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Crash at Items Rewards

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I have this script but I want to do for 2.4.3

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "../../../../shared/Config/Config.h"
#include "../../Config.h"
#include "../../../../game/Language.h"
#include "../../../../shared/Database/DatabaseMysql.h" //Wasn't entirely sure if I needed this one so added it just in case
extern DatabaseMysql SD2Database;

bool GossipHello_VoteVendorNPC(Player *player, Creature *_Creature)
   Config SD2Config;
   if(!SD2Config.SetSource(_SCRIPTDEV2_CONFIG,true)) //Check if scriptdev2.conf exists
       error_log("SD2: Unable to open configuration file");

   if(SD2Config.GetBoolDefault("VoteVendorNPC.OnlyGMs", false)) // If VoteVendor.OnlyGMs is enabled in scriptdev2.conf
       if(player->GetSession()->GetSecurity() == SEC_PLAYER)
           _Creature->MonsterWhisper("Sorry, I'm only availible to Game Masters.", player->GetGUID());
           return true;

   //Some examples of what can be done:
   player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "Trade Vote Points for Vote Coins"                    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 1000);
   player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "10 Gold - 20 Vote Coins"                            , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 2000);
   if(player->getLevel() < 80) //We don't want players to level above 80 
       player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "1 Level up - 40 Vote Coins"                    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 3000);
   player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "36 Slot bag - 25 Vote Coins"                        , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 4000);
   player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 7, "1 item [call GM before paying!] - 60 Vote Coins"    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 5000);


   return true;

void SendDefaultMenu_VoteVendorNPC(Player *player, Creature *_Creature, uint32 action)
   QueryResult *result;
   //This query is just an example. I suggest using the account table in the realmd database to store the users
   //vote points. It makes it easier to get the account that belongs to the user ingame.
   result = SD2Database.PQuery("SELECT votepoints FROM realmd.account WHERE id = '%u'", player->GetSession()->GetAccountId());
   Field *Fields = result->Fetch();
   Item* item;
   ItemPosCountVec dest;
   uint32 noSpaceForCount = 0;
   uint32 itemId = 0; //Change 0 to whichever item id your Vote Coins have (do this everywhere in the script where it says //change 0)
   int32 count = Fields[0].GetUInt32(); //Get x Vote Points from database
   uint8 msg = player->CanStoreNewItem( NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, itemId, count, &noSpaceForCount );

   //When we're going to use multiple item rewards, so we need more variables etc etc
   ItemPosCountVec dest2;
   uint32 itemId2 = 23162;
   int32 count2 = 1;
   uint8 msg2 = player->CanStoreNewItem( NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest2, itemId2, count2, &noSpaceForCount );

   // Disable npc if in combat
       _Creature->MonsterSay("You are in combat!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);

       case 6000: //Back to Main Menu
           player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "Trade Vote Points for Vote Coins"                    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 1000);
           player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "10 Gold - 20 Vote Coins"                            , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 2000);
           if(player->getLevel() < 80) //We don't want players to level above 80 
               player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "1 Level up - 40 Vote Coins"                    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 3000);
           player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "36 Slot bag - 25 Vote Coins"                        , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 4000);
           player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 7, "1 item [call GM before paying!] - 60 Vote Coins"    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 5000);


       case 1000: //Trade Vote Points for Vote Coins
               if( msg2 != EQUIP_ERR_OK ) // convert to possible store amount
                   count2 -= noSpaceForCount;

               if( count2 == 0 || dest.empty()) // If the player doesn't have any vote points
                   _Creature->MonsterSay("You don't have any vote points!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);

               item = player->StoreNewItem( dest, itemId, true, Item::GenerateItemRandomPropertyId(itemId));

               if (count2 > 0 && item)
                   //Ofcorse we reset the players Vote Points to 0 in database
                   SD2Database.PExecute("UPDATE realmd.account SET vote_points = '0' WHERE id = '%u'", player->GetSession()->GetAccountId());
                   _Creature->MonsterWhisper("Vote Points reset to 0", player->GetGUID());

