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[9620] Restricted Flight Area over Dalaran

Guest Ceris

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core: [9620]

udb: 388

ACID: 3.0.3

How it should work: When you leave Dalaran, you should not get restricted flight area debuff. You should get this debuff only when you enter Dalaran

How it works now: When you leave Dalaran, you will get restricted flight area debuff, so leaving Dalaran on fly mounts is impossible

How to reproduce:

Go on Krasus Landing in dalaran, wait until restricted flight area debuff fades from you, then cast fly mount and try to fly from Dalaran. When you exit Dalaran, you will get restricted flight area debuff, then you will lose your fly mount and will be send on a very long slow fall which will result in your death.

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You sure this is mangos side? It might be from udb 388

I am using ytdb 540 and I don't have this problem?

there was something in ytdb 538 that made this happen but I removed it so everything is fine now

you just don't get the restricted flight area debuff now lol

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