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help: reset spells without removing mounts/companions

Guest putra

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i was wondering if there was a way or if anyone was willing to help with getting a patch created to reset spells without resetting a player's mounts and those vanity pets and possibly creating a command to reset a player's mounts/vanity pets as well

it gets a little frustrating to reset someone's spells (or even your own spells) and have to readd previously obtained mounts and/or vanity pets. looking at the code for the function called when removing spells via a reset it seems that this would be possible, especially if the spells have some flag on them letting you know that it's a companion to be put on the companion tab or a mount to be put on the mount tab instead of in the spellbook. any help in this would be greatly appreciated, even if it's one to push me in the correct direction for it.

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