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Posts posted by Poe

  1. I know how to get the master from MaNGOS via GIT, but I would like to access the "mangos-0.12" branch, and I don't know how. The only way I've found to successfully download the master branch is to "git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git" followed by where I want the files put, then after that just right-click the folder they're in, and "git bash here" followed by "git pull"

    Since all the branches are in "git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git" how do I specify a branch, since it assumes master if I don't? I've read through the guides, and I haven't found the command, and I can't get any syntax or command usage info from the GIT bash window. I'd prefer to learn to use the bash window, rather than install an unneeded GUI.


  2. I know that on the offi server is option for "froze" your account for prevent decrease of paid date/season, for example when you go on holiday etc.

    Is it possible to program code for checking column "frozen" in table "account" and if value of column frozen = 1 => Show error message with information about Frozen account, and if value of column frozen = 0 =>Continue to success login

    Thanks for help and sorry for my english

    There's a "Locked" field in the Reamd > account that does the same thing. :P

    As for your idea, Henhouse, I agree. I've had to jail a few characters (usually for a day or two. After the third warning, I strip their characters naked and drop them in enemy faction territory... };p ) for ninja-like tactics. Character locks are a good idea... but not as much fun.

  3. Since there's a jumble of commands on here, I hate adding more.

    The basic command (from what I've learned so far) is

    git clone (address of git repo) (local folder to create)

    -OR- you can "git init" the dir yourself, and then use "git checkout". I prefer to use git clone so I can just "git bash here" then just "git pull" to update it. I have the 303-willcrashforsure branch, but it doesn't even recognize data past 2.4.x yet, nor is there a proper map extractor yet. They can't make one yet, because the info they need is in the client that hasn't been released yet. So, as impatient as we programmers are, we have to "wait"... (I hate that word.)

    Hang in there comrades... We can ".die" The Lich King soon enough...

  4. I agree, plus now we have more in-game environment control from the CMD/Terminal Window. All my players are nagging me about 3.0 and I'm busting my @$$ trying to figure it out, but I'm probably just stuck waiting until our friendly neighborhood MaNGOS team figures it out. Keep it up guys! We Believe in you!

  5. I've had upwards of 260 players on my server, running Windows Server 2000. Five 4ghz CPU's 8gb RAM, and 4 Realms. My server is mostly used for Pre-made raids and Battlegrounds Tourney's. I know it was @least 260 because we had 30 IP's with @least 10 players each. It took us 2 months coordinate it all (because we all work) but it was kick@$$!!! My server handled it fine, but my bandwidth was sapped dry. I have a T1 line for my home office.

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