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Posts posted by paytheo

  1. Since back when my basic code was used for playerbot warrior I had an idea to make a very advanced pvp AI bot that learns from experience. I'm still working on it and speaking to some psychology professors from my university to see what best ways for pvp bot to learn are, as well as thought processes and others.

    As far as my work is going right now, the pvp bot identifies "events" as either intervals of time, or scenario triggers (battle, death, killing blow, identify enemy(s)), and inserts them in seperate db i created in sd2 in table "ai_memory", with columns including LOTS of factors that define the "event", along with some kind of indication of whether a positive or negative outcome with the decision made. Based on searching through db from previous events (or after thinking of virtual memory and what happened from pvp bot decisions), the bot takes multiple params of his surroundings, hp, hp ratios, allies, etc etc. and makes thought process to see what to do (fight, retreat, support etc) based on all params.

    Right now I'm working on trying to create a "mood" or personality almost that will alter decision making, creating flaws of being coward, or too cocky trying to rambo into a 1v5 battle after being on massive killing spree... and its annoying >.>

    I've been researching AI for a bit and thought what better "test zone" than mangos. Only thing is this is not controlled via player, the ai will have a "mind of its own" almost. However its pathing is something I've yet to even think about, currently what i've got it doing is just mindlessly roaming around set waypoints within warsong and so far recording some information on its surroundings.

    Maybe though it can be implemented in your system as soon as I have some working copy able to release :/

  2. could probably just use a trigger in the lake, because the quest completion is supposed to be activated when u fly near the lake, not sure though whether you need to use the transport or not. if someone could test on live whether u need the flightpath or not it would help. if not then an invisble trigger npc could proc quest completion when in LOS

  3. I came to mangos early this year, knowing nothing but some basic C# programming, and i've been like a kid in a cotton candy factory hyper as hell and taking everything in with an endless supply. I learned all SQL related things from mangos-->UDB, and now im even creating my own pvp ai bot using sd2... now that mangos is switching to GIT, all i can say is holy sh*t! im not in a cotton candy factory anymore, its like im in heaven!

    Am i the only one excited to learn the hell out of GIT? look at all the stuff u can do! LOLOLOL

    (I Kinda had 73 chocolate chip cookies before i posted this :eek::eek:)

  4. "To my knowledge ( not having played on retail ), this is possible when the rogue gets out of combat, either by time or by distance."

    Yes. It is from time not in combat

    Then someone with retail experience told me that in retail duels, combat never ends.

    You accept the duel, combat is turned on, you fight, there is a winner, the duel ends, combat is over. - And nothing different.

    This is wrong, I played on retail from release date till about 8 months ago, and combat is only initiated in a duel when you fight in the duel (cast a spell or hit the person, targeting does not initiate combat). There are lots of peopel who complain about rogues restealthing after they spec the talent imp gouge (lasts 4.5 seconds?) and get a little distance and restealth... THIS IS OFF LIKE. trust me i learned to play against it lol...

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