    patching file `src/game/TargetedMovementGenerator.cpp'

    Hunk #1 FAILED at 46.

    Hunk #2 FAILED at 132.

    2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to src/game/TargetedMovementGenerator.


    patching file `src/game/Unit.cpp'

    Hunk #3 succeeded at 7337 (offset 34 lines).

    Hunk #5 succeeded at 9874 (offset 30 lines).

    Hunk #7 succeeded at 10271 (offset 34 lines).

    Hunk #9 succeeded at 10753 (offset 34 lines).

    Hunk #11 succeeded at 10814 (offset 34 lines).

    Hunk #13 succeeded at 10851 (offset 34 lines).

    Hunk #15 succeeded at 11635 with fuzz 1 (offset 34 lines).

    Hunk #16 succeeded at 11635 with fuzz 1 (offset 2 lines).

    Hunk #17 succeeded at 11776 (offset 96 lines).

    Hunk #18 succeeded at 11938 (offset 2 lines).

    Hunk #19 succeeded at 12344 (offset 96 lines).

    Hunk #20 succeeded at 12259 (offset 2 lines).

    patching file `src/game/Unit.h'

    Hunk #4 FAILED at 956.

    Hunk #7 succeeded at 1544 (offset 2 lines).

    1 out of 8 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to src/game/Unit.h.rej

    patching file `src/game/Vehicle.cpp'

    patching file `src/game/Vehicle.h'

    patching file `src/game/WaypointMovementGenerator.cpp'

    Hunk #1 FAILED at 83.

    1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to src/game/WaypointMovementGenerator.c


    patching file `src/game/World.cpp'

    Hunk #1 succeeded at 1425 with fuzz 2.

    patching file `src/game/WorldSession.h'

    patching file `src/game/debugcmds.cpp'

    patching file `src/shared/Database/SQLStorage.cpp'

  2. If anyone out there can enlighten me how to apply the vehicles in my mangos will be very


    Use updated by mangos


    After cloning this.

    I put over his with Git Bash Here

    using the command

    Git pull git://github.com/rastikzzz/ mangos.git

    But it generates a conflict in the merge

    $ git pull git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

    remote: Counting objects: 3820, done.

    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1134/1134), done.

    emote: Total 3365 (delta 2879), reused 2674 (delta 2231)B/s

    Receiving objects: 100% (3365/3365), 1018.21 KiB | 97 KiB/s, done.

    Resolving deltas: 100% (2879/2879), completed with 191 local objects.

    From git://github.com/mangos/mangos

    * branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD

    Removing contrib/extractor/VC71_AD.sln

    Removing contrib/extractor/VC71_ad.vcproj

    Auto-merging src/game/AggressorAI.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/BattleGroundMgr.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Chat.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Chat.h

    Auto-merging src/game/ConfusedMovementGenerator.cpp

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/ConfusedMovementGenerator.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Creature.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Creature.h

    Auto-merging src/game/CreatureEventAI.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/DBCStores.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/DBCStores.h

    Auto-merging src/game/DBCStructure.h

    Auto-merging src/game/DBCfmt.h

    Auto-merging src/game/FleeingMovementGenerator.cpp

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/FleeingMovementGenerator.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/GameObject.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/GameObject.h

    Auto-merging src/game/Group.h

    Auto-merging src/game/HomeMovementGenerator.cpp

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/HomeMovementGenerator.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Level3.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/MiscHandler.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/MotionMaster.cpp

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/MotionMaster.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/MovementHandler.cpp

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/MovementHandler.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Object.cpp

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/Object.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Object.h

    Auto-merging src/game/ObjectMgr.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Opcodes.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/PetHandler.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Player.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Player.h

    Auto-merging src/game/PointMovementGenerator.cpp

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/PointMovementGenerator.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/RandomMovementGenerator.cpp

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/RandomMovementGenerator.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/SharedDefines.h

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/SharedDefines.h

    Auto-merging src/game/Spell.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Spell.h

    Auto-merging src/game/SpellAuras.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/SpellEffects.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/SpellHandler.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/TargetedMovementGenerator.cpp

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/TargetedMovementGenerator.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Unit.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Unit.h

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/Unit.h

    Auto-merging src/game/WaypointMovementGenerator.cpp

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/WaypointMovementGenerator.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/World.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/WorldSession.h

    Auto-merging src/game/debugcmds.cpp

    Auto-merging src/shared/Database/SQLStorage.cpp

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/shared/Database/SQLStorage.cpp

    Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

  3. I noticed that had a reduction in crash that gave the bots when they died ...

    and yet when I went in with them gave naxxramas crash.

