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[9310] Error when starting...

Auntie Mangos

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  • 40 years later...

I have a question about an error generated after loading an account:

2010-02-10 18:38:27 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
2010-02-10 18:40:30 ERROR:WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (version mismatch).
2010-02-10 19:02:54 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
2010-02-10 19:06:48 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
2010-02-10 19:07:42 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
2010-02-10 19:10:38 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
2010-02-10 19:11:02 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
2010-02-10 19:11:02 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PARTY_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x0371)
2010-02-10 19:11:03 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
2010-02-10 19:11:03 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PARTY_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x0371)
2010-02-10 19:11:04 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
2010-02-10 19:11:04 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PARTY_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x0371)
2010-02-10 19:11:32 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
2010-02-10 19:12:38 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)

Referred to these error messages and if possible fix, I recently updated my project.

Thank you very much.

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