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Posts posted by markg85

  1. This could become usefull when updating mangos using git (on windows):

    @echo off
    cd "Mangos"
    echo =============== Updating Mangos ===============
    start /B /WAIT cmd /C git pull git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git master
    echo Writing changelog.
    start /B /WAIT cmd /C git log>..\\changelog.log
    echo Done

    It's just a simple batch file.

    When you have cloned Mangos with git to c:\\servers\\Mangos then you should create a file mangos_update.bat in c:\\servers containing the text above.

    Now you just need to execute mangos_update.bat and it will update automaticaly.

    Make sure you have selected "Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt" when installing git.

    Note: the cmd command within a start command is just my workaround so cmd closes after it got finnished, for some reason cmd stays open when calling git directly.

    That's a nice script.

    Just 2 changes are required to work fine.

    1. the ..\\changelog.lol puts it in the parent folder.. you place that batch file in your mangos dir so the changelog can come at a somewhat unexpected place. remove the ..\\ and that's fine.

    2. Not your fault but by default the git executable isn't in the windows path list thus the script won't work. Add the git bin folder (in my case: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Git\\bin") to the paths system variable (described here: http://www.brightrev.com/how-to/windows/35-add-a-utilities-directory-to-your-pc.html?start=1)

    And i personally would do the same for SVN and then include SDB and ScriptDev2 to that batch file as well but that's probably installation specific.

  2. Just an example of what i looked for but can simply not find in the code:

    - Improved fireball (definitely works, but what makes it work)

    - Arcane Focus

    - Arcane Concentration

    - Arcane Fortitude

    ... i just can't find them.

    It would be nice if someone could explain (in understandable terms) how this whole spell system is working and where i need to be if i want to fix a passive spell, a talent or just a spell....

    Comments like "look in file blablabla.cpp" are not gonna work with a project this big. Might work in some cases but don't count on it.

  3. i am searching my ass off!

    and it would be a shame is no one is gonna help me guide through this. The start to get this going is hard, but after you've fixed your first spell you can expand it a bit and fix another one.. and so forth

    Also if you know something then just TELL it. do NOT tell me to search there or there because your not willing to share it directly with me.. then just say nothing.

  4. In SpellEffects.cpp there is a function called: EffectDummy.

    I think that's the one you meant..

    Inside that function there is a part called:


    Now my guess is that i need to add the spellid of "Arcane Fortitude" in there and add stuff to get it working..

    To do that i need to know a few other things (the code is hard to figure out)

    - How do i look up if the talent point for that passive spell is set?

    - How do i get the current intellect

    - How do i get the current armor

    And last but not least.. are those sLog.* log messages saves in a log file? if yes. which one and how to enable them? i did change all log levels to 3 but simple can't find any messages. World.log has a lot but none (or so it seems) of sLog.

  5. I believe you have to get the opcode for that spell. the client doesn't send spells by name or id to the server. i could be wrong as i've never really messed with spell handling.

    And how can i do that opcode stuff?

    Some more in depth information about this would be welcome.

  6. Hello all,

    I just got mangos working here and having fun with the GM commands :)

    Now i made a mage, made it lvl 70, put all talents in arcane with the intention to find bugged talents and fix them. The first one i found was: Arcane Fortitude which should increase your armor by 100% of your intellect. So if you have 2200 armor (common for a mage) and you have 700 intellect (also common for a mage) your armor will get 2200 + 700 = 2900. And if you do the intellect buf on it with 40 intellect the total intellect is 740 thus the sum gets: 2200 + 700 + 40 = 2940

    Now the issue i'm facing is that i simply don't know where to start.. i can't find the arcane fortitude spell id anywhere in the code (or the name itself) so i'm wondering where i need to start with this.

    I know a fair amount of c++ so i'm not expecting a lot of issues there... i only need some guidance to get the locations where i need to code right.

    And a slightly off topic question: Where is the code that handles the "Mark of the Wild" buff spell? i searched for that based on the spell id's as well but i could not find it.. just wondering that particular one because it increases all stats.

    I hope someone can put me in the right direction.



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