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Posts posted by Ritxarin

  1. I was looking at the code and i realized something. In phase 3 there are two Halions, and they do not share their health pool, meaning that you have to down both of them indivudually. This fact makes it almost impossible to kill it within the enrage timer.

    I tried to force them to share life, same way the twin valkyers do in ToC, but as it compares the remaining life of both halions in order to calculate the corporeality, it completely ruined it. I tried to recalculate the corporeality comparing the damage done in both realms but it did not seem to work.

    Any ideas on how to fix this?

  2. So I go to Ruby Sanctum with gm mode active. The distance from which I can hit Halion is really low. I modify bounding_radius parametre for that boss, which originally was 1.8, and set it to 10. I restart the server and try again, and yet the distance from which I am able to hit Halion remains the same.

    What am I doing wrong?

    P.S.: I am using R2 YTDB database just in case

  3. Exactly, if I am the tank i don't really care about the hitbox, because the boss will come to me. The problem comes when I am using a melee dps, I have to stand right under the boss, and that should not happen. I should be able to hit the boss from a decent distance.

    Maybe you were thinking about the distance from which the boss can it you? I want to increase the distance from which I can hit the boss while in melee range (though not sure if both concepts are linked :D ). Is that possible? How?

  4. I've been running some tests. Bounding_radius for halion was 1.8, i changed it to 10, and yet there was no difference (or the difference was not noticeable). I cannot hit the boss unless I am right below it. On the other hand, Sapphiron's bounding_radius is 0.77 and its hitbox is HUGE.

    Maybe I am missing something? Here's what I did. I got modelid from creature table with id 39863 (halion's ID). The modelig I got is 31952, the I set bounding_radius to 10 for creature_model_info where modelid is 31952.

  5. I found that for some bosses the hitbox is smaller than it should be. Halion for instance, if I wanna be able to melee him I have to be right under the boss, which makes it a really uncomfortable fight for melees.

    Is it possible to increase the hitbox (the range from which melees are able to dps a npc) either by script of by DB?

    Thanks in advance

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