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Posts posted by radink

  1. ok now i have a big problem

    # Go into your ScriptDev2 source folder, then into the "sql" folder, and open scriptdev2_create_structure_mysql.sql in Notepad, copy all the contents, then paste it into the SQL query box to the right of SQLyog then select the "scriptdev2" database in the database list on the left side of SQLyog (make sure all of the text in the query box is selected before moving on) (click here for an image)

    # Click the play button in the toolbar at the top of SQLyog

    # Repeat the above two steps, but this time for scriptdev2_script_full.sql in the same scriptdev2 sql folder and for mangos_scriptname_full.sql (for mangos_scriptname_full.sql, have the mangos database selected instead of the scriptdev2 database) (click here for an image)

    Ok first i have copy it..

    then past in query, but when i click on start button then come: No query(s)were executed. Please enter a query in the SQL window or place the cursor inside a query.

    and this Repeat the above two steps, but this time for scriptdev2_script_full.sql in the same scriptdev2 sql folder and for mangos_scriptname_full.sql (for mangos_scriptname_full.sql, have the mangos database selected instead of the scriptdev2 database) (click here for an image) wtf the scren ist down :( i dont know what u mean

    When you are in the query window, do a select all, then run it. Only works when the text is selected for some reason.

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