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Hello blueboy, i propose this little patch.

Purpose : make aknoledgement to commands.

Explanation : Actualy when you type command like ".bot co player tank" there is no confirmation from bot until we send it "orders" command.

Patch : The patch just add these function and olso send us error message if we forget to target assist/protect characters.

Fixed patch

diff --git a/src/game/playerbot/PlayerbotAI.cpp b/src/game/playerbot/PlayerbotAI.cpp
index cfc2d5b..7e44967 100644
--- a/src/game/playerbot/PlayerbotAI.cpp
+++ b/src/game/playerbot/PlayerbotAI.cpp
@@ -1923,22 +1923,26 @@ void PlayerbotAI::SetCombatOrderByStr( std::string str, Unit *target ) {

void PlayerbotAI::SetCombatOrder( CombatOrderType co, Unit *target ) {
-    if( (co == ORDERS_ASSIST || co == ORDERS_PROTECT) && !target )
-        return;
-    if( co == ORDERS_RESET ) {
-        m_combatOrder = ORDERS_NONE;
-        m_targetAssist = 0;
-        m_targetProtect = 0;
-        return;
-    }
-    if( co == ORDERS_PROTECT )
-        m_targetProtect = target;
-    else if( co == ORDERS_ASSIST )
-        m_targetAssist = target;
-    if( (co&ORDERS_PRIMARY) )
-        m_combatOrder = (CombatOrderType)(((uint32)m_combatOrder&(uint32)ORDERS_SECONDARY)|(uint32)co);
-    else
-        m_combatOrder = (CombatOrderType)(((uint32)m_combatOrder&(uint32)ORDERS_PRIMARY)|(uint32)co);
+    if( (co == ORDERS_ASSIST || co == ORDERS_PROTECT) && !target ){
+        TellMaster("Erf, you forget to target assist/protect characters!");
+        return;
+    }
+    if( co == ORDERS_RESET ) {
+        m_combatOrder = ORDERS_NONE;
+        m_targetAssist = 0;
+        m_targetProtect = 0;
+        TellMaster("Orders are cleaned!");
+        return;
+    }
+    if( co == ORDERS_PROTECT )
+        m_targetProtect = target;
+    else if( co == ORDERS_ASSIST )
+        m_targetAssist = target;
+    if( (co&ORDERS_PRIMARY) )
+        m_combatOrder = (CombatOrderType)(((uint32)m_combatOrder&(uint32)ORDERS_SECONDARY)|(uint32)co);
+    else
+        m_combatOrder = (CombatOrderType)(((uint32)m_combatOrder&(uint32)ORDERS_PRIMARY)|(uint32)co);
+    SendOrders( *GetMaster() );

void PlayerbotAI::SetMovementOrder( MovementOrderType mo, Unit *followTarget ) {


Thanks very much for the patch, it looks good. I'll try it out on my next server build, probably tomorrow now. Then if it checks out, we can push it to the repos.

EDIT: I've have posted a fixed version of your patch, that can be applied directly to the source. I'm running your patch at present, and it works very well, thanks.


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Judging by his reason given for editing the post, "I'm noobs", it would appear kingvaras felt what he had to say was dumb or pointless.

There are no dumb questions, except for the ones people ask over and over again because they refuse to learn.

Let's hope we hear more from you, kingvaras! We all start as "noobs".

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Hi Guys,

I've found a logic error in the existing code for 'command orders'. The commands 'protect' and 'assist' requires a valid target, either by 'text' or by 'mouse selection'. If it is not defined by text, it is assumed to be done by selection.

.bot co leaf protect <target name> or <selection>

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
 what():  basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid

Warning: Program '/home/mangos/wow/bin/mangos-worldd' crashed.

In PlayerbotMgr.cpp @ line 766+ in HandlePlayerbotCommand(const char* args)

If not entered by text, It is possible for a NULL value to be passed to the string pointer 'std::string' and this causes the crash.

