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[patch] INTERFACTION Horde and Ally can not heal / buff each other anymore

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Can't this be done as a switch? Ten "if(target->getRace() ==.....)" in a row has to be very inefficient.

patro did the following mod of False.Genesis' patch on that same line in this post:

                      else if(index == UNIT_FIELD_FACTIONTEMPLATE)
                          FactionTemplateEntry const *ft1, *ft2;
                          ft1 = ((Player*)this)->getFactionTemplateEntry();
                          ft2 = ((Player*)target)->getFactionTemplateEntry();
                          if(ft1 && ft2 && !ft1->IsFriendlyTo(*ft2))
                              uint32 faction = ((Player*)target)->getFaction();
                              DEBUG_LOG("-- VALUES_UPDATE: Sending '%s' the blue-group-fix from '%s' (faction %u)", target->GetName(), ((Player*)this)->GetName(), faction);
                              *data << uint32(faction);
                              ch = true;

I also noticed that this update has a few trailing spaces, some trailing tabs, and a lot of tabs instead of spaces for indent. This may not mean much (I wouldn't know as I'm not much of a C++ programmer, but I always use spaces and never trail spaces as that's the way I was taught in college), but it seems inconsistent with the MaNGOS code style.

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  • 39 years later...

This patch created by False.Genesis: Horde and Ally can not heal / buff each other anymore has been rehabilitated by Bloutix tested and validated on my server. Thank you a False.Genesis and Bloutix Transition

diff --git a/src/game/Group.cpp b/src/game/Group.cpp
index bf4d5d3..4773d73 100644
--- a/src/game/Group.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Group.cpp
@@ -338,10 +338,22 @@ bool Group::AddMember(const uint64 &guid, const char* name)

uint32 Group::RemoveMember(const uint64 &guid, const uint8 &method)
+    // Monkey
+    if (sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_INTERFACTION)) {
+        BroadcastGroupUpdate();
+    }
+    // Monkey
    // remove member and change leader (if need) only if strong more 2 members _before_ member remove
    if(GetMembersCount() > (isBGGroup() ? 1 : 2))           // in BG group case allow 1 members group
        bool leaderChanged = _removeMember(guid);
+    // Monkey
+    if (sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_INTERFACTION)) {
+        // Player *player = objmgr.GetPlayer(guid);
+    }
+    // Monkey

        if(Player *player = objmgr.GetPlayer( guid ))
@@ -1686,3 +1698,18 @@ void Group::_homebindIfInstance(Player *player)
            player->m_InstanceValid = false;
+// Monkey
+void Group::BroadcastGroupUpdate(void)
+    for(member_citerator citr = m_memberSlots.begin(); citr != m_memberSlots.end(); ++citr)
+    {
+    Player *pp = objmgr.GetPlayer(citr->guid);
+    if(pp && pp->IsInWorld())
+        {
+            pp->ForceValuesUpdateAtIndex(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2);
+            pp->ForceValuesUpdateAtIndex(UNIT_FIELD_FACTIONTEMPLATE);
+        }
+    }
+// Monkey
\\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/game/Group.h b/src/game/Group.h
index 0411036..6678ea0 100644
--- a/src/game/Group.h
+++ b/src/game/Group.h
@@ -336,6 +336,10 @@ class MANGOS_DLL_SPEC Group
        InstanceGroupBind* GetBoundInstance(Player* player);
        InstanceGroupBind* GetBoundInstance(Map* aMap);
        BoundInstancesMap& GetBoundInstances(Difficulty difficulty) { return m_boundInstances[difficulty]; }
+        // Monkey
+        void BroadcastGroupUpdate(void);
+        // Monkey

        bool _addMember(const uint64 &guid, const char* name, bool isAssistant=false);
diff --git a/src/game/GroupHandler.cpp b/src/game/GroupHandler.cpp
index 74c9e04..f7381cc 100644
--- a/src/game/GroupHandler.cpp
+++ b/src/game/GroupHandler.cpp
@@ -196,6 +196,14 @@ void WorldSession::HandleGroupAcceptOpcode( WorldPacket & /*recv_data*/ )
    if(!group->AddMember(GetPlayer()->GetGUID(), GetPlayer()->GetName()))

