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Race and Class Number Identifiers

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So I am making some small database changes to test some things out, the issue I am running into is there is nothing that tells you what the race number identifies is equal to.

I went through the spell assignment id's and was able to puzzle out what th class identifier numbers where.

For other people to use if they wish.

1 = Warrior
2 = Paladin
3 = Hunter
4 = Rouge
5 = Priest
6 = Deathknight
7 = Shaman
8 = Mage
9 = Warlock
11 = Druid

Those are specifically assigned in the class section of the player tables, or even the spell table.

I don't know if there are many people out there that have puzzled out the race identifiers but if you have please post them.

As far as I have been able to puzzle so far, I believe that 1 = human. But that is all i have been able to figure out

However if this helps narrow some of it down paladin which is 2

is only avaliable to races


10 = Blood Elf


1 = Human

So Paladin can be what a Dwarf, A Dranie, and a Bloodelf if i am not mistaken.

Well let see what others are able to figure out.



1Human   2Orc   3Dwarf   4Night Elf   5Undead   6Tauren   7Gnome   8Troll   10Blood Elf   11Draenei 


1Warrior   2Paladin   3Hunter   4Rogue   5Priest   6Death Knight   7Shaman   8Mage   9Warlock   11Druid 

This information has been available on many wiki's for a long time already. :)

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