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[ptr] 10048 dbc changes

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I don't know where to discuss the ptr, so I post it here. Where can I find WDBStructure.h that describe the wdb structure?


remove col7


add col3


remove col58-108, col112-114 and add new MapDifficulty.dbc

struct MapDifficultyEntry


uint32 ID; // 0

uint32 unk1; // 1

uint32 type; // 2 0: normal, 1: hero, 2:, 3:

char* name[16]; // 3-18

uint32 nameflag; // 19

uint32 reset; // 20



remove feralBonus

move ssdMultiplier[3] to spellBonus


7 new cols, 1 col may after StancesNot, 2 cols may after TargetCreatureType, 5 cols at end

struct CharStartOutfitEntry


//uint32 Id; // 0

uint8 Race; // 1

uint8 Class; // 2

uint8 Gender; // 3

//uint8 unk1; // 4

int32 ItemId[MAX_OUTFIT_ITEMS]; // 5-28

//int32 ItemDisplayId[MAX_OUTFIT_ITEMS]; // 29-52 not required at server side

//int32 ItemInventorySlot[MAX_OUTFIT_ITEMS]; // 53-76 not required at server side


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