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[PATCH] .pinfo upgrade

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In reference to http://getmangos.eu/community/showthread.php?p=49627#post49627

Ads the following subcommands to .pinfo:

.pinfo account [account name] looks up account info & characters

.pinfo character [character name] looks up character info

.pinfo ip [ip address] looks up account(s) belonging to ip-address

Code probably need lots of cleaning up, don't blame me lol, i started with c++ yesterday

written for revision 8078


diff --git a/src/game/Chat.cpp b/src/game/Chat.cpp
index 3444776..af4f749 100644
--- a/src/game/Chat.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Chat.cpp
@@ -363,6 +363,15 @@ ChatCommand * ChatHandler::getCommandTable()
        { NULL,             0,                  false, NULL,                                           "", NULL }

+    static ChatCommand pinfoCommandTable[] =
+    {
+        { "account",        SEC_GAMEMASTER,     true, &ChatHandler::HandlePInfoAccountCommand,        "", NULL },
+        { "character",      SEC_GAMEMASTER,     true, &ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCharacterCommand,      "", NULL },
+        { "ip",             SEC_GAMEMASTER,     true, &ChatHandler::HandlePInfoIpCommand,             "", NULL },
+        { "",               SEC_GAMEMASTER,     true, &ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCommand,               "", NULL },
+        { NULL,             0,                  false, NULL,                                           "", NULL }
+    };
    static ChatCommand questCommandTable[] =
        { "add",            SEC_ADMINISTRATOR,  false, &ChatHandler::HandleQuestAdd,                   "", NULL },
@@ -628,7 +637,7 @@ ChatCommand * ChatHandler::getCommandTable()
        { "maxskill",       SEC_ADMINISTRATOR,  false, &ChatHandler::HandleMaxSkillCommand,            "", NULL },
        { "setskill",       SEC_ADMINISTRATOR,  false, &ChatHandler::HandleSetSkillCommand,            "", NULL },
        { "whispers",       SEC_MODERATOR,      false, &ChatHandler::HandleWhispersCommand,            "", NULL },
-        { "pinfo",          SEC_GAMEMASTER,     true,  &ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCommand,               "", NULL },
+        { "pinfo",          SEC_GAMEMASTER,     true,  NULL,                                           "", pinfoCommandTable },
        { "respawn",        SEC_ADMINISTRATOR,  false, &ChatHandler::HandleRespawnCommand,             "", NULL },
        { "send",           SEC_MODERATOR,      true,  NULL,                                           "", sendCommandTable     },
        { "loadscripts",    SEC_ADMINISTRATOR,  true,  &ChatHandler::HandleLoadScriptsCommand,         "", NULL },
diff --git a/src/game/Chat.h b/src/game/Chat.h
index 18ef9cc..80bb19f 100644
--- a/src/game/Chat.h
+++ b/src/game/Chat.h
@@ -295,6 +295,11 @@ class ChatHandler
        bool HandlePDumpLoadCommand(const char *args);
        bool HandlePDumpWriteCommand(const char *args);

+        bool HandlePInfoAccountCommand(const char* args);
+        bool HandlePInfoCharacterCommand(const char* args);
+        bool HandlePInfoIpCommand(const char* args);
+        bool HandlePInfoCommand(const char* args);
        bool HandleQuestAdd(const char * args);
        bool HandleQuestRemove(const char * args);
        bool HandleQuestComplete(const char * args);
@@ -445,7 +450,6 @@ class ChatHandler
        bool HandleGUIDCommand(const char* args);
        bool HandleItemMoveCommand(const char* args);
        bool HandleDeMorphCommand(const char* args);
-        bool HandlePInfoCommand(const char* args);
        bool HandleMuteCommand(const char* args);
        bool HandleUnmuteCommand(const char* args);
        bool HandleMovegensCommand(const char* args);
diff --git a/src/game/Language.h b/src/game/Language.h
index e1c15fb..e2fa4d2 100644
--- a/src/game/Language.h
+++ b/src/game/Language.h
@@ -777,6 +777,11 @@ enum MangosStrings
    //                                    10000-10999

