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Posts posted by Nooblord

  1. Hello all,

    I've just started learning how to compile my own core and setup my SQL server and stuff for WotLK 3.3.5a and it's all working fine so far.

    I used playerbot on someone's repack a while back and my friends and I had a blast with it! I've been reading about it all and trying to integrate it with my server but I just can't seem to figure it out.

    Could somebody please give me a simple tutorial/breakdown on how to patch it into my server and such.



  2. Thanks for the reply, kuzminsv

    I think my repack my be using one of blueboy's AI because I tried that command and it didn't do anything. How well do the WotLK playerbots work with TBC? I'm guessing they just skip a few abilities or something. What is the best playerbot for PvE?

  3. Hey guys,

    I'm really new to the whole private server thing and recently downloaded a repack for Burning Crusade 2.4.3, which has playerbots. I'm not sure if it's using a playerbot script for a later version of WoW or an old and outdated script or even if that's as far developed playerbots are, but, I've noticed many classes only work with 1 talent spec (Priest will only be useful with a full holy spec etc) unless they're dueling where they will then cast offensive spells? I've also noticed bots repeatedly use whatever drinks they have until they run out rather than actually drinking.

    So my question is am I using an old/or updated passed BC playerbot script?

    or is this as far as it's been developed? If there is any BC specific playerbot scripts or more updated, how hard is it to compile my own core/repack thing with it and where do I get instance scripts and shit to do it?

    Appreciate any answers, my friends are loving the bots though. It can be almost as irritating as real WoW!


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