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[8462] creature_ai_texts field emote datatype


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What bug does the patch fix? What features does the fix add?

Set creature_ai_texts.emote datatype to smallint allow play emote with id>255

Currently field emote datatype tinyint(3) only allow playemote with emoteID up to 255

If try to input emoteID>255 like 430 for example , field value will be automatically set to max allowed value 255 . Then you will have a db error report at server start like

2009-08-27 11:33:40 CreatureEventAI:  Entry-XXXX in table `creature_ai_texts` has Emote 255 but emote does not exist.

For which repository revision was the patch created?

Done on 8413

Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.

none found

Who has been writing this fix? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.



ALTER TABLE `creature_ai_texts`
CHANGE `emote` `emote` smallint (5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';

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