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Mangos on Windows slow performance

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How about mtmaps?


I was waching this topic http://getmangos.eu/community/showthread.php?10674-Increasing-Mangos-Stability and somethings look just old, i could not find a mtmaps that works and all those fixes looks like was fixed already in src the only thing that i used was the config settings and the Increase stack size (windows)..

Can give us a tip of mtmaps?

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  • 40 years later...

I didn't find if this was asked before so i taken the interest in asking my self .

Is mangos slow on performance drastically over a *nix os ? Why do i ask that is because i tested it before . The hardware performance was no issue also the internet connection is very good . While i was using linux (ubuntu server) at ~100 players i didn't have any latency isue , almost all the players had under 15 ms latency (very good isp and peer) . While i was using windows the players still had under 15 ms latency but experienced "delay" issues . This is definetly something "wrong" i could say . So the next question it will be : Is anyone else noticed this difference ?

Sorry for small text wrong english is not my primary language and thank to all who will answer , is in the interest of more peoples not just me .

P.S. Doesn't matter the rev i used or other conf combinations .

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With about ~250 users online on our windows server we generally see no lag or "delay" issues and server load is usually at about 10% ~ 15% CPU usage, so no, can't say this sounds familiar. There's a few lagspikes just after startup, not sure what causes them, but after half an hour or so they usually go away and we generally don't restart more than once a week anyway, so it's not a problem for us.

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No you have not done anything wrong, we have about 300 something "testers" under windows, and about 20 revs back it was fine, but now everything is slow and delayed.

Im switching to Linux now because of it, and on another note windows + 290 "testers" or more will cause continuous lag spikes, and has been a known problem on windows.

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Possibly performance degraded with newer releases? We still use the 0.12 version of 8719 (tweaked for stability, see sticky in this section) in combination with MySQL5.1 community edition on windows server 2003 R2. Dual xeons and 4Gb of ram, though as said, we're rarely above ~15% CPU load and with grid unload active usually between 1Gb and 2Gb of total memory usage.

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