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Posts posted by Siegels

  1. Hello

    I would like to get some information about the differences between Trinity and Mangos. Yes, I know, Trinity is criticized on this forum. However, I would like to have objective advice with concrete examples, to weigh the pros and cons.


    Thank you in advance for your constructive responses =)

  2. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    With talent "Improved Felhunter", Felhunter must regain 4 or 8% of his maximum mana at each shadow bite.

    For which repository revision was the patch created?


    Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.

    Don't know.

    Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.



    I tried to correct this part of the talent. Maybe i will see for other part with Fel Intelligence, but for the moment:

    @@ -480,6 +480,11 @@ void Spell::EffectSchoolDMG(SpellEffectIndex effect_idx)
                            if ((*itr)->GetCasterGUID() == owner->GetGUID())
    +                    if (owner->HasSpell(54037))
    +                        m_caster->SetPower(POWER_MANA,m_caster->GetPower(POWER_MANA)+m_caster->GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA)*4/100);
    +                    else if (owner->HasSpell(54038))
    +                        m_caster->SetPower(POWER_MANA,m_caster->GetPower(POWER_MANA)+m_caster->GetMaxPower(POWER_MANA)*8/100);
                        if (counter)
                            damage += (counter * owner->CalculateSpellDamage(unitTarget, m_spellInfo, EFFECT_INDEX_2) * damage) / 100.0f;

    Download available on Pastebin (here) and Filebeam (here).

    Tested and works for me.

  3. Hi,

    I want to work on some talents but, i don't know how to check if player has talent or not.

    For example :

    //if has talent 54037 (or rank 2 54038) : dummy aura: 54425
    if (/* What here ? */)
    else if(/* What here to check rank 2?*/)

    I tried too with dummy aura :

    if (Aura* talent = owner->GetDummyAura(54425))

    Those examples are for talent http://fr.wowhead.com/spell=54037 and http://fr.wowhead.com/spell=54038. It must modify spell Shadow bite.

    Any Idea ?

  4. There is only 1 nester query witch can be replaced with a JOIN query without doing any change in your database. SQL patch in first .patch file is correct with or without modification but, yes, join is faster than nester. I will (test and) provide a new patch when I would turn into ubuntu (I'm actually over windows (bwah...) and don't have any developement stuff).

  5. Hi,

    I use mangos since 3 years now, and I always noticed that vendors have the items sorted randomly.

    So, what does it mean ?

    On off, you can see ie for a poison vendor: Mortal poison, Mortal poison II, Mortal poison III, Mortal poison IV ... etc. All sorted.

    In mangos ... =D We have not "Order by" in the sql request, so we can see Mortal poison II, Instant poison IV, Mortal poison IX ... etc. (this is an exemple, i don't remember how it is with UDB )

    So i made this patch which allow custom order in vendors lists.

    This is not really "usefull" but i am always bored about search a specific poison, or other item (ie emblems of conquest, item sets must be at the end of the list) in those lists, and i think ordored ones could be fine.

    Tested on my local server, you can choose order while adding items, or with a new command : .npc moveitem <itemid/link> [<int>] (if not given, sortOrder = 0)

    (slot 0 is first and default slot)

    Here is the updated patch without nester query (need test) : [DOWNLOAD LINK][PASTEBIN LINK]

    Apply this to your database if you want to have correct text when using command:

    INSERT INTO `mangos_string` (`entry`, `content_default`, `content_loc1`, `content_loc2`, `content_loc3`, `content_loc4`, `content_loc5`, `content_loc6`, `content_loc7`, `content_loc8`) VALUES
    (10000, 'Item ''%i'' ''%s'' moved in vendor list to place %i', NULL, 'Equipement ''%i'' ''%s'' déplacé dans la liste du vendeur à la place %i.', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

    And this ... if you want this patch to work =D

    ALTER  TABLE  `npc_vendor`  ADD  `sortOrder` TINYINT( 3  )  UNSIGNED NOT  NULL DEFAULT  '0';

  6. Hello,

    I had an idea: Currently, players can validate a quest by speaking several times to the same creature or several times using a spell on a single creature or object (eg a player can behead several times a single humanoid ).

    Why not create a table in which we store the GUID of creatures / objects on which targets have been validated for unfinished quests ?

    A player has quest: Speak to 5 guards.

    Guards have ID : 15 and GUID: 21 22 23 24 25

    Player speaks to a guard: his guid is saved to character_questobjectives (idea) and +1 to the quest objective

    Player speaks to another guard: same

    Player speaks to the first guard: the guid is already in character_questobjectives : no add and no +1 to objective

    at the end, when quest is finished and validated, occurs in character_questobjectives have to be deleted

    It's just an idea but I think it would have to solve many problems in this regard.

    On this, sorry for my broken English and I expect reactions =)


  7. Hiho,

    sorry for noobish question, but when do you plan to ipmlement it into the source?

    Would be fantastic if it's soon, because without Outdoor PvP, WoW isn't WoW. :)


    Booooh wtf this is MaNGOS forums? xD

    Okay, just updated post^^

    Maybe because...:


    - reset timer for the outdoor pvps (I don't have information about this, whether they can reset when there are active players inside, if they reset when some of the objectives are neutral, in what intervals are they reset etc.)

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