+    uint8 subgroup = group->GetMemberGroup(GetPlayer()->GetGUID());
+    // Monkey
+    if (sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_INTERFACTION)) {
+        GetPlayer()->SetGroup(group, subgroup); // Defunct line added for test
+        group->BroadcastGroupUpdate();
+    }
+    // Monkey

void WorldSession::HandleGroupDeclineOpcode( WorldPacket & /*recv_data*/ )
diff --git a/src/game/Object.cpp b/src/game/Object.cpp
index 4c1ca17..b446a67 100644
--- a/src/game/Object.cpp
+++ b/src/game/Object.cpp
@@ -687,6 +687,54 @@ void Object::BuildValuesUpdate(uint8 updatetype, ByteBuffer * data, UpdateMask *
                        *data << (m_uint32Values[ index ] & <UNIT_DYNFLAG_OTHER_TAGGER);
+        // Monkey
+         else if(sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_INTERFACTION) && (index == UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2 || index == UNIT_FIELD_FACTIONTEMPLATE))
+         {
+             bool ch = false;
+             if(target->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && target != this)
+             {
+             if(target->IsInSameGroupWith((Player*)this) || target->IsInSameRaidWith((Player*)this))
+             {
+                 if(index == UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_2)
+                 {
+            DEBUG_LOG("-- VALUES_UPDATE: Sending '%s' the blue-group-fix from '%s' (flag)", target->GetName(), ((Player*)this)->GetName());
+            *data << ( m_uint32Values[ index ] & (UNIT_BYTE2_FLAG_SANCTUARY << 8) ); // this flag is at uint8 offset 1 !!
+            ch = true;
+                 }
+             else if(index == UNIT_FIELD_FACTIONTEMPLATE)
+             {
+            DEBUG_LOG("-- VALUES_UPDATE: Sending '%s' the blue-group-fix from '%s' (faction)", target->GetName(), ((Player*)this)->GetName());
+            if(target->getRace() == RACE_HUMAN)
+            *data << uint32(1);
+            else if(target->getRace() == RACE_ORC)
+            *data << uint32(2);
+            else if(target->getRace() == RACE_DWARF)            
+            *data << uint32(3);
+            else if(target->getRace() == RACE_NIGHTELF)            
+            *data << uint32(4);
+            else if(target->getRace() == RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER)            
+            *data << uint32(5);
+            else if(target->getRace() == RACE_TAUREN)            
+            *data << uint32(6);
+            else if(target->getRace() == RACE_GNOME)            
+            *data << uint32(115);
+            else if(target->getRace() == RACE_TROLL)
+            *data << uint32(116);
+            else if(target->getRace() == RACE_BLOODELF)
+            *data << uint32(1610);
+            else if(target->getRace() == RACE_DRAENEI)
+            *data << uint32(1629);
+            ch = true;
+             }
+         }
+     }
+             if(!ch)
+             *data << m_uint32Values[ index ];
+         }
+        // Monkey
                    // send in current format (float as float, uint32 as uint32)
@@ -1664,6 +1712,22 @@ Creature* WorldObject::SummonCreature(uint32 id, float x, float y, float z, floa
    return pCreature;

+// Monkey
+void Object::ForceValuesUpdateAtIndex(uint32 i)
+    m_uint32Values_mirror[i] = GetUInt32Value(i) + 1; // makes server think the field changed
+    if(m_inWorld)
+    {
+        if(!m_objectUpdated)
+        {
+            //ObjectAccessor::Instance().AddUpdateObject(this);
+            AddToClientUpdateList();
+            m_objectUpdated = true;
+        }
+    }
+// Monkey
namespace MaNGOS
    class NearUsedPosDo
diff --git a/src/game/Object.h b/src/game/Object.h
index 4707f47..7525ad5 100644
--- a/src/game/Object.h
+++ b/src/game/Object.h
@@ -301,6 +301,11 @@ class MANGOS_DLL_SPEC Object

        virtual bool hasQuest(uint32 /* quest_id */) const { return false; }
        virtual bool hasInvolvedQuest(uint32 /* quest_id */) const { return false; }
+        // Monkey
+        void ForceValuesUpdateAtIndex(uint32);
+        // Monkey

        Object ( );
diff --git a/src/game/TradeHandler.cpp b/src/game/TradeHandler.cpp
index 6662545..fcc3393 100644
--- a/src/game/TradeHandler.cpp
+++ b/src/game/TradeHandler.cpp
@@ -532,11 +532,13 @@ void WorldSession::HandleInitiateTradeOpcode(WorldPacket& recvPacket)