    // Use for custom patches             11000-11999
+    LANG_PINFO_CHARS                   = 11000,
+    LANG_PINFO_ACCOUNT_ACCOUNT         = 11001,
+    LANG_PINFO_CHARACTER               = 11002,
+    LANG_PINFO_IP                      = 11003,
+    LANG_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND             = 11004,

    // NOT RESERVED IDS                   12000-1999999999
    // `db_script_string` table index     2000000000-2000009999 (MIN_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID-MAX_DB_SCRIPT_STRING_ID)
diff --git a/src/game/Level2.cpp b/src/game/Level2.cpp
index 7489cc8..fd123bd 100644
--- a/src/game/Level2.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Level2.cpp
@@ -2098,6 +2098,282 @@ bool ChatHandler::HandleModifyPhaseCommand(const char* args)
    return true;

+//show info of account
+bool ChatHandler::HandlePInfoAccountCommand(const char* args)
+    if(!*args)
+        return false;
+    uint32 accId = 0;
+    std::string username = (char*)args;
+    std::string last_ip = GetMangosString(LANG_ERROR);
+    uint32 security = 0;
+    std::string last_login = GetMangosString(LANG_ERROR);
+    std::string email = GetMangosString(LANG_ERROR);
+    std::string joindate = GetMangosString(LANG_ERROR);
+    uint32 banned = 0;
+    std::string isbanned = GetMangosString(LANG_ERROR);
+    QueryResult* result = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT username,gmlevel,last_ip,last_login,account.id,email,joindate,account_banned.id as bannedid,account_banned.active as banactive FROM account LEFT JOIN account_banned ON account.id = account_banned.id WHERE username = '%s'",username.c_str());
+    if(result)
+    {
+        Field* fields = result->Fetch();
+        username = fields[0].GetCppString();
+        security = fields[1].GetUInt32();
+        if(!m_session || m_session->GetSecurity() >= security)
+        {
+            last_ip = fields[2].GetCppString();
+            last_login = fields[3].GetCppString();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            last_ip = "-";
+            last_login = "-";
+        }
+        accId = fields[4].GetUInt32();
+        email = fields[5].GetCppString();
+        joindate = fields[6].GetCppString();
+        banned = fields[8].GetUInt32();
+        if(banned > 0)
+        {
+            isbanned = "Yes";
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            isbanned = "No";
+        }
+        delete result;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        SendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND);
+        SetSentErrorMessage(true);
+        return false;
+    }
+    //Characters
+    std::string playerChars;
+    uint32 count = 0;
+    result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT name, account, guid, level FROM characters WHERE account = '%u'",accId);
+    if(result)
+    {
+        count = result->GetRowCount(); // Number of chars
+        for(int i = 0; i < count ; i++)
+        {
+            Field *fields = result->Fetch();
+            //Convert id to string
+            std::string cId;
+            std::stringstream ss;
+            ss << fields[2].GetUInt32();
+            cId = ss.str();
+            //Convert level to string
+            std::string pLevel;
+            std::stringstream ss2;
+            ss2 << fields[3].GetUInt32();
+            pLevel = ss2.str();
+            //Make character line: Charname[level] (id: guid) - 
+            std::string charLink = playerLink(fields[0].GetCppString());
+            playerChars += charLink;
+            playerChars += '[';
+            playerChars += pLevel.c_str();
+            playerChars += "] ";
+            playerChars += "(id: ";
+            playerChars += cId.c_str();
+            playerChars += ')';
+            playerChars += " - ";//Break apart different chars
+            result->NextRow();
+        }
+        delete result;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        playerChars = "No characters found";
+    }
+    PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_ACCOUNT_ACCOUNT, username.c_str(), accId, security, last_ip.c_str(), last_login.c_str(), email.c_str(), joindate.c_str(), isbanned.c_str());
+    PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_CHARS, count, playerChars.c_str());
+    return true;
+//show info of character
+bool ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCharacterCommand(const char* args)
+    if(!*args)
+        return false;
+    uint32 total_player_time = 0;
+    uint32 level = 0;
+    uint32 money = 0;
+    uint32 accId = 0;
+    uint32 leveltime = 0;
+    uint32 guid = 0;
+    std::string name = (char*)args;
+    uint32 race = 0;
+    uint32 pclass = 0;
+    uint32 online = 0;
+    std::string isonline = "(Offline)";
+    QueryResult *result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT totaltime, level, money, account, leveltime, guid, name, race, class, online FROM characters WHERE name = '%s'", name.c_str());
+    if (result)
+    {
+        Field *fields = result->Fetch();
+        total_player_time = fields[0].GetUInt32();
+        level = fields[1].GetUInt32();
+        money = fields[2].GetUInt32();
+        accId = fields[3].GetUInt32();
+        leveltime = fields[4].GetUInt32();
