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Posts posted by robindude

  1. MaNGOS: 0.17.0-DEV rev 11093 for Win32.

    SD2 rev 1961

    UDB 0.12.1 (396)

    ACID 3.0.7

    I am in a party with one other (have not and CAN not test if this happens with multiple party members). I have a slow computer. I run into an instance (dungeon, raid, whatever) and my party member follows right on my heels. I entered first, but I arrive second (damned slow computer *waves angry fist*). Party member is now invisible to me. Note, it's the other computer running the server, not mine, but I have easy access to it (like across the room). Anyway, this can be fixed by having the person leave the instance and enter again.

  2. I know this isn't Blizzlike (unless, from what I hear, you're in Cata), but is there a way to change the enchantment on an item?

    Example: You get a Dire Nail of the Bear when what you REALLY want (and is normally apparently available in the game) is the Dire Nail of the Owl (which would be SO much better for your mage since strength and stamina REALLY don't do it for most clothies). Is there a way to switch this, or guarantee with .additem that you get the Owl and not the Bear?

  3. Is there somewhere a list of things to work on for MaNGOS? I've noticed, of course, that a lot of things are missing or not working (especially for WotLK stuff). Do I mention these as 'bugs', or are they already known? Since I'm trying out DK's at the moment, there's quite a few things I've noticed are absent. One of the BIGGEST of these is Death Grip (only THE best spell they've got, come 'ere, magey). And is that a problem of MaNGOS or is it my DB to blame? Given the sheer number of things not operational in Northrend (such as vehicular combat), I'd rather not make a complete noob-ass of myself by posting a long list of 'bugs' that are really 'not-yet-implemented's instead.

  4. Er... help? Getting an error.

    DL'd the newest core of MaNGOS via git, the newest version of SD2 via SVN, then got the AHBot and Traitor mods, both via git. Made patches with each the same way. When I run "git apply --check /addon/<patch>" it works just fine for the AHBot patch (at least I assume so since it comes back blank), but the traitor patch gives the following error:

    error: patch failed: src/game/CharacterHandler.cpp:71

    error: src/game/CharacterHandler.cpp: patch does not apply

    Any ideas what's going on, and if I can fix this?

  5. I've been looking around for about four hours now trying to get this to work, but getting nowhere. I am a total noob and needed the step-by-step instructions of the install to get this thing up and running. I had it going fine, but now I'd like to update and add a third party patch, specifically the Traitor patch. I went to my git gui and updated the files, that seemed to work alright (crossing fingers, haven't compiled to check yet), but I can't figure out how to add the Traitor patch... at all. There was a we site listed (http://daviper.pastebin.org/361780) but that seems to be toast. I tried looking at the original server install which has a patch for the AHBot (which I'm not using, BTW) and to apply it to the Traitor patch. All I got were fairly uncommunicative error messages (along the lines of "this doesn't exist, you ninny"... my comp has a 'tude problem). Anyway, can someone hold my hand through this? Sorry to be so nooby. :o

  6. MaNGOS 0.17.0-DEV (Rev 10908)

    SD2: Rev 1913

    UDB 0.12.1 (396)

    ACID 3.0.7

    What's Broken: Glyph of Divinity

    What SHOULD Happen: Cast on another person, Lay on Hands should give 2x mana to the target and the same amount to the caster.

    What DOES happen: The target gets the double mana, that's it. The caster gets nothing unless the caster is the target.

    What's Broken: Glyph of Blessing of Might

    What SHOULD Happen: When Blessing of Might is cast on self, it should last 30 minutes.

    What DOES Happen: It lasts 10 minutes, same as always. No change. This glyph seems to do nothing at all.

  7. I've found some bugs, and I'd like to report them. However the guide for posting them says to list which Mangos version, DB version, and scriptdev version you're using. I've compiled the thing and I can't seem to find out which one I'm on. It's recent (compiled end of December), but I've no idea how to find out the version numbers I've got. How would I do this?

  8. EDIT: Ignore this... or delete it if possible. It's working again... not that I have a CLUE as to how I did that.... but still.

    I had things set up fairly well. I was trying to do things with custom items and thus tampering with my DB... which is when it all went to hell. I can't connect to it from my main playing machine anymore!

    I've got one machine as the 'server' and another I'm using to connect to it. On top of this, though, I've got a bit of a mess in terms of MySQL on the 'server' machine. At one point in the past I had this set up before, and so made a MySQL service that held the DB. Now I'm doing it again, after and absence, and I've got a MySQL51 service there. I don't know how to get rid of the two of them so I can try reinstalling and putting the DB back to where it was. As I said, I HAD it working just fine, but now whenever I try to connect from the other machine it gets me to try to choose a realm over and over again. It can't be any of the settings, so I figure it's that I accidentally deleted the performance_schema database under the connection as well as the others (save Information_schema and mysql, which was when I saw I was on the wrong window and clicking too damned fast). I tried to restore the Performance_schema DB from another system that I had doing the compiling (and was testing briefly there as well, again working), but when I tried to execute the SQL it gave me errors.

    Er... so any ideas?

  9. Having some issues with custom items. I've gone into WoW-V in an attempt to create several items (specifically shirts that give massive stat bonuses so that two people can take on dungeons and raids). I can create the item just fine, and it goes in (with the much noticed problem that the icon in the bag doesn't look right, but I think there's another thread about that somewhere), the problem comes when I want to EDIT the thing, or make a second one.

    I created an item that fives 52 spell power. This turned out not to be enough, so I created a second item, identical to the first save for the name, entry ID, and, of course, spell power (to 300). This seemed non-functional. The damage done by spells wearing the first item was the same as ones using the second. This happens even if I eliminate the line in Navicat and replace with a new one. And yes, each time I'm restarting the server.

    On a related note, at one point I created an item with increased attack power. I then went back and changed the number. While the actual attack power was changed (according to the Character Sheet), it didn't change on the display text for the item. Any clues here?

    If it matters, I'm using a relatively new compile of Mangos (compiled late December) and the UDB database from that time, so things are at most a month old right now.

  10. Ah. Thanks for the .npc command, though here it isn't helpful. The target is NOT an NPC but a transformed PC (tried the command, doesn't work). Looked through creature_model_info... that contains nothing new. Still unable to find the DisplayID of a player warlock (me in this case) who is under the effects of Metamorphosis.

  11. Alright, I've been trying everything I can think of (short of going into the game and literally trying all 30000+ displayID's one at a time) to find a particular displayID so I can do fun Morph things with it.

    It's not an item ID, or an NPC ID, it's the ID of the purple glowing demon thingy that a warlock turns into when using their Metamorphosis ability. Looked through the creature DB and there's a reference to a 'Dreadlord - Metamorphosis (Warlock)' listing it's modelid1 as 348. This is definitely NOT the right one (though it DOES come up with a Dreadlord image, it's larger, not exactly the right shape, isn't purple, doesn't glow).

    Any help?

    On a side note, wouldn't a GM command to OBTAIN display ID's make sense? Something like '.getid' with options for 'entry' or 'display' returning the entry or display ID of whatever you're focused on at that point? Just a thought.

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