    Aki is the log server


    2009-10-11 12:07:36 >> Loaded 747 string templates from creature_ai_texts

    2009-10-11 12:07:36 Loading EventAI Texts additional data...

    2009-10-11 12:07:36

    2009-10-11 12:07:36 >> Loaded 747 additional CreatureEventAI Texts data.

    2009-10-11 12:07:36 Loading CreatureEventAI Summons...

    2009-10-11 12:07:36

    2009-10-11 12:07:36 >> Loaded 19 CreatureEventAI summon definitions

    2009-10-11 12:07:36 Loading CreatureEventAI Scripts...

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Event 2304903 Action 1 param1 references out-of-range entry (378) in texts table.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -544 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -509 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -504 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -494 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -492 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -491 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -490 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -471 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -378 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -349 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -167 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -151 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -150 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -147 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -146 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -145 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -144 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -143 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry -142 in table `creature_ai_texts` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 ERROR:CreatureEventAI: Entry 8 in table `creature_ai_summons` but not used in EventAI scripts.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 >> Loaded 12335 CreatureEventAI scripts

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 Initializing Scripts...

    2009-10-11 12:07:37

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 >>> Scripts Library MaNGOSScript.dll was successfully loaded.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 DEBUG:: Initialize game time and timers

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 Starting Map System

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 Starting BattleGround System

    2009-10-11 12:07:37

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 >> Loaded 13 battlegrounds

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 Loading Transports...

    2009-10-11 12:07:37

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 >> Loaded 19 transports

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 Deleting expired bans...

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 Calculate next daily quest reset time...

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 Starting objects Pooling system...

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 Starting Game Event system...

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 GameEvent 3 "Darkmoon Faire (Terokkar Forest)" started.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 GameEvent 4 "Darkmoon Faire (Elwynn Forest)" started.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 GameEvent 19 "Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch!" started.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 GameEvent 36 "Edge of Madness, Hazza'rah" started.

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 WORLD: World initialized

    2009-10-11 12:07:37 mangosd process priority class set to HIGH

    2009-10-11 12:07:37

    2009-10-11 12:07:37

    2009-10-11 12:13:33 ERROR:Player::addSpell: Non-existed in SpellStore spell #51379 request, deleting for all characters in `character_spell`.

    2009-10-11 12:13:33 ERROR:Not existed achievement criteria 309 data removed from table `character_achievement_progress`.

    2009-10-11 12:13:33 ERROR:Not existed achievement criteria 643 data removed from table `character_achievement_progress`.

    2009-10-11 12:13:33 ERROR:Not existed achievement criteria 1861 data removed from table `character_achievement_progress`.

    2009-10-11 12:13:33 ERROR:Not existed achievement criteria 1862 data removed from table `character_achievement_progress`.

    2009-10-11 12:13:33 ERROR:Not existed achievement criteria 1864 data removed from table `character_achievement_progress`.

    2009-10-11 12:13:33 ERROR:Not existed achievement criteria 7390 data removed from table `character_achievement_progress`.

    2009-10-11 12:14:12 ERROR:Not existed achievement criteria 317 data removed from table `character_achievement_progress`.

    2009-10-11 12:14:12 ERROR:Not existed achievement criteria 1866 data removed from table `character_achievement_progress`.

    2009-10-11 12:20:55 ERROR:EffectSummonType: Unhandled summon type 209

    2009-10-11 12:25:01 ERROR:SESSION: opcode CMSG_MOVE_SPLINE_DONE (0x02C9) have unprocessed tail data (read stop at 0 from 53)

    2009-10-11 12:35:53 ERROR:BuildPlayerRepop: player Chikamaru(229) already has a corpse

  4. @Runsttren

    here is a patch rewriting all class ai to style in rogue and warrior

    note: this is just a straight conversion, builds fine but actual cast orders tweaking may be required



    How to apply this pach?


    I've just noticed that the crash occurs when the bots try to teleport when they

    dead ... ex:

    they die in one place and I'll go another map .... there when they try to

    then killed the server is crashed

    Have some fix for that or everyone else is having the same problem?

  5. Pls.....fix the playerbot.....crash my mangos....

    My process...

    get playerbot from git://github.com/illustri/mangos.git

    >>>git pull git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

    >>>git pull git://github.com/Diablox/mangos.git autobroadcast

    +scriptdev2 from git://github.com/scriptdev2/scriptdev2.git

    My core crash in instance into instances....bots as die...and more....

    Pls help me

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