+        guid = fields[5].GetUInt32();
+        name = fields[6].GetCppString();
+        race = fields[7].GetUInt32();
+        pclass = fields[8].GetUInt32();
+        online = fields[9].GetUInt32();
+        if(online > 0)
+            isonline = "(Online)";
+        delete result;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        SendSysMessage(LANG_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND);
+        SetSentErrorMessage(true);
+        return false;
+    }
+     std::string username = GetMangosString(LANG_ERROR);
+    std::string last_ip = GetMangosString(LANG_ERROR);
+    uint32 security = 0;
+    std::string last_login = GetMangosString(LANG_ERROR);
+    std::string joindate = GetMangosString(LANG_ERROR);
+    result = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT username,gmlevel,last_ip,last_login,id,joindate FROM account WHERE id = '%u'",accId);
+    if(result)
+    {
+        Field* fields = result->Fetch();
+        username = fields[0].GetCppString();
+        security = fields[1].GetUInt32();
+        if(!m_session || m_session->GetSecurity() >= security)
+        {
+            last_ip = fields[2].GetCppString();
+            last_login = fields[3].GetCppString();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            last_ip = "-";
+            last_login = "-";
+        }
+        accId = fields[4].GetUInt32();
+        joindate = fields[5].GetCppString();
+        delete result;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        SendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND);//Char has no account?
+        SetSentErrorMessage(true);
+        return false;
+    }
+    uint32 gold = money /GOLD;
+    uint32 silv = (money % GOLD) / SILVER;
+    uint32 copp = (money % GOLD) % SILVER;
+    std::string timeStr = secsToTimeString(total_player_time,true,true);
+    std::string timeStr2 = secsToTimeString(leveltime,true,true);
+    std::string charLink = playerLink(name.c_str());
+      PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_CHARACTER, charLink.c_str(), isonline.c_str(), guid, race, pclass, gold, silv, copp, username.c_str(), accId, security, joindate.c_str(), last_ip.c_str(), last_login.c_str(), timeStr.c_str(), timeStr2.c_str() );
+    return true;
+//show info of IP
+bool ChatHandler::HandlePInfoIpCommand(const char* args)
+    if(!*args)
+        return false;
+    std::string last_ip = (char*)args;
+    std::string ipAccounts;
+    uint32 count = 0;
+    std::string last_login = GetMangosString(LANG_ERROR);
+    QueryResult* result = loginDatabase.PQuery("SELECT username,last_ip,last_login,account.id,online,account_banned.id as bannedid,account_banned.active as banactive FROM account LEFT JOIN account_banned ON account.id = account_banned.id WHERE last_ip = '%s' ORDER BY last_login ASC",last_ip.c_str());
+    if(result)
+    {    
+        count = result->GetRowCount(); // Number of accounts
+        for(int i = 0; i < count ; i++)
+        {
+            uint32 banned = 0;
+            std::string isBanned;
+            uint32 online = 0;
+            std::string isOnline;
+            Field *fields = result->Fetch();
+            //Checking for a online account
+            online = fields[4].GetUInt32();
+            if(online > 0)
+            {
+                isOnline = "(ONLINE) ";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                isOnline = "";
+            }
+            //Checking for a banned account
+            banned = fields[6].GetUInt32();
+            if(banned > 0)
+            {
+                isBanned = "(BANNED) ";
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                isBanned = "";
+            }
+            //Convert id to string
+            std::string cId;
+            std::stringstream ss;
+            ss << fields[3].GetUInt32();
+            cId = ss.str();
+            //Make account line: Account (id: id) *(banned) -
+            ipAccounts += fields[0].GetCppString();
+            ipAccounts += " (id: ";
+            ipAccounts += cId.c_str();
+            ipAccounts += ") ";
+            ipAccounts += isOnline;
+            ipAccounts += isBanned;
+            ipAccounts += "- ";//Break apart different accounts
+            last_login = fields[2].GetCppString();//Replace with last data ( latest last online )
+            result->NextRow();
+        }
+        delete result;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        SendSysMessage(LANG_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND);
+        SetSentErrorMessage(true);
+        return false;
+    }
+    PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_IP, last_ip.c_str(), last_login.c_str(), ipAccounts.c_str());
+    return true;
//show info of player
bool ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCommand(const char* args)
@@ -2129,6 +2405,10 @@ bool ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCommand(const char* args)
    // get additional information from DB
+        //check for valid args
+        if(!*args)
+            return false;
        // check offline security
        if (HasLowerSecurity(NULL, target_guid))
            return false;
@@ -2172,6 +2452,49 @@ bool ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCommand(const char* args)
        delete result;

