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Posts posted by nugu100

  1. In present, Bag(contains items) and bag(in inventory) cannot be swaped.

    So, I made codes which bag swap.

    void Player::SwapItem( uint16 src, uint16 dst )
       uint8 srcbag = src >> 8;
       uint8 srcslot = src & 255;
       uint8 dstbag = dst >> 8;
       uint8 dstslot = dst & 255;
       Item *pSrcItem = GetItemByPos( srcbag, srcslot );
       Item *pDstItem = GetItemByPos( dstbag, dstslot );
       if( !pSrcItem )
       sLog.outDebug( "STORAGE: SwapItem bag = %u, slot = %u, item = %u", dstbag, dstslot, pSrcItem->GetEntry());
       if(!isAlive() )
           SendEquipError( EQUIP_ERR_YOU_ARE_DEAD, pSrcItem, pDstItem );
       if(pSrcItem->m_lootGenerated)                           // prevent swap looting item
           //best error message found for attempting to swap while looting
           SendEquipError( EQUIP_ERR_CANT_DO_RIGHT_NOW, pSrcItem, NULL );
       // ******************** ADDED CODE **********************
       bool bagswapfailed = false;
       if (pDstItem)
           const ItemPrototype *srcProto = pSrcItem->GetProto(), *dstProto = pDstItem->GetProto();
           if ( !IsBagPos(src) && IsBagPos(dst) && pSrcItem->IsBag() && pDstItem->IsBag() && ((Bag *)pSrcItem)->IsEmpty() && srcProto && dstProto )
               Bag *sBag = (Bag *)pSrcItem;
               Bag *dBag = (Bag *)pDstItem;
               uint32 dstbagsize, count = 0;
               dstbagsize = dBag->GetBagSize();
               for(int i=0; i<dstbagsize; ++i)
                   Item *dstbagitem = dBag->GetItemByPos(i);
                   if (!dstbagitem)
                   const ItemPrototype *dstitemproto = dstbagitem->GetProto();
                   if (!dstitemproto)
                       bagswapfailed = true;
                   if ( !ItemCanGoIntoBag(dstitemproto, srcProto) )
                       bagswapfailed = true;
               if (count > sBag->GetBagSize())
                   bagswapfailed = true;
               if (!bagswapfailed)
                   // Items swap
                   count = 0;
                   for(int i=0; i<dstbagsize; ++i)
                       Item *dstbagitem = dBag->GetItemByPos(i);
                       if (!dstbagitem)
                       dBag->RemoveItem(i, true);
                       sBag->StoreItem(count, dstbagitem, true);
                       dstbagitem->SetState(ITEM_CHANGED, this);
                   // Bag swap
                   // now do moves, remove...
                   RemoveItem(dstbag, dstslot, false);
                   RemoveItem(srcbag, srcslot, false);
                   // add to dest
                   _StoreItem(dst, pSrcItem, pSrcItem->GetCount(), false, true);
                   _StoreItem(src, pDstItem, pDstItem->GetCount(), false, true);
                   pSrcItem->SetState(ITEM_CHANGED, this);
                   pDstItem->SetState(ITEM_CHANGED, this);
       // ****************************** ADD END ******************************
       // check unequip potability for equipped items and bank bags
       if(IsEquipmentPos ( src ) || IsBagPos ( src ))

    Please verify my code.

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