               if(noSpaceForCount > 0)
                   _Creature->MonsterWhisper("Unable to create item", player->GetGUID());
           else //Just in case something went wrong with the first query
               _Creature->MonsterSay("Error: Problem with database data. Please inform a GM about this error.", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);

       case 2000: //10 Gold - 20 Vote Coins
           if(player->HasItemCount(0, 20)) //change 0
               player->DestroyItemCount(0, 20, true); //change 0
               _Creature->MonsterWhisper("You received 10 Gold", player->GetGUID());
               _Creature->MonsterSay("You don't have enough Vote Coins to purchase that reward!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);

       case 3000: //1 Level up - 40 Vote Coins
           if(player->HasItemCount(0, 40)) //change 0
               player->DestroyItemCount(0, 40, true); //change 0
               //Some might question about this one, but it is correct. If you do
               //it will reset the players level to 1 instead of adding one
               player->GiveLevel(player->getLevel() + 1);
               _Creature->MonsterWhisper("You received 1 level up", player->GetGUID());
               _Creature->MonsterSay("You don't have enough Vote Coins to purchase that reward!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);

       case 4000: //36 Slot bag - 25 Vote Coins
           if(player->HasItemCount(0, 25)) //change 0
               if( msg != EQUIP_ERR_OK ) // convert to possible store amount
                   count2 -= noSpaceForCount;

               if( count2 == 0 || dest.empty()) // If count2 is set 0 for some reason
                   _Creature->MonsterWhisper("Error: Item count set to 0. Please inform a GM about this error.", player->GetGUID());

               item = player->StoreNewItem( dest2, itemId2, true, Item::GenerateItemRandomPropertyId(itemId2));

               if(count2 > 0 && item)
                   player->DestroyItemCount(0, 25, true); //change 0

               if(noSpaceForCount > 0)
                   _Creature->MonsterWhisper("Unable to create item", player->GetGUID());
               _Creature->MonsterSay("You don't have enough Vote Coins to purchase that reward!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);

       case 5000: //1 item [call GM before paying!] - 60 Vote Coins
           //An extra little gossip menu for players who click before reading
           //It's impossible to predict which item a player wants to have if you allow them to make their own
           //choice. So in this case a player pays the Coins and the npc says the player has paid for it so the
           //GM can give the item.
           player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "A GM is with me, pay now"                        , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 5001);
           player->ADD_GOSSIP_ITEM( 5, "There is no GM with me, return to Main menu"    , GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 6000);

       case 5001:
           if(player->HasItemCount(60004, 60))
               player->DestroyItemCount(60004, 60, true);
               _Creature->MonsterSay("I just received 60 Vote Coins for a Green or Blue item", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);
               _Creature->MonsterSay("You don't have enough Vote Coins to purchase that reward!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);
   } //End switch
} //End function

bool GossipSelect_VoteVendorNPC(Player *player, Creature *_Creature, uint32 sender, uint32 action)
   // Main menu
   if (sender == GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN)
   SendDefaultMenu_VoteVendorNPC( player, _Creature, action );

return true;

void AddSC_votevendornpc()
Script *newscript;

   newscript = new Script;
   newscript->Name = "votevendornpc";
   newscript->pGossipHello = &GossipHello_VoteVendorNPC;
   newscript->pGossipSelect = &GossipSelect_VoteVendorNPC;

m_scripts[nrscripts++] = newscript;

I tried to change to make but when compiled vendor and I want to see him give me the menu that appears 5 seconds and then give the Crash mangosd.

I saw a server that Boss had a few drop in an item eg 'Mangos Rune" is like "Badge of Justice" I want to be like that and make trade for "Mangos Token" when I go mangos rune 3 the vendor and give the trade for mangos token and gives me mangos token 1 and at 15-20 mangos token and I can get a bag, etc. or 2 token I take 1 level or 1000 ... honor,arena points etc..

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