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[9619] 4 spells related to 4 horsemen event (Naxxramas)

Guest przemratajczak

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4 horsemen marks





has to trigger damage aura with dmg related to amount of stacks present on aura target. I wrote code below, but when 2nd and next stacks apply server does not pass through Aura::HandleAuraDummy (it is executed only once, at initial stack apply). Don't know where to relocate this code to make it working :/

diff --git a/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp b/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp
index f887f6b..b0425c7 100644
--- a/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp
+++ b/src/game/SpellAuras.cpp
@@ -2390,6 +2390,33 @@ void Aura::HandleAuraDummy(bool apply, bool Real)
                        if (Unit* caster = GetCaster())
                            caster->CastSpell(caster, 13138, true, NULL, this);
+                    case 28832:                             // Mark of Korth'azz
+                    case 28833:                             // Mark of Blaumeux
+                    case 28834:                             // Mark of Rivendare
+                    case 28835:                             // Mark of Zeliek
+                    {
+                         Aura* aur = m_target->GetAura(GetId(), EFFECT_INDEX_0);
+                         if (!aur)
+                             return;
+                         uint8 stacks = aur->GetStackAmount();
+                         int32 damage = 0;
+                         if (stacks == 1)
+                            damage = 500;
+                         else if (stacks == 2)
+                            damage = 1500;
+                         else if (stacks == 3)
+                            damage = 4000;
+                         else if (stacks == 4)
+                            damage = 12500;
+                         else if (stacks > 4)
+                            damage = 20000 + 1000 * (stacks - 5);
+                         if (Unit* caster = GetCaster())
+                              caster->CastCustomSpell(m_target, 28836, &damage, NULL, NULL, true, NULL, this, caster->GetGUID());
+                         return;
+                    }
                    case 39850:                             // Rocket Blast
                        if (roll_chance_i(20))              // backfire stun
                            m_target->CastSpell(m_target, 51581, true, NULL, this);


Arrai pointed that problem is related to

       if (amount!=m_modifier.m_amount)
           ApplyModifier(false, true);
           m_modifier.m_amount = amount;
           ApplyModifier(true, true);

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