-    if (pOther->GetTeam() !=_player->GetTeam() )
+    //Monkey
+    if (!sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_INTERFACTION) && pOther->GetTeam() !=_player->GetTeam() )
+    //Monkey

    if (!pOther->IsWithinDistInMap(_player,10.0f,false))
diff --git a/src/game/World.cpp b/src/game/World.cpp
index 7811a95..a8db425 100644
--- a/src/game/World.cpp
+++ b/src/game/World.cpp
@@ -632,6 +632,14 @@ void World::LoadConfigSettings(bool reload)
    m_configs[CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_MAIL]    = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Mail",false);
    m_configs[CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_WHO_LIST]            = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AllowTwoSide.WhoList", false);
    m_configs[CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_ADD_FRIEND]          = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("AllowTwoSide.AddFriend", false);
+    //Monkey
+    m_configs[CONFIG_INTERFACTION]   = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("Interfaction", false);
+    if(m_configs[CONFIG_INTERFACTION]) {
+        sLog.outString( "Interfaction Allowed" );
+    }
+    //Monkey
    m_configs[CONFIG_STRICT_PLAYER_NAMES]                = sConfig.GetIntDefault ("StrictPlayerNames",  0);
    m_configs[CONFIG_STRICT_CHARTER_NAMES]               = sConfig.GetIntDefault ("StrictCharterNames", 0);
    m_configs[CONFIG_STRICT_PET_NAMES]                   = sConfig.GetIntDefault ("StrictPetNames",     0);
diff --git a/src/game/World.h b/src/game/World.h
index fd8fa61..1649e57 100644
--- a/src/game/World.h
+++ b/src/game/World.h
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ enum WorldConfigs
diff --git a/src/mangosd/mangosd.conf.dist.in b/src/mangosd/mangosd.conf.dist.in
index 6751cee..ba91902 100644
--- a/src/mangosd/mangosd.conf.dist.in
+++ b/src/mangosd/mangosd.conf.dist.in
@@ -784,6 +784,11 @@ Motd = "Welcome to the Massive Network Game Object Server."
#        Default: 0 (Not allowed)
#                 1 (Allowed)
+#    Interfaction
+#        Allow Group, Raid, Heal, Buff, and other between both factions
+#        Default: 0 (Not Allowed)
+#                 1 (Allowed)
#    TalentsInspecting
#        Allow other players see character talents in inspect dialog (Characters in Gamemaster mode can
#        inspect talents always)
@@ -801,6 +806,7 @@ AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction = 0
AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Mail = 0
AllowTwoSide.WhoList = 0
AllowTwoSide.AddFriend = 0
+Interfaction = 0
TalentsInspecting = 1


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+ if(target->getRace() == RACE_HUMAN)

+ *data << uint32(1);

+ else if(target->getRace() == RACE_ORC)

+ *data << uint32(2);

+ else if(target->getRace() == RACE_DWARF)

+ *data << uint32(3);

+ else if(target->getRace() == RACE_NIGHTELF)

+ *data << uint32(4);

+ else if(target->getRace() == RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER)

+ *data << uint32(5);

+ else if(target->getRace() == RACE_TAUREN)

+ *data << uint32(6);

+ else if(target->getRace() == RACE_GNOME)

+ *data << uint32(115);

+ else if(target->getRace() == RACE_TROLL)

+ *data << uint32(116);

+ else if(target->getRace() == RACE_BLOODELF)

+ *data << uint32(1610);

+ else if(target->getRace() == RACE_DRAENEI)

+ *data << uint32(1629);

Can't this be done as a switch? Ten "if(target->getRace() ==.....)" in a row has to be very inefficient.

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this isnt my original patch... i am still using the patches below and they work fine for me:

in this order:




1st commit is the original version, also posted here on the forum and modified by other people, 2nd commit adds some functionality i needed in a SD2 custom script (NPCs beeing shown as same faction as player), and the 3rd one fixes pets/totems of group members beeing shown as hostile.

hope this helped. if anyone feels like making a patch from this version.... do so.

EDIT: after recent core changes, here is a corrected version for a function used:

void Object::ForceValuesUpdateAtIndex(uint32 i)
   m_uint32Values_mirror[i] = GetUInt32Value(i) + 1; // makes server think the field changed
           m_objectUpdated = true;

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  • 5 months later...
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