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Posts posted by Shrander

  1. Sorry to bump this thread, but I thought it would be worth mentioning that I was having issues actually getting the mangos-0.12 branch.


    git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git mangos-0.12

    Downloaded the head revision and placed it inside of the folder named mangos-0.12

    Not sure if it is just since the Windows "Git Bash here" has a some slight changes in syntax or what, but I found what I had to do was slightly alter it to be:

    git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git -b mangos-0.12

    Adding the -b told it to go for the different branch. Took me a while to figure out since searches on the forums and net haven't been helpful at all for how to use git for selecting different branches. Was from using "git help pull", or something like that, that helped me find the -b.

    If this isn't a post worth keeping, go ahead and delete it, just thought it could be handy to those having issues grabbing the branch.

  2. I am trying to help someone with an issue on their 2.4.3 realm on their server.

    There is a shadowstep exploit where a Rogue targets a monster, then uses a macro to cast Shadowstep, and then target someone in their party, and that ends up casting shadowstep, but grabbing the coordinates from the party member.

    It is fixed on the 3.1.3 realm, but we have no clue how to fix it for the 2.4.3 realm.

    An assistance would be appreciated.

    I've been looking through loads of files, even tearing up a few dbc files searching for some kind of answer.

    I can't seem to find the scripting for any spell, just one thing to reference another, to reference another, to reference another, etc.

    Where would I find what actually tells what spells do what, such as making a healing a spell be flagged to heal for how much, and who, or a spell that grabs coordinates from something and moves the player. I just see things telling a spell to cast from an untracable reference.

    So, two things I would like help with please.

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