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Force players to auto-join a channel

Guest NetDevil

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Hey there.

Little question: Is it possible, to make player join a spezified channel automatically?

Like, as soon as he logs in, the Horde joins in Channel "/6 Horde" and the Alliance in "/6 Alliance" (or "/7 Alliance").

Also possible: to make them join the worlds-defense-channel.

Hopefully anyone knows any solution to this :-)

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actually the above isnt entirely accurate...

If you were to say, use the MangChat system you could force players to join a specified channel... however as to making them join by the defines of what they ARE well that is not yet implemented but in theory could be.

point is, yes there is a way to make players join channel but only through the use of the mangchat that I know of.

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Mangchat doesn't really force players into a channel.

Mangchat takes the channel name as an configuration option and then asks the player when they connect to join channel X (which i turned off because it likes to ask at almost every zone change, not pretty)

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Oh I see what you are saying, I udnerstand and agree completely, my remark was to the one above you, about mangchat.

It's much more easier to just make it abundantly known where/how to join a specific global channel, etc (or at least, has been for me)

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So, can i configure server-side like, that every player who's logging in, is force to the global World Defense channel ??

And maybe (but just maybe), that he is relogged in this channel like every 30 seconds - we need to get every fraction in one channel at a whole ...

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i'm not sure, i didn't look into the code, but why not just simulate the recive of a channel-join opcode? i think channels are handled by the core, so this could/would work?

If the client rejects the reply (as it did for me when simulating trade request), it isn't possible this way.

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ok let me explain it from the client's view:

normal case:

- client requests channel join + puts channel name in internal pending list

- few msec later server answers with channel joined packet

- client is happy, removes channel from pending list, and displays "joined channel blabla" in chatbox

hack case:

- server sends channel join opcode and flags client as joined in channel

- client doesnt have that channel in pending list, thinks "WTF?!", and drops the opcode

- server thinkgs client is on channel, sends channel chat to client

- client says "i am not on this channel" and drops the chat messages

- also user cant type into channel because same "i am not on this channel"

hope you understand it now.

basically its the same like trade: what the client doesnt expect is dropped.

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