+    //Characters
+    std::string playerChars;
+    uint32 count = 0;
+    result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT name, account, guid, level FROM characters WHERE account = '%u'",accId);
+    if(result)
+    {
+        count = result->GetRowCount(); // Number of chars
+        for(int i = 0; i < count ; i++)
+        {
+            Field *fields = result->Fetch();
+            //Convert id to string
+            std::string cId;
+            std::stringstream ss;
+            ss << fields[2].GetUInt32();
+            cId = ss.str();
+            //Convert level to string
+            std::string pLevel;
+            std::stringstream ss2;
+            ss2 << fields[3].GetUInt32();
+            pLevel = ss2.str();
+            //Make character line: Charname[level] (id: guid) - 
+            std::string charLink = playerLink(fields[0].GetCppString());
+            playerChars += charLink;
+            playerChars += '[';
+            playerChars += pLevel.c_str();
+            playerChars += "] ";
+            playerChars += "(id: ";
+            playerChars += cId.c_str();
+            playerChars += ')';
+            playerChars += " - ";//Breakup Chars
+            result->NextRow();
+        }
+        delete result;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        playerChars = "No characters found";
+    }
    std::string nameLink = playerLink(target_name);

    PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_ACCOUNT, (target?"":GetMangosString(LANG_OFFLINE)), nameLink.c_str(), GUID_LOPART(target_guid), username.c_str(), accId, security, last_ip.c_str(), last_login.c_str(), latency);
@@ -2181,10 +2504,10 @@ bool ChatHandler::HandlePInfoCommand(const char* args)
    uint32 silv = (money % GOLD) / SILVER;
    uint32 copp = (money % GOLD) % SILVER;
    PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_LEVEL,  timeStr.c_str(), level, gold,silv,copp );
+    PSendSysMessage(LANG_PINFO_CHARS, count, playerChars.c_str());//Account characters

    return true;
//show tickets
void ChatHandler::ShowTicket(uint64 guid, char const* text, char const* time)


INSERT INTO `mangos_string` (`entry`, `content_default`, `content_loc1`, `content_loc2`, `content_loc3`, `content_loc4`, `content_loc5`, `content_loc6`, `content_loc7`, `content_loc8`) VALUES
(11004, 'Account not found!', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(11003, 'IP: %s Last login: %s\\r\\nAccount(s): %s', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(11002, 'Player: %s %s (id: %u) Race: %u Class: %u Money: %ug%us Account: %s (id: %u) GMLevel: %u Join date: %s Last IP: %s Last login: %s Total time: %s Time this level: %s', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(11001, 'Account: %s (id: %u) GMLevel: %u Last IP: %s Last login: %s Email: %s Join date: %s Banned: %s', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
(11000, 'Accounts characters (%u):\\r\\n%s', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);



*right click, save as duhh

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  • 39 years later...
Exist already comamnd sets .account / .character. Why not add subcommands in its instead ?

Because .account and .character are used to modify, add or delete characters / account.

.pinfo is used to get info on a certain player, much like my subcommands, that's why i added these to .pinfo

any thoughts on the code? Like i said before, i just started coding, and some criticism would be nice :P

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