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Posts posted by noevidenz

  1. I've had the same problem. I'm not sure if it's fixed right now though, as the Nightsaber Stalkers you have to tame afterwards are all spawning around level 80, so at level 11 can be considered untameable. :P

    Edit: It appears that after restarting the server, the problem has gone away.

    Also updated the creatures table in mangos database on entry 2043 (Nightsaber Stalker) to make them spawn at more realistic levels (according to Wowhead, Thottbot, etc.)

  2. It appears to me that when running one of it's batch operations, the AHBot causes a large database load and prevents the core from querying the database in a timely manner.

    It could even go so far as preventing it running queries all together, but I don't believe it's that severe.

    I personally see no reason that the AHBot needs to be part of the Core. It has just about nothing to do with the AH Handler and Manager.

    It doesn't really appear to make any significant changes to the MaNGOS code, just adds a couple of tiny customizations.

    The way that I see it, and I don't want to belittle Xeross and everyone else working on the project because I love this particular addition, but having it as part of the core is simply clutter. It could just as easily be built as a separate process.

    But that's my opinion, and as I'm new to this I may have missed something important.

    Edit: As I failed to make clear above, it's not the Auction House that requires it's own server, it's the AHBot pummeling the database with thousands of queries that causes performance issues, and they're only intermittent.

    The Auction House itself, in my opinion, is best off staying in the core.

  3. To anyone whose Auction House is not populating:

    Ensure that you replace your old 'mangos.conf' file with the new one after compiling.

    At first blush it doesn't appear to be any different, however there's a huge section about half way down that adds all the AuctionHouseBot config items.

    They are NOT the same as the ones you see pasted throughout this forum in various guides.

    I just spent a couple hours blindly fiddling with my config files and database only to find that I was working with an old CONF file.

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