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Possible cheaters ot something else?

Guest alein

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Sometime I get many error in console like this:

10:13:51 HandleMoveNotActiveMover: incorrect mover guid: mover is 00000000000134B5 and should be 00000000000134B5 instead of 79029
10:14:00 HandleMoveNotActiveMover: incorrect mover guid: mover is 0000000000007D56 and should be 0000000000007D56 instead of 32086
10:14:00 HandleMoveNotActiveMover: incorrect mover guid: mover is 0000000000010C0E and should be 0000000000010C0E instead of 68622
10:14:01 HandleMoveNotActiveMover: incorrect mover guid: mover is 0000000000001B0A and should be 0000000000001B0A instead of 6922
10:14:01 HandleMoveNotActiveMover: incorrect mover guid: mover is 0000000000007CD6 and should be 0000000000007CD6 instead of 31958

Is this related with fly/tele hacks/cheat soft.

My point is: Can I make core modification to print guid of this "guid: mover"?

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Your log will be created in MovementHandler.cpp

void WorldSession::HandleMoveNotActiveMover(WorldPacket &recv_data)
   sLog.outDebug("WORLD: Recvd CMSG_MOVE_NOT_ACTIVE_MOVER");

   uint64 old_mover_guid;


   if(_player->m_mover->GetGUID() == old_mover_guid)
       sLog.outError("HandleMoveNotActiveMover: incorrect mover guid: mover is " I64FMT " and should be " I64FMT " instead of " UI64FMTD, _player->m_mover->GetGUID(), _player->GetGUID(), old_mover_guid);
       recv_data.rpos(recv_data.wpos());                   // prevent warnings spam

   MovementInfo mi;
   mi.guid = old_mover_guid;
   ReadMovementInfo(recv_data, &mi);

   _player->m_movementInfo = mi;

and for me it seems that there is some not working Mind Control


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Try it

-        sLog.outError("HandleMoveNotActiveMover: incorrect mover guid: mover is " I64FMT " and should be " I64FMT " instead of " I64FMT, _player->m_mover->GetGUID(), _player->GetGUID(), old_mover_guid);
+        sLog.outError("HandleMoveNotActiveMover: incorrect mover guid: mover is " I64FMT " (%u) and should be " I64FMT "(%u) instead of " I64FMT "(%u)",
+            _player->m_mover->GetGUID(),  _player->m_mover->GetGUIDLow(), _player->GetGUID(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), old_mover_guid, GUID_LOPART(old_mover_guid));

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