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Posts posted by shivajiva

  1. If the idea was to separate the wheat from the chaff then you truly have succeeded by moving over to git as this will see alot of folks drop away from mangos, its like handing everybody over to Trinity! Is this intentional as the devs can brainstorm there way thru this but leave 'normal' people wondering wtf!

    Personally Im gutted that the devs have divided once again and splintered a great community Mangos/UDB/Scriptdev was an awesome collaboration which for the most part worked but never the less svn issues have forced git to become a reality which we all now live with so quit yer bitchin and provide some solutions as to how to get this working in a way we can understand what rev were working with and how to do multiple patches pls as I like most folks resist steep learning curves being added to an already busy schedule...

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