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Timed Restarter?

Guest Veretos

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I was wondering if anyone has a script for time restarter for windows.

What I mean is an ability to set the restart time, and than MaNGOS would restart once the time expires. I am not sure if this possible but hey if anyone knows anything about this please post below :)

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Can't you do it so that you give long time to server shutdown, then have autorestarter and it'll bounce just back online after shutdown. If you mean you want to restart server like every night, you perhaps need to have some script taking RA connection and giving shutdown command. Or then use idle-restart from config, though that'll bite in own leg... or at least causes unneeded restarts if server is often empty.

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Hmm it doesn't seem to restart it. Opens mangos fine and realmd fine but than doesn't do anything after the restart time passes. I tried both shutting down and restart function and saving it through GUI.

My configs:

mangosd = mangosd.exe
mangosd = realmd.exe

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Hmm it doesn't seem to restart it. Opens mangos fine and realmd fine but than doesn't do anything after the restart time passes. I tried both shutting down and restart function and saving it through GUI.

My configs:

mangosd = mangosd.exe
mangosd = realmd.exe

second mangosd option should be "realmd"

Run(IniRead($ini, "main", "realmd", @ScriptDir & "\\realmd.exe"))

otherwise you overwrite your mangosd setting

and dont forget that you must set the full path to the files

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Hmm it doesn't seem to restart it. Opens mangos fine and realmd fine but than doesn't do anything after the restart time passes.

I think that you hide server windows before server restart, right? I forgot to set windows shown before shutdown server and i think that you problem in it.

Tested by myself - works fine. Download.

You don't need to provide the path if it's in the same folder from what I know.
Yes, you right.
second mangosd option should be "realmd"
Correct, it's my typo =/
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