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i don't understand , you should do a git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git , then cd mangos, then simply pull the player bot branch git://github.com/blueboy/mangos.git master it works 100% for me on windows , as i know linux/ubuntu has the same commands

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please help! The problem is that the team in git ''git pull git: / / github.com / blueboy / mangos.git master'' there such errors

$ git pull git://github.com/blueboy/mangos.git master remote: Counting objects: 2121, done.←[K

remote: Compressing objects: 100% (516/516), done.←[K

remote: Total 1967 (delta 1654), reused 1738 (delta 1451)←[K

Receiving objects: 100% (1967/1967), 751.78 KiB | 26 KiB/s, done.

fatal: cannot pread pack file: No such file or directory

fatal: index-pack failed

and I can not patch the source mangos .help solve the problem!

I pereprobyval and and before the patch sources execute commands

git clean -f -x -d

git reset --hard

and all the time this error.

use clean sources


I've just replied to your question on Github. This is what I found ....


Sorry I cannot reply in Russian.. I have checked the code on blueboy and everything is fine.

fatal: cannot pread pack file: No such file or directory

fatal: index-pack failed

This maybe an error with the local repository on your computer. Try removing the local repository and start again.

rm -r mangos // remove local repository

mkdir mangos // create directory

cd mangos // change to directory

git init // create new local git repository

git pull git://github.com/blueboy/mangos.git // pull playerbot code

git remote add mangos git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git // setup remote mangos repository

git pull mangos master // merge remote (mangos) repo with local (master) repo

I have just updated the code on blueboy.

I hope this helps

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Forwarding a report from our forums...:

Using mangos 9934

Using bots (4 total) after a fresh start up and log in works great as intended. However, if I log the main character and enter as a different character (any account) the bots and original character become named 'Unknown', and you can't talk to them or they talk to you (like they lost a unique ID number). If I login as any of the unknown characters, the correct name appears in the top left character window, but if you target yourself the target window still says 'Unknown' and talking to NPCs they address you as 'Welcome Unknown'. While 'unknown', bots can't get or complete quests, and the controlled character can't bring up any trade skill windows (either in spell book or with action button). Relogging doesn't help (using different characters and different accounts). A ".reload all" doesn't help. Restarting mangos.exe doesn't help. Restarting realmd.exe no good. Only by closing down manogs, realmd, opening up xampp and shutting off mysql service, then restarting everything can I get it all to work again.

didn't test this weird happening myself though...but i might be able to recreate this (perhaps it's our fault though...our core is pretty custom)

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Forwarding a report from our forums...:

didn't test this weird happening myself though...but i might be able to recreate this (perhaps it's our fault though...our core is pretty custom)


I seem to remember this happening sometime back, where occasionally the bot(s) and or it's pet would be 'Unknown'. I haven't noticed this on my server recently, but I'll keep a look out. A quick fix for this issue is to logout and delete the client 'cache'

Thanks for the feedback

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I seem to remember this happening sometime back, where occasionally the bot(s) and or it's pet would be 'Unknown'. I haven't noticed this on my server recently, but I'll keep a look out. A quick fix for this issue is to logout and delete the client 'cache'

Thanks for the feedback

thanks for the quick reply Blue, I was about to do exactly what dark did for the exact same forum request... I havent tested it either yet but will be sure to suggest your "fix" if needed ...

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The only two situations I know of where you would get an <Unknown> tag instead of the actual name for your pet, bot, or any NPC:

1. The database is lagged and cannot provide the data to the server.

2. The server is unable to find the correct data.

You will find this error on heavily loaded servers, especially during lag spikes. As blueboy said, the only way to correct the problem after it occurs is to log out and clear your cache.

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Hi Guys,

I've been indulging myself :eek: If your interested, I have added a new repo to blueboy that attempts to address current 'miniManager' issues. I use this for my account management and it's a great project. I will be maintaining this fork for personal use, so do not request frequent updates. The code is working and the fixes are my way of saying thankyou to its developers, for their hard work. If you want to take a look, here is the Github link


hope this helps

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The only two situations I know of where you would get an <Unknown> tag instead of the actual name for your pet, bot, or any NPC:

1. The database is lagged and cannot provide the data to the server.

2. The server is unable to find the correct data.

You will find this error on heavily loaded servers, especially during lag spikes. As blueboy said, the only way to correct the problem after it occurs is to log out and clear your cache.

That explains why i couldn't reproduce... my server load never comes higher than 20% xD

anyway..thanks for the info

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Hey blueboy,

Ok here is another link to an open source project that uses AIML. http://rebecca-aiml.sourceforge.net/. Has a c++ version of the bot. I dunno what everyone else thinks but implementing AIML into playerbot would make our bots less "botty"?


Thanks for the info. It will certainly be a feature to consider, but probably won't be implemented for at while ;)


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Hi Guys,

I have another flavour of playerbot, for development purposes. The file content is the same, it's just arranged differently. All the main playerbot files are now located in a sub-directory to the main 'game' source, called 'playerbot':rolleyes: Obvoiusly the modified core files will remain in 'game', but this was thought to be tidier.


I have also split the playerbot config info from 'mangosd.conf' to it's own standalone file. Again this has been done to avoid possible conflicts with core changes.

If you like the changes, please let me know. This repo is presently only used for development purposes, but if like it I might consider changing the 'blueboy' repo to the same format.

I have copies of my recent development patches, that have been adjusted to work with the 'portal' repo. If you require them, again let me know.


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somebody know if the playerbot

exist as an the application to open, and thats it = play with the other characters, not the open source....



If I understand you correctly, your asking whether playerbot works with none open source servers. No, it doesn't


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What I got from that was:

Is there a standalone version of playerbot (application) that can be used on retail?

My response:

Yeah, right!

I'm always amazed at some of the questions that get asked in these forums. Doesn't anyone ever read the FAQ, rules, and project statement?

By the way, I really like the idea of the more modular playerbot. The less mucking about with the main source tree, the better it is for playerbot's development in avoiding some of the headaches with core changes that tend to surprise the devs here in the Core Mods section.

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Plus you have another problem using this for retail...YOU WILL BE BANNED! it violates the LUA agreement you clicked yes to when you started playing and everytime you logged in after an update...just like buying gold or Power leveling, Bots, or claiming ot be a god!....lol

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Plus you have another problem using this for retail...YOU WILL BE BANNED! it violates the LUA agreement you clicked yes to when you started playing and everytime you logged in after an update...just like buying gold or Power leveling, Bots, or claiming ot be a god!....lol

Well, you will be banned, if you get caught. This patch really has absolutely nothing to do with this stuff though, it's completely server-side and useless without mangos.

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