//            std::string targetStr = targetChar;
               std::string targetStr = targetChar;
       targetGUID = sObjectMgr.GetPlayerGUIDByName( targetStr.c_str() );

I have now re-arranged the code, so a check is made for a valid value ('targetChar'), before the assignment.

I will update both repos shortly

EDIT: I have now updated both repos with the fix

Hope this helps

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Portal repo (git://github.com/blueboy/portal.git) has recently been updated with pet related code. Everybody is welcome to test it. Look into bot_readme.txt for new commands syntax. After we get enough feedback the code will be merged into blueboy repository.

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Portal repo (git://github.com/blueboy/portal.git) has recently been updated with pet related code. Everybody is welcome to test it. Look into bot_readme.txt for new commands syntax. After we get enough feedback the code will be merged into blueboy repository.


I'm testing it now


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What is the locale of your game client? If it is not enGB / enUS, this is an expected behavior. Original developers of PlayerBot were going to make spell casting locale independent but abandoned the project. If there will be time I will look into this issue.

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Ok, the purpose is to make it applicable for another client language so if we need to add manually some new enum this would'nt be an issue. Tell me your way to avoid me work for nothing :)

Do you plan to add this translated enum for different language?

Is this the only slouttion to cast some spell? Use directly Id of the spell is not possible?

  ARCANE_MISSILES         = ai->getSpellId("arcane missiles"); //ARCANE
   ARCANE_EXPLOSION        = ai->getSpellId("arcane explosion");
   COUNTERSPELL            = ai->getSpellId("counterspell");
   SLOW                    = ai->getSpellId("slow");
   ARCANE_BARRAGE          = ai->getSpellId("arcane barrage");
   ARCANE_BLAST            = ai->getSpellId("arcane blast");
   ARCANE_POWER            = ai->getSpellId("arcane power");
   EVERY_MAN_FOR_HIMSELF   = ai->getSpellId("every man for himself"); // human
   BERSERKING              = ai->getSpellId("berserking"); // troll
   WILL_OF_THE_FORSAKEN    = ai->getSpellId("will of the forsaken"); // undead

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Every spell has an id which is the same for all locales. Using Rank 1 ids it is possible to find id for a highest known rank of a spell. The code is short and simple, but I don't have the client by my hand to test it right now. Enum should only hide magic numbers (spell ids) by explicit spell names. Wait a little, maybe you won't have to do anything.

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I will give you feedback soon.

Yad give me anyway some doubt for this method. Is the usual spell ID change realy often?

In this case we are going to have some difficult to maintain this mod.

Anyway good work kyle1 :)

Updtate :

It work perfectly ( at least the function coded ).

Just, for best practice place enum in PlayerBotMageAi.h in place of PlayerBotAi.h

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Well, if you look into mangos core you will see that almost all talents, glyphs and special spells have their spell ids hardcoded. I guess core devs know what they are doing. Using database for such a task is absolutely excessive. When you rebuild your server once a week, would you care if some of spellids change after another expansion? Btw Cataclysm will get rid of spell ranks.

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Can anyone explain me why the config file is not working? should it be in the same folder as mangos.conf ?

coz i am trying to disable the bots but still they are there


Yes the config file 'playerbot.conf' should be in the same folder as 'mangosd.conf'. The disable bot option at present only disables the bot(s) if summoned from the commandline (i.e .bot add <botname> ).

When I revised the 'botguy' patch, I spent a great deal of time and effort ensuring it worked without fault, with special menu display ('cost' & 'completed quest') restrictions. When I posted this patch, I received little feedback and it seemed that no one was interested in it. So I didn't spend anymore time on it. Now that I'm receiving some feedback, I will take another look at it, incorporating the other config file restrictions. I should have it finsihed shortly. In the meantime, if you want to disable the botguy menu, choose either a high cost or a very high level questid in playerbot.conf.

Hope this helps

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