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Posts posted by pala

  1. great work to all developers hope you all have a good Christmas.

    Now to those who didn't keep up with the 303 branch and don't seem to understand DK's are working with the 303 release but u need a database atm there is only 2 options FDB and NCDB I suggest NCDB but it has some compatibility problems with Mangos so use the fix located Here, I myself haven't fully tested it but it works ok so far. To use the fix u have to extract the files included in the RAR into your mangos folder of the web installer and import the base Mangos DB inculded into your mangos database before u execute the fixed web installer. the fix brings the 16mb DBerrors.log file from the unmodified NCDB down to 2.4mb which is alot less errors, read the rest of the thread for other info about known errors etc

  2. I can live with git, not happy with it,but can deal with it. main thing im worry about there is no revsion number... like if i compile a core.. then a week later what to complie another core, and then update my DB, add the sql updates.. how will i know where i left off at ? If i writ a note and lost it.. then im in a mess.

    i like this old saying... if it works, why mess with it.. meaning svn working grate for me. i could read what was update what was fixed and so on... now its like working in the dark, Hope MaNGOS lives thought this mess.

    I hate to say it but your obviously not good at dates (calender dates that is :P) because the only difference between end user SVN and Git to me is the Revision numbers and I myself never really worked from revision numbers anyway, I used dates and times and worked my updates out from there the only time I used Rev numbers was making sure DB was compatible with Core.

    If your using Msysgit for windows then its quite easy once you have done the original clone its just a matter of right clicking on the Mangos folder where its located running Git Bash and running 'Git Pull' to update and using Git GUI to look at changes by opening it and bringing down the Repository list and using either 'Visualize master's History' or Visualize All Branch History' and as i said before then going on the date and time u last updated.

  3. Not to start a debate about Linux vs. Windows...the OS we use and the interfaces we use are chosen because they make sense to us. I choose to use Windows for the bulk of everything I do because it just makes sense to me. Learning to use something like Tortoise SVN is much simpler and makes life easier. So it goes to say...I feel it's very unfortunate that Mangos has moved to github.com

    It's not that I "can't" learn to use something new...it's that I'm extremely comfortable and enjoy how simplistic things were. Now I have this Cygwin installed and quite frankly...I don't feel like dealing with a command line. So what other options do I have?

    I feel it's very short sited that an Open Source project has taken a turn and seems to becoming platform specific. Developing on Linux may be easier and better for some...that is YOUR opinion...and you are entitled too it...I just don't see why the Source Code can't be hosted somewhere that provides an equal footing for Windwos and Linux users alike.

    Everything I am reading keeps telling me that Git is "linux" and even the Git and GitHUB guides say that Git doesn't work properly with Cygwin...

    Thank you Manogs for making life difficult when things worked fine. Perhaps there are other options for SVN hosting that don't come with speed issues. I realize the current SVN host was having issues...but to change COMPLETELY how things are done...that just plain sucks.

    I think you may very well lose alot of people that follow and use Mangos. What next? Will things change again when something new rears it's head? Will Mangos go the way of "follow the popular trends"?

    Boo I say...

    Now I'm not too into learning new things all the time, but that begin said Git seems to be an exception I downloaded it about 5min ago and I can already use it. It's not too different to TortoiseSVN in my opinion different layout but not all that different for the average user to use, updating isn't as easy as hitting one button but still it isn't hard, and you can still view a sort of change log through the Git GUI.

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